Nightmare Escape


You both ran as fast as you can and as far as your legs can carry you to. You could hear each other’s heavy panting and struggling to keep up with one another. Evading the hard, but it’s even harder when you’re defenseless with no useful weapons in sight.


“Don’t stop now, .” Mingi said in between deep breaths. He was clutching onto your hand really hard, causing to stagger behind him.


“Mingi, please slow down,” you gasped for air as your legs gave in.


“No, no, . We can’t stop, not right now.”


“I know! But I’m exhausted, my legs have exhaust themselves. Mingi, I’m sorry,” you panted as you leaned against the wall.


Right at that moment, a zombie closed in on you but Mingi managed to snap its neck. Turning to you, Mingi lifted you up and put your arm around his shoulder.


“Baby, you gotta walk. I can’t carry you all the way. You gotta try and walk. I know you’re tired, I know. But we have zombies on our tail and one nearly got you, so please, walk.”


With his urging, you pushed yourself to walk and that eased the burden on Mingi. You’ve been running for twenty minutes and at every turn, there were zombies. You were beginning to feel terrified… terrified of not making it out alive.


You both stopped midway with zombies coming in from all directions and Mingi was panting extremely hard as he frantically looked around.


“You good to make a run?” Mingi asked you, pulling you up again.


“I-I think so.”


“We’re nearly there. It’s now or never, .”


You looked up and saw how close the zombies were closing in on you. With every muscle in your body, you pushed yourself off the ground and ran with Mingi, to wherever he was bringing you to.


Once you were safe inside, Mingi blocked the entrance with shelves and cupboards. Retreating back, he jumped when the zombies began banging on the door.


“You think that’ll hold?” you asked weakly, panting deeply as you’ve ran out of energy.


“Hopefully. You’re out of energy and I can’t carry us both anymore,” Mingi muttered.


Within minutes, the banging stopped and you felt relieved. You closed your eyes and let your sore and exhausted body to rest. You were knocked out within seconds. Mingi glanced at you and started panicking, but relaxed when he saw your chest rising and falling.


“Guess the running really wore you out,” Mingi whispered, caressing your cheek. He planted a kiss on your forehead and began scouring for food.


As he went about looking for something edible to eat, he heard a scream.




He rushed over to you and saw a zombie about to take a bite out of you. He pulled the zombie away but it got a grip on Mingi’s arm. Right before it could bite into Mingi’s arm, you leapt forward and it bite into your shoulder instead.


“, NO!”


Mingi woke up with beads of sweat trickling down his forehead. He could feel the dampness of the bedsheet beneath him. He glanced around and turned to your side, only to find you missing. He jolted up and looked around the dark room.




He swallowed hard and called out for you again, but no answer. Pushing back the comforter, he slowly and quietly moved toward the door, only to jump at the sound of the thunder. The heavy rain just intensified his anxiety and he scowled in annoyance. Mingi could feel his heart palpitating because he was worried about you.


“. Baby, where are you?” The house was dark and the only sounds that can be heard are the rain, thunder and the sound of his breathing.


“. Come on, stop playing. Please come out,” Mingi called out as he walked slowly towards the living room. 


A thunder rolled in and Mingi let out a loud shriek.


“ing thunder! Dammit.”


Mingi was getting scared and worried. He turned to look at the clock, but because it was dark, he couldn’t see it clearly. He could make out a number 2AM, but he could be wrong. He heard a noise in the kitchen and Mingi was so terrified, he was trembling. He slowly inched towards the kitchen, only for your cat, Prince, to run past him and making him jump.


“Gah! I swear to God…” Mingi’s agitation grew and he was about to lose his head.


He lost it when you spoke.

“Mingi?” You came out of your study room, with your coffee cup in hand.


“ sake! I’ve had enough of this surprise attacks! God dammit!”


“Woah, calm down, tiger! What’s getting your in a twist?”


Mingi caught his breath and grabbed you by the arms and pulled your PJs apart.


“Mingi, what the hell!”


“Are you hurt? Did you get bitten?” 


Mingi was frantically analyzing your body, puzzling you completely.


“Mingi, stop. What’s going on with you?” you asked firmly.


“Did you get bitten? Are you bitten anywhere?” Mingi asked, looking at your shoulder again. You pulled away and glared at him.


“What are you on about?”


“I’m just making sure that you’re not injured or bitten,” Mingi muttered, scratching his head.


“What--” Realising what really happened, you giggled. “You’re such a wuss.”


Mingi looked like he was about to cry and you immediately pulled him into an embrace. You gently rubbed his soiled back and calmed him down. All the while still giggling.


“Stop giggling. It’s not funny,” Mingi mumbled in between his sobs. He tightened his embrace around you and your smile widened. No matter how silly he can be, you’ll always find fondness for him and adore him completely.


“It IS funny,” you exclaimed while giggling, caressing his back. You pulled back and wiped the tears off his face. “This is why you shouldn’t play Call of Duty in zombie mode late at night.”


Mingi pouted and sulked but you managed to pacify him with a gentle kiss.


“My love, let’s go back to bed, shall we?”


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