daddy confirmed.


just need a little enjoyment in this community.



wow, it's been a minute since i've written anything on this website. 

simply put, line has been boring lately and i just need some people to talk to. so hmu if you want to cure my boredom, aha.

listen to various types of music? recommend some to me.

watch animes and kdramas? let's bond over that.

just need someone to cure your ual desires? i can definitely help with that.

my fc is lee dong wook, and i know he may be older than most faceclaims, but i don't give a . i like to fc him because he can be flexible with roles. just say that words and i can be anything from a friendly neighborhood friend to an aloof sugar daddy. your choice.

so that's all. if you're interested, pm or comment your line id and i'll get in touch with you.


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starlust98 #1
Is this still open?
still open?
rideonme #3
line : muchomuchos
Line: s_deanbabycm
wekimekiss #5
line: pirimiri
Line: xtrem.lyasian