Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning

A muffled scream.


Another muffled scream.

Tiffany’s brows scrunched as she was slowly roused from her sleep by the noises her ears are picking up. She blinks her grogginess away as her eyes adjust to the light that surrounded the room.

Too bright...too early, she thinks.

There’s some bass sound occasionally coming from outside the room, but she can’t process what it is just yet. Perhaps it's the neighbor's workout music. She doesn’t even know what time it is so she stretches to the side and squints to read what the digital clock on her nightstand says.

8:05 AM



Her ears picks up on the bass sound again and she turned her head to face the other side of the bed. Empty.

That explains it, she internally sighs though she’s intrigued at where the owner of that side of the bed is.

“What are you up to so early in the morning?” She says to no one as she stares at the door, her brain still trying to boot up.

 A loud, unexpected “WAH!” pierced through the closed door and Tiffany’s protectiveness kicked in, she quickly sat up as she waited with bated breath for any movement or sound that could indicate an emergency.



She jumped out of bed and in quick strides, she opened the door to find out what’s happening.

“Taeyeon, are you o-“

She pauses and blinks at the sight in front of her, just as she thought her brain was already jumpstarted (in alarm!), the gears in her brain stopped turning as she settled on one feeling: confusion.

“Ah! Omo!”

Her attention slowly turns into the direction Taeyeon is looking at and she sees animated red and blue boxes moving towards Taeyeon’s direction as it was being sliced by light sabers as soon as it nears.

A game. She’s only playing a VR game.

“Ah!” That’s Taeyeon reacting to the boxes that are coming fast at her and what looks like a huge red wall.

She turns her attention back at the woman in the middle of the living room, wearing a VR headgear and controllers on her hands.

And here I thought you were in trouble. Tiffany internally chuckles as her brain was keeping up with what’s happening.

“Aish! How do I keep missing that?” The gamer woman complains, oblivious to her audience who was just adoringly staring at her but also sighing of relief.

She finally notices Tiffany when she pulled her VR headset off of her head and was about to set it on the table.

“Oh! You’re already up.”

Who wouldn’t be up when you were being noisy?  Tiffany thought sarcastically, though she doesn’t really mind, as she closes her eyes for a brief moment. She can’t believe she loves this clueless dork. She opens her eyes and gives Taeyeon a sleepy smile as she shortens the distance between them. “Good morning.”, she says huskily as she loosely rests her arms on Taeyeon’s shoulder and burying her face in her neck as soon as she was near.

Taeyeon’s arms automatically wraps around Tiffany’s waist, pulling her in. “Why are you up so early?” She asks the sleepy woman as she sways them a bit.

Tiffany fights the urge to snort. You woke me up, idiot. Instead, she just hums back, reveling in the warmth of Taeyeon early in the morning.

“Have you eaten breakfast?” Her voice was muffled since she was saying it to Taeyeon’s skin, but the shorter woman heard it loud and clear as it was said right below her ear.

“Not yet. Are you hungry?”

Tiffany pulls back from the morning hug. “Just a bit. I’ll make us breakfast.” She taps Taeyeon’s cheek twice with a sleepy smile on her face and moved to pass by Taeyeon on her way to the Kitchen.

She hadn’t made it into 3 steps when her wrist was pulled back by Taeyeon.


Taeyeon gives her a soft smile as she closes the gap this time and places the softest kiss on her cheek. “Good morning, love.”

Tiffany’s heart melts and she playfully flicks Taeyeon’s nose up, smiling at her. “Cheeseball. Go play your thing, I’ll call you once breakfast is ready.” She taps Taeyeon’s nose before continuing on her way to the kitchen. She realizes she doesn’t mind being woken up at all, it just means she gets to spend more time with Taeyeon.

On the other side of the room, Taeyeon watches Tiffany walk with adoration in her eyes. “I brewed coffee for us, Boo!” She half-yells and she gets a half-yell of Thanks in return.

Taeyeon figured out she was being loud and most likely woke the woman up. She was ready to apologize because she was expecting Tiffany to scold her for interrupting her sleep when she knew the woman had been losing sleep lately.

But the scolding never came and she feels even guiltier. Then again, Tiffany’s not one to do things like scolding and initiating an argument out of small things like that, she should know having been her partner for years now. It’s one of the things that she loves about Tiffany – her patience and understanding – and damn, right now she just feels lucky to have been chosen by the woman all these years.

With that thought in mind, she decides she’ll help out with breakfast than continue playing. She wants to spend more time with her girl and besides, she’s been playing for quite a while now. But right now, if her hunch is right that Tiffany was unjustly woken up, then the bed must not have been made.

And so she set the VR gear aside, putting them back in storage, before going straight to the bedroom and making the bed.

Tiffany was still in the middle of cooking when Taeyeon joined her in the kitchen and insisted she help out. She was tasked to set the table and once the food was ready, they sat down and ate a hearty breakfast together, talking about anything under the sun, and sharing sweet kisses in between bites.

And that’s how Saturday morning went, both women can’t wait to find out what’s in store for the rest of the weekend. All they know is that they’ll be spending it with each other.



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Hi! Forgive me for it being plotless, I really just had a fluffy imagination when I saw that video of Taeyeon playing VR and her screaming when the big red wall thinggy comes up. Hahahaha. Thought of what Tiff's reaction will be & since I was in bed, I had the setting be that 😅 Happy weekend!


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 1: Purely cute and fluffy 🤭
Chapter 1: Awww this is so sweet. Thank you authornim
sclocksmith #3
Chapter 1: They are so cute and adorable! Thank you.
michey #4
Lovely read before bed!

Thank you for writing author :)

Ps. I noticed on your profile that it's your birthday soon.
Happy birthday author!
KimiTippa #5
Chapter 1: fluffy ?
Chapter 1: So lovely. Such a sweet and cute story . Light and easy to read. Thank you for the hard work author shi . Have a blessed day
Chapter 1: Sweet.. This is just what I need.