Why? How Come?

Will Never Forget

"Hehe, arraso. Goodnight Kevin~ Mwah!" Mia did the same


Narrator's POV


Mia woke up just on time to get ready and wait for Kevin to come and pick her up. Mia heard the doorbell ring and then she went to check if it was Kevin. And it was. She happily opened the door and her expression was really happy. As for Kevin, he just had a slight smile plastered on his face


"You're here! I'm ready!" Mia said and locked onto Kevin's arm. "Great. Kaja" he simply said. Mia kinda thought that there was something wrong with him, but she just carried on about what they were doing. "So, where should we go first?" she asked. "I don't know. You pick" Kevin said. "I asked you Kevin, you're the one who's suppose to answer my question" Mia said. "Wanna go to the beach first?" he asked. "Okay!" she said and they walked to the beach


Once they got there, they both saw couples sitting on benches or walking on the side of the shore. But Mia, spotted the ice cream shop. "Ooo! Kevin! Let's go get some ice cream" she said excitedly. "Sure" Kevin answered. They both ordered their favorite ice cream and they sat on a bench and started eating


"Mmm, isn't it good?" Mia asked as she her lips. "Mhmm" he said plainly. Suddenly, when Kevin started to eat his ice cream, he started to cough real bad. He turned around not facing Mia and coughed and coughed. "Kevin! Be careful!" she said as she patted his back. Kevin looked at his palm and saw blood. He quickly stood up and went to get tissues


*No...she can't know...* Kevin thought as he got some tissues from the ice cream shop. He quickly wiped the blood off his hand and wiped some blood off his lips. Then Mia was coming towards him and Kevin quickly threw the tissue in the trash can. "Kevin ah, you scared me there. Gwenchana?" she asked worriedly. "Gwenchana, gwenchana" Kevin said calming Mia down. "No, we have to make sure you're okay. Let's go to the hospital" she said reassuringly. "Ani! I'm okay Mia. Trust me" he said and looked into her eyes. "Fine" Mia said


They both sat back down on the bench, then Kevin gave his ice cream to her. "Can you finish this up for me?" he asked. "You're not gonna eat it?" she asked. "Ani. I'm full" Kevin said. "So you want me to be the fat one?" Mia asked jokingly. "Haha, aniyo. Okay then, I'll throw it out then" he said and threw his ice cream out. "That was a waste of ice cream" she said. "Well you didn't want to get fat!" he said loudly and Mia giggled


Mia finished her ice cream and they walked along the side of the shore while holding hands. The sun shined brightly on them like they were the stars of this place. "Wah! The sun's so beautiful" Mia said happily. Kevin looked at how happy Mia was, it made him feel bad because he knew that he's not going to be with her for long


"Why are you looking at me like that?" she suddenly asked as Kevin shot back to reality. "You just look really beautiful under the sunlight" he said and it made her smile real brightly. "Hehe, you and your sweet talks again" she giggled. Mia and Kevin have been walking for almost 15 minutes, then Kevin asked, "Wanna go to the park now?" "Yeah! Let's go!" Mia said and started to run while Kevin watched in joy, also in sorrow


Kevin eventually caught up with Mia, they both walked to the park and saw many little children playing on the playground. He caught her smiling and kissed her on her cheek. "Yah! What was that for?" she said in surprise. "Just a little gift" Kevin simply said and smirked. "What for?" Mia asked. "For being a good girlfriend" he said. Mia blushed and walked to a nearby bench and sat down


"Hm, do you think there's always going to be a bench wherever we go?" Kevin asked. "Hm, maybe" Mia said. She watched the kids having fun as the children were playing tag and hide and go seek. "You wanna join?" he suddenly asked. "Huh? What are you talking about?" she asked. "It seems like you want to join those kids. I don't mind if you do, I'll watch" Kevin said. "Okay!" Mia said excitedly and went to join the children


She was having fun playing tag with them. Kevin watched happily and smiled. But in his mind, he knows he has to go soon, very soon. He was very sad that he will leave, nothing could stop him. Then Mia came up to him and dragged him to play, and Kevin went along with it. Kevin was trying to catch the children and Mia. He was making monster sounds and all of the kids including Mia were screaming and laughing


After the game of tag. Mia and Kevin said goodbye to the children. " *sigh* It would be amazing to have kids like them" Mia sighed. Next, Kevin and Mia walked to a place where the Seoul view was. Mia thought it was a gorgeous sight, she couldn't stop looking at it. "How did you know that we could se the view of Seoul here?" she asked. "Research" Kevin said and smiled


Both of them enjoyed the sight of the beautiful night. After a hour, it was already 8 o'clock. "Kevin ah, we should go now. It's getting late" Mia said. "But, I want to spend some more time with you" Kevin said and faced her. "We can spend a lot of times together. We will forever" she said


