Merry Christmas, I love you

Christmas in LA
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A/n: Hi all, Merry Christmas. I wanted to write some Jeti for Christmas as I love them and they were my first kpop otp so they’re always going to be special to me in some form or another. This is basically married Jeti having Christmas in California where they are both originally from. Only there’s no snow for the special day and maybe Jessica finds a way to bring snow to her wife. Enjoy


Sponsor mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, 112714, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, captainsnsd, User_name1200, Androsssss, hiraiim-trash, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Seosunny, cwright01, kingdomcomes, sleepyhead, Jewster88, InformedPuppy, Fladoodlem8, ericakate, Ody1204, dga214, pinkpinkypin, Moonstunt, SleepyRu,  victoriatrrsx, Cheorrybat, Sarcasaticree, pokjl-123, Shouto818, PandaExpress69, j33200, shinneay, dmac20, Chan_94, Normallyotp, Tashphobic, NoJamDubu, kiyomamoo, justsomeanimelover, iamforeverlame, Mmm2392, Sapphicblink, CheezeeMyoui, aya_ah98, bangton, blazeaf, Supergirl, Lorna123, Revelsone, madam_mac, aya_ah98, Nyssa21, Icantstandtofly, Lelouch99, Kasey_1432, tay_84, and Mooncrush22. Thank you so much for being sponsors. ^^


The calendar may read December 22 with only a few more days before Christmas. But with the weather as warm as it is here in California with sunny days there was no telling it was soon to be Christmas. Well except for the obvious with decorations, lights, and everyone in a festive mood of sorts as they shop, attend parties, and prepare for the upcoming holiday. One couple in particular have started on their own Christmas here. The slightly taller of the two who is always prepared for any situation had started two weeks in advance. Had it not been for her there wouldn’t even be a tree up or decorations in their house.


“Jessi?” The dark-haired woman calls out to her wife who is lazing about on the couch with phone in hand. 


“Yeah?” The brunette nods to her wife without looking up from her phone. It’s often very hard to pry Jessica away from her phone. Most of the times she’s on it for work. But now Jung Jessica is supposed to be on a bit of a break from work at least until after the holidays. Tiffany shakes her head with a small laugh.


“Will you put your phone down. I need your help with something.”


Jessica doesn’t know what Tiffany needs her help. Her wife usually always has things like this under control. Granted, it’s their first Christmas in California as a married pair. But she knows how organized Tiffany is and always has been.


“Babe!” Tiffany asks in that semi whine that always makes Jessica turn to look at her. It’s damn effective and she turns to see Tiffany by the tree and holding some ornaments in her hand. Jessica puts her phone down and walks over to her.


“What is it?”


“Help me put these up.” 


Jessica looks to see it’s their specific ornaments that they each had custom made for the other. Tiffany’s is pink and has her name on it while Jessica’s is a white with her name on it. It had been a sweet gesture they surprised each other with and no matter what they try to have them for their tree. Wherever they might be for the Christmas. Jessica takes her own and puts it up on the tree with her wife making sure hers is as close as possible.


“See, was that so hard.” Tiffany teases and bumps her shoulder some. Jessica smiles some and bumps her shoulder back.


“It was a bit hard.”


“Oh, was it?” The dark-haired woman leans down to her lips to make it seem like she’s about to kiss her. Jessica whispers again that it was a bit of work.


“Is this work too?” Tiffany actually kisses her this time. Jessica wastes no time in kissing her back. There is nothing difficult about being kissed by Tiffany or kissing her other half. Jessica tries to wrap her arms around the slightly taller woman’s shoulders when Tiffany immediately stops the kiss. Jessica groans in annoyance and pushes her.


“You always do that!”


“I’m sorry, baby. Come here…” 


“No, stay with your tree. I’m going to sleep.”


“You always go to sleep, Jessi.”


Jessica says nothing but keeps on walking to their bedroom. Tiffany frowns for all of a few seconds before shouting out for her wife. Jessica ignores her anyway, which is one thing Tiffany absolutely hates.






