
Do you love me?
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The tall man walked passed the secretary desk absentmindedly while holding a cup of hot coffee. He heard a soft greeting but he ignored it since his secretary was on a week leaves in conjuction of her wedding. He took few steps back, though, because it felt weird.


“Hey, what are you doing here?” Chanyeol smiled at the sight of his newlywed assistant.


“Working.” Chaewon let out a laugh while showing him the folder in her hand.


“Why?” Chanyeol frowned. “Is everything alright at home?”


“Everything is okay at home. I just got bored since my husband has to go to work.” Her eyes focused on the reports on the table. “Why are you so early today? You don't have anything until 3 today.”


“I left my cell phone in the office actually. Do you want to have lunch together?” Chanyeol offered.


“Isn't it too early to have lunch?” Chaewon glanced on the watch on her wrist. “You don't have anything to do until 3 but I actually have a lot of things to do.” She jokingly said.


“I’m the boss here. Your first task today is to have lunch with me.” Chanyeol grinned and  shrugged like it could not be helped. “I'll give you thirty minutes to finish whatever you're doing.”


“Yes, sir.” Chaewon playfully saluted at her employer.


Chaewon was smiling to Chanyeol who was animatedly talking about how he drunk texting his ex-girlfriend last night. It crossed her mind to ask Chanyeol about Nara but she was afraid she would get hurt by the truth. It was better for her to not know too much.


Her smile faded when Chanyeol raised his hand to wave at someone, “Here!” She looked down guiltily.


Baekhyun also lost his smile when he saw his wife sitting next to Chanyeol in the cafe, slowly frowning. When he left the house that morning, Chaewon did not tell him she was going anywhere. In fact, she gave him cold shoulders for no reason. She had prepared his breakfast but avoided his touch and disinterestedly answered his question with simple 'yes’ and 'no’.


Baekhyun sat in front of her, eyes intensely looking at her face. “Why are you here?” He purposely rested his feet with her feet in between.


“Work.” Chaewon played with the napkin on the table.


“Isn't she on leave?” Baekhyun directed the question to Chanyeol. Sensing that something was wrong, Chanyeol let out a laugh.


“I told her to come to work urgently this morning. There's something important I need her to do. Do you want to order?” Chanyeol placed the menu in front of Baekhyun.


“Why didn't you tell me anything?” This time, he directed the question to his wife. Chaewon stayed silent. “You should at least--”


“I think I need to go to the restroom.” Chanyeol excused himself. He had no rights to say anything and they were too intense that he got scared.


“Why did not you tell me anything? You should have texted or called me. It's not like I forbid your from going anywhere.” Still no answer from her. She busied herself with the menu. “Chaewon.”


“I'm sorry.” Chaewon warily looked up, nose and cheeks flushed red.


“Hey,” His pupils shook at the sight of his scared wife, “Why are you sorry? Are you going to cry?”


“No.” She eventually cried.


“Oh, baby…” Baekhyun went to her and hugged her head to his chest. Chaewon hid her face in his protective arms.  “Darling, why are you sad? Sorry. I was not scolding you. I just tried to sound strict. Did I scare you? Oh, I am so sorry. Please don't cry.” Baekhyun caressed her head while reaching for a tissue from the table.


“Hush now, baby. Let's wipe your tears before Chanyeol comes back. Your boss is going to sue my under Employees Protection Acts.”


Chaewon slapped his chest. Baekhyun chuckled when he saw her pouty lips. “Let's talk about this later, yeah?” He pecked her lips. “Okay, your boss is coming. I better go back to my seat before he sues me for ual harassment.”


“No one is going to sue you.” Chaewon smiled while w

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K-lover-ssi #1
Chapter 4: Update author-nim????please
Chapter 4: Does Nara not remember what she said when she was drunk?
Chapter 3: Awww, Chaewonnie! That Nara is just trying to steal what you have! Don't listen to her nonsense!
Chapter 2: Ah, poor Chaewon. I know that feeling.
baekedgoods #5
Chapter 4: Nara is such a b*tch. My blood boils just thinking about what she did. Chaewon go get your man!!
Jtiwinn #6
Chapter 4: Nara needs to go!! She's crazy!!
Chapter 4: wtf nara did wrong and thinks she didnt do anything ? she is sick wtf she gonna be pain in the hope baekhyun and chaewon talk it out and trust eachother
shiningrubygirl #8
Chapter 4: New subscriber here. What the hell is wrong with Nara??? She's the one who constantly hurt Chaewon and suddenly she play the victim here? I can't understand what wrong with her. What a desperate woman. I hope she will be out of Baekhyun and Chaewon live forever. Anyway, I'm happy that Baekhyun seems to connect the dots very well and to stand up for Chaewon really make me proud.
Chapter 4: What is wrong with Nara... she seems almost delusional? She's been awful to Chaewon... and I'm happy to see Baek stand against her ><
Chapter 3: im literally about to fight baekhyun and nara omg. i just want oc to be happy ;-;