Chapter 10: Being In Love

Being In Love

— Sorry for the long wait, but it’s finally here:)


After school, Yongsun and Moonbyul went to the senior’s house as the house had more privacy compared to the junior’s. As the two were sitting on the living room couch, Moonbyul was shifting nervously. Yongsun noticed the action.


“Hey,” Yongsun softly spoke catching Moonbyul’s attention. “If you don’t feel comfortable talking about it now, you don’t have to say it. I’ll understand.”


Moonbyul smiled. Yongsun was always patient with her no matter what the junior did.


“No, it’s alright. I’ll tell you.”


Yongsun sighed. “Okay, but if you need to stop, just tell me.”


Moonbyul smiled.




Moonbyul and Minji have known each other since they were in elementary. Moonbyul came to Minji’s rescue when she was being bullied and the two stayed side by side ever since. Since the two have been friends for years, Moonbyul started to notice changes happening to her friend slowly but didn’t think much of it as Minji seemed to still enjoy her company and that was the only thing that mattered to her. During their first year in middle school, Moonbyul came out to Minji. The girl was a little hesitant, but she remembered how close Moonbyul was to her crush, Ben, so she accepted her.


The reason for Moonbyul coming out to Minji was because she had a crush on her best friend. They were always teased as a couple by their closeness and it made her fall for the girl, but she never wanted to push things further in case it ruined their relationship. But with the help of Seulgi and her friends, she got the courage to ask out Minji, who said yes. Minji only accepted Moonbyul’s proposal, because she thinks to date her would get her closer to Ben, who was known to go after girls that are dating. Her plan worked as the guy who never talked to her suddenly started to talk to her.


Though Moonbyul and Minji have been dating for two weeks now, they did nothing that couples would do, but Moonbyul never questioned it as Minji might not be too comfortable yet. Her friends thought something else was up and though they were the ones to encourage Moonbyul to ask Minji out, they realize now that Minji was just using her for something, they just didn’t know what, but they don’t want Moonbyul to find out and be heartbroken. During lunch, Minhyuk spoke to her about the situation.


“Moonbyul, I think we should talk.”


Moonbyul arched an eyebrow at the odd question. “About what?”


“About Minji.”


“What about Minji?” Moonbyul was confused about what Minhyuk wanted to talk about.


Minhyuk tried his best to speak, but it always seemed to catch in his throat. He didn’t want to say it, and everyone knew, but YooA took it upon herself to finish what he was going to say and what everyone was thinking.


“I think you should break up with Minji.”




“You just seem upset-“


“Upset that my friends no longer support my relationship.”


“You know that isn’t true. We supported your relationship, but it seems like, and I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks like Minji is just using you.”


Once those five words were said, Moonbyul froze. She always suspected something was up with Minji when she never wanted to do anything as simple as holding hands, but she never wanted to think that. If Minji was using her, what would be, who would it be and why use her? She was conflicted and fell silent as she played with the food on her tray, losing her appetite.


“Moonbyul, I’m- “


“No, no you may be right. I just… I just need some time to myself.”


The silver-haired girl grabbed her tray to throw away and walked away. Everyone knew Moonbyul’s feelings for her girlfriend and felt sorry that she didn’t returned the same love. It hurt even more knowing that they needed to tell their friend this and how she would react.


“Maybe we shou- “


“No.” Jin interrupted. “Give her some space to think. We’ll probably worsen the situation than we already did if we follow her.”


Minhyuk disagreed with the last part but understood that Moonbyul might need some to herself and decided to give her the space she needed. He never thought her alone time would take two weeks. He wanted to comfort his friend but didn’t know what to do in order to do so. He was walking to the park with Sandeul, Jin, and Seulgi as they tried to think of a plan to comfort Moonbyul. The group stopped walking once they spotted Minji and Ben in front of Ben’s house and quickly hid behind a conveniently placed bush.


“What is she doing at Ben’s house?” Seulgi whispered as she grabbed her phone.


“She’s probably trying to get or give something to Ben,” Minhyuk whispered back.


“More like giving him a kiss.” Sandeul retorted.


“We don’t know that.” Minhyuk didn’t know why he was trying to defend Minji. Minji probably is cheating on Byul, but he didn’t want to speculate until there is evident proof.