“Jung Jessica!”


The calling of her full name doesn’t work either. Tiffany has to actually run after her wife and tackle the shorter woman into a hug. 


“Hey, stop!” Jessica pretends to complain and tries to move her wife’s arms around her. Tiffany hugged her tighter and plants many kisses on the side of her face. Jessica pushes her away.


“Wife….” Tiffany whispers huskily into the brunette’s ear knowing what it does to her other half. Jessica goes still in her arms and turns to look at her.


“I’m still going to bed.”


“Not without me you’re not. I want to go where you go.”


“Fine, we’re going to bed.”


“Now you’re talking, Jessi.”


“For sleep.”




Tiffany doesn’t necessarily mind if at this moment Jessica is serious about going to sleep. She knows how hard Jessica works and the holidays should be a good time for relaxation. Not to mention them simply using the time to reconnect. Tiffany has been busy with her own work. There have been times of missing one another for weeks at a time. The raven is glad for the holidays and looking forward to simply being with Jessica.



Immediately as they lay in bed Tiffany wraps her arms around her slightly shorter wife. Lazy days are much better with her other half.


“Are you glad we’re here in LA?” Tiffany asks with kisses to her neck. Jessica originally wanted them to move to her hometown of San Francisco. But Tiffany had already went house shopping and ended up with the perfect house here for them in LA. Jessica eventually came around too when her wife so sweetly reminded her that they are both from California, so it’s special they live here in their home state. Jessica eventually gave in and decided Tiffany was right. They are here in their home state with one another. 


“I’m glad to be with you, Tiff.”


“Me too, Jessi. You’re the person that I want to be with the most.”


“Me too…” Jessica remembers whispering softly before falling asleep completely. The brunette didn’t know for how long she was asleep but remembers waking up to soft and familiar pink lips. Jessica thinks she heard her wife say something else, only wasn’t sure of what the words were.


The following day is a time where the couple decides to go out Christmas shopping. Or in reality Tiffany wanted to go shopping and dragged Jessica with her. The shorter woman looked like she could kill her wife with the way she constantly glared at her. Tiffany would kiss her every now and then to try and appease Jessica. The brunette doesn’t look all that amused no matter how many soft kisses the taller woman gives to her. Although her kisses feel nice as usual.


“Tiff, did we have to go out shopping with just a few days before Christmas?”


“I’m sorry, babe. I just wanted us to be able to get out of the house a bit.” 


Jessica isn’t sure that she believes her wife. She also isn’t thrilled to be out here in chaos with last minute shoppers trying to find last minute gifts for their family and friends. The brunette knows if someone pushes her one more time there will be hell to pay. Tiffany is off looking at something and a part of Jessica wants to run out the door while she is still able. In fact, Jessica tries to do just that but barely makes it because Tiffany somehow spots her and shouts her name so loudly that the brunette stops immediately.


“Where are you trying to go, honey?”


“Nowhere,” Jessica mumbles. She supposes that she’ll have to wait around until Tiffany finishes. Jessica found herself a bench to sit and naturally fell asleep in a matter of minutes. Jessica didn’t know for how long she was asleep but soon enough she felt very soft touch of a familiar hand. Tiffany caresses her face and such a loving way that hazel eyes open to focus onto the raven standing over her.


“Tiff, are you done?” The shorter woman yawns out.


“Yeah, baby. I’m done, are you ready to go? I’ll treat for lunch.”


Jessica feels like the least Tiffany can do is treat her to food. Especially after putting her through such hell. Tiffany didn’t even buy anything, which does nothing but frustrate the hell out of poor Jessica. Of course anytime she wants to remind Tiffany that she dragged her out of bed for no reason. The raven is constantly meeting her lips for kisses. The kisses feel nice as they always do. Jessica nearly forgets she was angry and gets lost in the lips of her significant other. She finds that even if Tiffany does drive her absolutely crazy. She wouldn’t have it any other way. 


“This crazy woman is my wife and I love her.”


