Chapter 12

Indecent Proposal

Jongin and Kyungsoo arrived at the Amusement Park.

"Here we go Mr. Do."

"Kim Jongin why do you still call me Mr. Do, I told you before to drop the formalities."

"It's just cute you know just like the owner of the name."

Kyungsoo' s face slowly turned red again.

"Kim Jongin you're lucky you brought me here in Everland."

"Why Mr.Do?"

"I actually have exactly 2 free tickets to Everland from my company. It perfectly fit the two of us."

Kim Jongin then went from a happy bear to a sad and grumpy bear again.

"Yah Kim Jongin why the sudden shift of expression aren't you happy?"

"Mr. Do i told myself that I would treat you today. But now, from our food to the tickets I just feel bad. I wanted to make you feel like you are special and happy."

"Kim Jongin no need to be sorry. As long as you are with me and you are happy, I am happy too. Being here with you in an amusement park is a special day for me. Ok?"

Hearing those words, Jongin's sad face turned back to his normal and happy face.

Jongin and Kyungsoo entered the Amusement Park.


"Mr. Do let's ride first the carousell."

"Kim Jongin, that's for kids."

"But it's fun."

Kyungsoo then made an ok sign with a smiling face.

"Ok you cute little bear." 🐻 

"But I ain't little Mr. Do you saw it already."

"Stop Jongin you dirty bear."

"Mr. Do teasing you is my hobby. You look cute when your face turns red."

"Yah Kim Jongin stop let's ride the carousell now."

The two rode beside each other. While the ride started Kim Jongin suddenly burst out of excitement. Kyungsoo just can't stop looking at Jongin. To Kyungsoo, the carousell's lights are bright but nothing compares to Jongin. Jongin shines brighter than anything for Kyungsoo. 

"I would die to see those beautiful smile of yours Kim Jongin. That smile it's perfect." Kyungsoo uttered to himself so softly even Kyungsoo himself wasn't able to hear.


"Mr. Do I was so happy when we rode the carousell."

" Kim Jongin you really love that ride didn't you."

"Yes actually it is my favorite, my mother would usually ride with me in a carousell before. It brings back memories. Bittersweet memories."


"Mr.Do let's try those extreme rides."

Jongin grabbed Kyungsoo's hand and dragged him to the line for the roller coaster.

"Kim Jongin seriously I'm scared of roller coasters."

"Mr. Do awhile ago you're complaining of rides that are for kids now you're complaining of a ride for adults."

"It's just"

Jongin pouted and looked at Kyungsoo as if he's begging for something.


"Wahhhh I'm so excited Mr.Do."


Kyungsoo never rode a rollercoaster before. 

"Kim Jongin I'm scared it's going up so high."

"Mr. Do just look at me and I promise you, you wouldn't be scared anymore. I'll hold your hand I promise. Just like how I would hold onto you."

"Yah Kim Jongin stop being chee....."

Before Kyungsoo can finish his word the roller coaster dropped faster than Kyungsoo expected. 

"Jongin I'm scared."

"Mr. Do don't close your eyes you'll be more scared open your eyes and just look at me. See I'm holding your hand oh so thight."

Kyungsoo opeed his eyes and conctrated his gaze at Jongin. Suddenly he felt more relaxed. What Kyungsoo didn't expect was when Jongin kissed his hands.

"Mr Do your hand is so soft it's perfect. It fits my hand. See!


"Kim Jongin. Thank you."

"For what Mr.Do?"

"For teaching me how to trust again."

"Mr. Do?"

"Yes Jongin?"

"Just like how I hold onto you awhile ago. Please hold onto me also. Please?"

"Yes Kim Jongin I promise."

"Kim Jongin buy me that cotton candy."

"Really Mr. Do? You want me to buy something for you?"

"Why Jongin? You can say if you don't want to."

"No Mr. Do. I'm happy."


"Because finally I'll be able to buy you something today."

"You silly let's go."


"Mr. Do thank you for joining me today this would be one of the best days of my life."

"Same for me Jongin."





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Hi I’m back I think I can now finish this story. Last 4 chapters!


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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 13: Welcom back dear... i miss this story hehe and happy new year.. and congrats!

As for the story, Suho suddenly came back... i think there'll be some angst hehe
Hello!!! My heavens I know that I don't know you and have no right to say this but CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Getting your licensure is a challenge at best, so I am SO proud of you!! I just discovered this story and am a talkative reader, so soon I will be reading and responding. I am a HUGE OT12 and KaiSoo fan!!!
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 12: Mr Do and Kim Jongin as being formal and so childish are adorable hehe.. love them...
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 11: Jongin is so formal mr Do hahaha
Chapter 12: This is so cute~! I like it!
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 10: And thanks for the update dear...
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 10: Kim Jongin is so persistent to win M Doh Kyungsoo hehehe
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 9: Awww Jongin is so cheesy haha. But i like it. Hope to hear from you soon authornim hahaha
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 7: Good to know that they dodnt jump right into "it" haha