“Then why is she kissing him right now?” Jin questioned.


Minhyuk was surprised and looked up a peak to see that Jin was right. He was disappointed in Minji’s actions and felt sorrier for Moonbyul. A clicking sound of a camera was heard and the four all immediately ducked down. Jin, Sandeul, and Minhyuk all stared at Seulgi angrily.


“Are you trying to get us caught!?!” Jin whispered.


Seulgi shushed Jin. “It’s for evidence. Now shut it or they’ll know where we are.”


Jin kept quiet but was mentally cursing at Seulgi. Five minutes passed and nothing happened, so Minhyuk looked up and saw that Both Ben and Minji were gone. He sighed in relief.


“They’re gone. Let’s go.”


“We’re just gonna ignore this situation happened and go play basketball?” Sandeul asked confused.


“Of course not, we’re gonna go to Moonbyul’s place and show her the photo Seulgi took, now come on.”


The three nodded in agreement and the four walked to Moonbyul’s house. As the four entered their silver-haired friend’s room, Moonbyul jumped by her friend’s sudden appearance.


“Jesus! What are you guys doing here?”


“I know this seems bad, but we have proof that Minji is cheating on you. I took a photo.”


Moonbyul arched an eyebrow. “You guys were stalking Minji?”


“Of course not, you know we wouldn’t do that. We were just walking to the park and saw the two.” Jin defended. “Seulgi just show her the photo.”


“I am.” Seulgi handed Moonbyul her phone.


“This is a photo of you and Irene-“


“NO!” Seulgi quickly took her phone back. “You moved it. Here’s the photo.”


Seulgi showed Moonbyul the correct photo this time. She checked her phone again when Moonbyul gave no shocked expression. Moonbyul just sighed as she stared at the picture shown to her. She never wanted to suspect Minji was cheating on her, but the evidence in front of her was hard to deny and it made her upset. She was upset to know Minji used her, upset that Ben would go after her girlfriend, and upset that she truly thought Minji loved her the way she loved Minji.


Seulgi was worried. “Byul-“


“Maybe she didn’t mean it.” Moonbyul looked down holding back tears. “Maybe Ben forced her or, or-“


“We saw her initiate the kiss.” Sandeul interrupted. He immediately apologized when Moonbyul looked at him with tears in her eyes.


Seulgi gently hugged Moonbyul. “Sorry for giving you such sad news, but we just don’t want you in a relationship where you’re not receiving as much love as you give.”


“I-I un-understand.” Moonbyul said through hiccups.


Her friends tried their best to cheer her up by trying to catch up on the last two weeks they haven’t spoken. Moonbyul, however, was constantly distracted and her heart broke knowing what she had to do. Her heart broke knowing Minji never truly loved her and her best friend since elementary used her to get to a guy, and that hurts more than anything. Maybe she’s not meant for the love life.


The next day came for Moonbyul and she met up with Minji at a café to understand Minji’s actions, but she didn’t even get to speak as Minji broke up with her. Moonbyul was confused and became more confused when her “friend” said they should no longer be friends and left without saying a word. Moonbyul stood there for a few minutes before she quickly ran inside a bathroom stall and cried. She later went home and locked herself in her room for weeks and she was glad the school year was over since she could never face Minji again.


As much as Moonbyul’s mom understood her daughter’s feelings and let the girl sulk, she started to get irritated and one day barged into the room and force her eldest daughter to go out and do something other than sulk another day. She got the girl to shower, change her clothes, eat a healthy meal, force her outside, and locked the front door on her hoping her Byulyi will get right back on her feet. "Seriously, that girl can’t do anything unless you give her a hard push out the door." 


Moonbyul knocked for her mother to let her back in for two minutes until she gave up. She then decided to text anyone if they wanted to hang out. Jin was out of town, Sandeul and Seulgi were already hanging out with their friends, YooA wasn’t responding to her texts, so she must be busy, but luckily or not, Minhyuk was free, so she got up and walked to his house. Once she got there, the two played a little basketball. Minhyuk thought if Moonbyul played her favorite sport, she’ll feel a little better. It worked as the girl was smiling and laughing as she was kicking his , 9-2.


“Hey, you know Yeri, right? Seulgi’s friend.” Minhyuk spoke.


Moonbyul was lining a shot. “Yeah. What about her?”