That night at home the couple use the time to FaceTime with everyone back in South Korea. They chat with Jessica’s mom and dad first. Tiffany has always appreciated the presence of her in-laws. Jessica’s mom has been like a mother to her even before dating and her eventually marrying Jessica. Her mother-in-law never once tried to take the place of her own mother. But it felt like Tiffany had another mom and someone else to confide in. Jessica’s dad too become a father figure when her own wasn’t available to her. Jessica’s family had become her own even before getting married. The couple also talk to Jessica’s sister Soojung for awhile, as she is in NY for work, and they let her know they’ll need to meet up soon before all the holidays are over. Lastly, Tiffany does make it a habit to check in with her own siblings. Because even if her own relationship with her father is strained that doesn’t mean she won’t always be there for her brother and sister, or they won’t for her. But after all the calls come to an endTiffany sat in silence so long that Jessica was able to wrap her in a tight hug and kisses the back of her neck a few good times.


“Yeah, honey?” The dark-haired woman acknowledges.


“Where are you, Fany? You’re so quiet.”


“I’m just thinking how lucky I really am, to have you, and this family I’m apart of.”


Tiffany doesn’t have to say more for Jessica to understand. The two of them have always had this bond where they didn’t really need a lot of words to understand one another. Jessica also just understands why the topic of family would be particularly hard for her wife too. She has watched for years as Tiffany’s relationship with her father deteriorated and grew worse with time. Jessica did the best she could to support her girlfriend, turned fiancé, and eventual wife. She knew Tiffany was grateful to have her family that soon became her own, even more so when they did get married.


“Hey, we’re both pretty lucky.” Jessica tells her and moves to kiss her lips. Tiffany agrees and returns the kiss with the same amount of passion. She loves this woman very much and wants to focus on spending the best Christmas with Jessica, it’s nice that they’ll be together for it, this year.


“I’m happy we’re going to be together, Jessi. There have been times we couldn’t spend our holidays together and that’s why I’m glad that’s not the case this time.”


Jessica nods with a smile on her face. There have been times they couldn’t be together for the holidays, whether it was because they were on opposite sides of the world, separate work obligations keeping them apart, or other timing issues beyond their control. It’s another reason why this is very special to them both. They’re married and can be together this Christmas. Jessica knows she feels particularly grateful that she can be with her wife for the holidays.


“Hey, did you get enough sleep today?” Tiffany asks out of nowhere. Jessica gives her a curious look at the question.


“Yeah, why?”


The dark-haired woman smiles in a way that makes Jessica feel as if she probably might not like what will be said. 


“Well, I’m glad you got enough rest, baby. Because I would like for us to go out Christmas shopping.” Her wife smiles again, only this time with eyes forming those gorgeous crescent shapes that make Jessica feel weak in the knees. Tiffany always did have the sort of beautiful smile that lit up her face and make her feel helpless in ways, not that Jessica would simply tell her that. The brunette isn’t about to let her other half know she has that sort of power over her, although Jessica is sure Tiffany must know the kind of power she does have.


“Christmas shopping?” Jessica repeats in a deadpan voice that has Tiffany laughing at her expression. 


“Yes,” She nods and touches her cheeks. “It’ll be fun, plus we can walk around, see the sights, get some hot chocolate, all the stuff couples do together around this time.”


“Hot chocolate in this weather.” Jessica doesn’t actually voice this, but sees how genuinely excited Tiffany is about going out and experiencing Christmas shopping together, plus it might not be too bad. Jessica does enjoy shopping, even if her mind is telling her that this could possibly go horribly, since it’s just days before Christmas. Still, she is a woman in love with her wife, and as such, Jessica knows she’s going to be doing whatever it takes for her wife.


“Sure, Tiff, we can go out tomorrow. I still need to buy your gift anyway.” She teases and watches as the smile fades from Tiffany’s face.


“You didn’t get my gift yet!”


Jessica laughs out loud and shakes her head in the negative. “Nope, I have nothing, so this is a perfect opportunity to get you a gift, honey.”


“You better be kidding, Jung Jessica.”