The word forever made Kevin's heart skip a beat. He already knew he couldn't be with her forever. *I wish I could be with you forever...but I know I can't* Kevin thought. "Mia, please. Can we stay here a little longer?" he begged. "Okay, okay. Hehe" she giggled. They both stayed there looking at the view and it seemed that the time flew by really fast, cause it was already 9:00 pm


"Kevin ah, it's already 9:00pm, let's go now" Mia said. Kevin nodded and they started to walk back to her house. They walked while holding hands, when they reached Mia's house, Kevin didn't want to let go. He wanted to stay with her, but he knew he couldn't. "Kevin, I'm here" Mia said. "Do you not want to see me anymore?" he asked. "Of course not. We'll see each other tomorrow, right?" she said but Kevin didn't say anything


"I'm gonna go inside now. Goodnight Kevin" Mia said and turned towards the door but then Kevin turned her back around and kissed her deeply, not letting go. Mia released and smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow, arraso?" she said and waved goodbye. Their hands departed, Kevin didn't want that to happen, he wanted to be with her more, feeling her touch, cause he knows, he wouldn't be able to do that anymore




Mia woke up and decided to go to Kevin's house to see him. When she was already there, she rung the doorbell and his sister answered. "Annyeong Deanna! Where's Kevin?" she asked happily. Deanna's face expression looked down, looked sad and Mia knew


"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Mia asked nervously. "Mia, come in" Deanna said. When she came in, they headed upstairs, and then they went to Kevin's room. "Oh, he's not here. Must be working" Mia said. 'Mia, Kevin told me to give you this" she said and handed her an envelope. Mia had a confused look and then she opened the letter, and she read it


"Dear Mia, my loving, sweet Mia

When you read this, I'm already in heaven. I didn't want to tell you this until I was gone. I have cancer, the doctor said that it's something that cannot be rescued. I only had a few days left to live. Today's my last, that's why I wanted to be with you yesterday. I just wanted to let you know, that I love you. I really really love you. You don't know how much I do. When I met you, you shined brightly through my eyes, and I knew that you were the one. I had a great time with you all these years, and I will seriously miss you, and I know you would too. Please, don't cry because I'm gone, I don't want to see you being sad when I'm up there. But, I will always be by your side. I love you Mia

Love you forever, Kevin"


Mia's tears were already flowing down like a river. Deanna hugged and comforted Mia and they both sat down on Kevin's bed. "No wonder why he wouldn't let go of me. He wanted to stay with me before he left" Mia said in between sobs. Deanna, who was also crying said, "Mia, don't be like this. Didn't you read what Kevin wrote? He didn't want to see you being sad" "Why are these things happening to me? I keep on losing my love ones. First I lost my parents, now Kevin. WAE?! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!" she freaked out and had a tantrum and couldn't control herself, Deanna was trying to hold onto Mia 


"MIA! Stop! Kevin doesn't like it when he see's you like this. Mia, please" she tried to calm Mia. Mia looked up and walked over to one of Kevin's pictures. She touched his face as another tear fell. "Deanna, can I stay here from now on? Can I move here?" Mia asked. "Of course you can Mia" Deanna said


"Kevin..." Mia mumbled




Mia moved to Kevin's house and lived in Kevin's room. She was having another depression and she wouldn't eat nor come out of the room. She would always stay in the room looking at Kevin's stuff and pictures. All she did in the house was stay in the room, go to shower, and if she wanted to, she would drink a bit of water


Many people tried to help Mia get rid of her depression, Deanna and her mom even invited a therapist over and tried to help Mia but that didn't help. Someone knocked on Mia's door and Mia slowly mumbled, "Come in" Deanna and her mom came in with a glass of water and some food. "Mia-ssi. Drink some water and eat something. Look how skinny you are, Kevin wouldn't like it when he see's you like this" Mrs. Woo said


Mia grabbed the chopsticks and took little bites out of the food and drank some water. While she was eating, tears started to fall and she was crying. Deanna took the chopsticks from Mia's hand and sat beside her and hugged her. "Mia, everything's going to be okay. Please, do this for Kevin, do this for your own health. "Kevin" Mia sobbed


These past few months, Mia hasn't been improving from her depression. She loves Kevin and her parents real much, but unfortunately, they died. But in heaven, her parents and Kevin are sobbing too, because of how Mia is acting right now


I seriously apologize for such a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG story! I just couldn't find a way to shorten it *bows* 

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I'm crying right now.... Wae why did he have to dieeee~ nooooooooo!!!
ok...i am ACTUALLY FOR REAL CRYING RIGHT NOW...WAE??? WAEWAEWAEWAEWAE??? sadness...i hope my mom doesnt see me crying...ok good she didn't XD so...SAD!!! but it was really good XD
MyCuteBunny #3
;A; I'm still crying.... /sobs/