“She has a party tonight and I feel you should go.”


Moonbyul shot a basket winning with a score of 15-6 and asked. “Why?”


Minhyuk grabbed the ball. “I mean it’s a sign finally telling you to move on. I mean you finally come out the day Yeri has a party so…”


Moonbyul contemplated on the subject. Maybe it is a sign telling her to move by going to this party. She has been doing nothing but wastes her summer on Minji and that girl doesn’t deserve to be wasting tears and precious summer on anymore. Yeah, she’ll make new friends at this party and forget about Minji.




“Woah really? Thought I had to more convincing, didn’t expect you to say yes.”


“Why not, your logic seems legit.”


Minhyuk smiled and threw the ball at his silver-haired friend.


“Good. Now let’s go one more round, I let you win that time.”



Moonbyul and Minhyuk were in front of Yeri’s front door waiting to be let in. Minhyuk looked to his friend’s side to see she was staring into space. He lightly nudged her a little and Moonbyul quickly turned to him confused. Minhyuk smiled.


“Just be yourself.”


Moonbyul let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding and looked back at the door when it was opening. “I’ll do my best.”


Minhyuk gave her a thumbs up. “That’s the spirit.”


Yeri greeted the two and let them in. Moonbyul and Minhyuk split up as Minhyuk saw his friends and Moonbyul saw Seulgi with her friends, so she walked up to them.


Seulgi saw Moonbyul and screamed in excitement as she hugged her friend. “Holy ! You’re finally out of your room. Let me guess, your mom got sick of you and decided you should hang out with people again.”


Moonbyul laughed at Seulgi’s accuracy. “Yeah.”


“Thank your mom for me then. Let’s catch up.”


Seulgi wrapped her arm around the silver-haired girl and introduced her to her friends. Moonbyul already knew Irene and Wendy and was introduced to both Joy and Yeri who were a year younger. As the group chatted Moonbyul looked around and something, more like some people caught her eye.

As the group chatted Moonbyul looked around and something, more like some people caught her eye. Two girls were at the food bar eating like mad. She looked at them a couple of times and felt like the two girls were on their fifth plate. She tapped Seulgi’s shoulder and asked if she knew the two. Seulgi didn’t know, but Joy was listening in and answered instead.


“The girl in dark blue is Hyejin and the one in brown is Wheein. Those two only talk to each other and no one else.”


“Ah… okay.”


After hearing what Joy said, Moonbyul made it her mission to become their friend, so she said her goodbyes as she parted ways to walk to the two. She froze however when she saw Minji and Ben together, smiling, being happy like they didn’t just break someone’s heart. She would have been sad seeing the two, but she wasn’t. Her blood was boiling, and she was gonna give the two a piece of her mind, but she was quickly pulled away by Sandeul. He let go of her when they were in another room.


“What the hell Sandeul!” Moonbyul yelled.


“Look. I saw you walking towards Minji all pissed and stuff and I thought you were gonna walk out with a few bruises and she isn’t worth that, so I pulled you out of there.”


“I-" Moonbyul held her tongue before she said something, she was gonna regret. She heaved out a breath to calm herself down before she spoke. “Thanks, Sandy.”


Sandeul smiled. “No problem, just don’t get into trouble again okay.”




And with that, the two spilled ways and Moonbyul kept her promise to Sandeul, so she avoided Minji the entire night. She made new friends to forget the girl as much as she could, and it worked as she forgot about the pain.


She became so busy that she didn’t even know Minji moved until a month later when she entered her freshman year when her friend told her about it during a conversation. Moonbyul was happy to hear the news and went about her day feeling happy once again. She was happy with her friendships, her family, and her grades, but one thing always seemed to cause her pain and that was love. She never wanted to go back into one and always closed herself off in that area to never fall in love because she once fell in love and it .




Hi guys I’m not dead I promise :D  Sorry it took awhile I had to change Minji’s and Moonbyul’s relationship because it was hard to write in a way, but hopefully chapter 9 and chapter 10 Minji seem similar enough. Hopefully, the next chapter will be out faster as we’re back to MoonSun :D I also changed the summary for the fic since I think it doesn't fit into the story anymore. Hope you guys had a good Christmas and have a good New Year and I’ll see you guys on the next chapter.

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