Jessica laughs again and dodges an incoming pillow. “Well, now you don’t know if I’m kidding or not.”


Tiffany huffs in annoyance and soon laughs too. She is mostly sure that Jessica is messing with her. Tiffany settles down beside her in bed once more and Jessica wraps both arms around her waist.


“Better now after you threw the pillow at me?”


“Yes, but you didn’t get hit anyway.” Tiffany leaves a kiss against her cheek. “I’m sorry.” she does apologize. 


“It’s okay, Tiff. I love you.”


“I love you more.”


It doesn’t take long before the pair are drifting off to sleep in one another’s arms. As much as Jessica does enjoy her sleep, as the woman can sleep practically anywhere, any place, no matter what. However, the best place to sleep for Jessica is right here with Tiffany. No place will ever feel quite as perfect as being beside the woman she has always loved. Jessica may get teased by her wife that she can fall asleep anywhere, but it’s true that the most satisfying place to fall asleep for her is next to Tiffany. With that being said, being woken up by her wife may or may not be one of the not so satisfying parts of their marriage, as sometimes it can be nice. Tiffany will wake her up with kisses that are so sweet that Jessica finds she doesn’t want for them to end. But, then there are times where she is woken up in a different manner. There are times Jung Jessica wakes up and wonders why in the world she married this woman, times like this morning.


“Jessi, wake up.” Tiffany shakes her in a not so gentle manner. 


“Ten more minutes, Tiff.” The brunette complains with eyes closed.


The dark-haired woman sighs. “That’s what you said ten minutes ago, sweetie. If you don’t wake up soon, you’re going to make me resort to drastic measures.”


Jessica doesn’t really make any movements. She really just needs at least ten more minutes of sleep, as that’s not too much to ask. Surely, her wife can understand that she needs a bit more sleep. Tiffany looks down at her and knows she’s going to have to resort to those drastic measures. If she lets Jessica get ten more minutes it will turn into an hour, and then another, followed by another hour, and before they know it the entire day will be gone. They can’t afford to let the whole day go by, not when they already agreed to Christmas shopping.


“Sweetie, if you don’t get up nicely for me, I will just bring the cucumbers. Please don’t make me bring the cucumbers, you know that I will if I have to.”


It works like a charm, because if there’s one thing Jessica hates it’s cucumbers. Tiffany laughs at how quickly the brunette gets out of bed. Jessica doesn’t even look but so tired anymore, and it’s kind of funny to see her scream about cucumbers and how she questions their marriage all in one breath. 


“I’m sorry,” Tiffany can be heard laughing, not sounding very sorry at all.


“No, you’re not!”


“No, really I am, but we do need to get a head start, Jessi. I want us to go shopping, see the sights, spend some time together, maybe even have lunch too at least.”

Naturally, Jessica hears her and even if she was upset, how could she stay that way. All she hears is Tiffany wanting to spend time with her. She wants the same thing, no matter how much she knows going out for Christmas shopping might be the worst possible thing they could do with only a few more days left before the day. 


“You’re lucky I love you.” The brunett

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Chapter 1: Wow, why am I crying? This was so cute from the very beginning till the very end, I love jeti so much. Thank you for writing this! Happy late holidays author-nim!!!
Aww..this is such a belated merry christmas for me kkk i happen to read this a bit late since our internet connection was just fixed yesterday..i actually celebrated a disastrous xmas because of a typhoon..That was just so sad..but reading all these new jeti fics can make up for such a sorrowful xmas..kkk this was too’s such a loving and caring wife and jessica’s such a thoughtful wife .they were indeed lucky to have each other!!
Anyways, this gives me a nostalgic feeling because of JeTi’s first snows ㅠㅠ for me first snow would always be about jeti <3
Chapter 1: It feels really real..the personality is indeed Jessica..and i miss seeing them together (╥﹏╥)
Chapter 1: Jessica is so sweet aww
Chapter 1: This is so nice and sweet. Jessica is awesome....^^
sleepyhead #6
Chapter 1: Awwww jeti! Merry Christmas! Thank you for this~