Phone Call

Phone Call






"Hey, Yoona. Haven't talked to you in a long time."




"Listen, I heard the news.. about what happened at the end of the concert. And I know how mad you all are at me. You must be fuming. But I"


"What do you want, Sooyeon?"


*softly chuckles* "What, no "-eonni" anymore?"


"..Just get to the point."






"..Take care of Steph for me, okay? She might act all strong and okay but we all know how good at hiding she is. How much pain she can hide without anybody knowing. So, please, look out for her, yeah?"


"You didn't even have to call for that. I'm taking care of her better than you can."


"I know. It's just--"


"I'm exhausted. It's been a long night. Is that all?"


"..uhm, yes."




"..I miss you guys."


"Good bye, Sica-eonni. I hope you're happy with the path you've chosen."

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