Think Only About Me

Seven Years Apart


She wore a black dress (tumblr_lzcsp8DOwc1qmhto5o1_500.jpg) and her hair was curled. We walked hand in hand toward our table. I pulled out her seat and pushed her chair in. We ordered our food and we talked until our orders arrived. The drink she ordered secretly had the diamond ring I picked and violins were soon heard behind us. She found the ring and held it between her fingers. I took the ring and got out of my seat , getting on one knee in front of her. Tears were forming in her eyes while she covered . 

"I love you. Will you marry me?" I looked into her eyes trying to make out her reply. All of a sudden , her arms were crossed and the tears in her eyes disappeared. She glared at me causing my body to freeze. I tried to move, but I frozen in place.

" HA HA HA HA! Your proposal is ridiculous. No one puts a diamond ring in a drink. Violins. Really? How pathetic. You've fallen for me, a 15 year old girl. I'm not into older guys. Especially old, baby face guys. I prefer Zelo who is cool, can rap, and is my age." She walked out and left me there. , I look like a fool right now. , my love just rejected me for another guy. !! 

- - - - - - - - - - - 


", , , . . . "  Yoseob murmed. His eyes were still closed and he was sweating. 

"Yoseob? Hey, wake up." Min poked his cheek trying to wake up. She chuckled from Yoseob's cursing in his sleep. 

", why did you leave me? . . ." Min raised an eyebrow wondering what he was talking about. She then realized he had a dream of her leaving him. She smiled and decided to mess with him. She leaned down and spoke softly into his ear.

"Don't worry Yoseobie~ I'll never leave you. Now, kiss me." Min held in her laughter when Yoseob puckered his lips. She placed her finger on it waiting for him to stop puckering.

"I love you Min. Never leave me." She blushed from his confession and quickly realized that he had confessed. But, she then realized that he didn't directly confess and she sighed.

"You're so lucky that you're asleep. If you had have confessed to me directly I would've really rejected you." Min chuckled knowing she was lying to herself. She was smart enough to know she liked  Yoseob, but she didn't  know if her feelings were serious. So, she thought the day Yoseob confessed , she was going to flat out reject him. But, she was beginning to rethink it.

Min began to grow impatient waiting for Yoseob to wake up so she pinched his cheeks hard causing he eyes to open wide. 

"YAH! Why did you wake me up?! I was having a good dream!" Min giggled and Yoseob covered himself since he was shirtless. He blushed and Min laughed at his insecurity.

"I can tell." Min pointed at his lower half suggesting he had a , and Yoseob looked down blushing, realizng he had no morning wood. Min laughed again and walked out of his room, walking toward the kitchen to make pancakes.

"Geez, that girl is always messing with him. Why is she only cute in my dreams?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Yoseob walked into the kitchen and saw that there were two plates on the dining table, one with food already on it. 154179208_3a7cc763b7_z.jpg

"The one with food is yours. I know you like to eat a lot so I'm making you more." Min didn't turn her back to talk to Yoseob as she continued to make breakfast.Yoseob quickly finished and pouted looking at his empty plate. Min could tell he was pouting and she smiled. She walked over to Yoseob with a plate filled with pancakes and she walked back to wash the dishes. Yoseob quickly took as many pancakes he could eat until he realized that he didn't leave Min any. He alowly ate trying to save the remaining pancake on his plate for him. Min sat down and looked at the plate of pancakes, with nothing on it. She stared at Yoseob's plate which had one more pancake on it. She stared at him, indicating she wanted it. 

"Y-you can have it." Yoseob pouted and pushed his plate toward her. Min giggled and began to eat. She then put her fork with a piece of the pancake on it in front of his face. Yoseob stared at it and opened his mouth. But, before he was about to eat it, Min quickly ate it and smiled as she chewed.

"YAH! Why would you tempt me like that?!" 

"Because you ate all the other pancakes and didn't save me any." Min continued eating the remainder of the pancake and stared at the last piece. She pushed the plate back to Yoseob causing him to smile. Although it was a small piece, he smiled at Min's kind act. But, he wasn't going to forgive her easily for her little act a while ago.

"Feed it to me." Yoseob smirked and crossed his arms.

"What makes you think I will listen to you?" 

"Because I'm adorable." Yoseob started doing aegyo poses causing Min to giggle. She picked up her fork and fed the last piece to Yoseob he gladly accepted it with a wide mouth. He chewed slowly and smiled.Min giggled and picked up the plates to wash them. Yoseob also got up to help her. The two smiled at each other and continued to clean the dishes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - 

"Look at Yoseob, he can't stop smiling." Junhyung pointed at Yoseob causing him to blush.

"S-shut up." Yoseob smiled and tried to conceal his happiness.

"So, why so happy? Did you confess your love to Min?" Hyunseung winked.

"N-no. I don't love her. She's just the girl I'm engaged to." 

"Yeah right. Don't deny the fact that you have feelings for her. You like her and you know it." Kikwang said.

"Even I can tell you like her, hyung. I don't see why you don't confess." Dongwoon pointed to himself.

"It's because she's younger than me and it's weird. Truthfully, it would be like confessing to a little girl." Yoseob finally looked up at the guys confessing the real reason he didn't confess.

"So, you're just going to wait until she's 18 to confess? I don't think you're gonna last that long." Junhyung said with one of his eyebrows raised.

"I agree with Junhyung. You won't be able to hold in your feelings for 3 years."

"Y-yes I can! And I will prove it to you! If I confess to Min before she turns 18, I will dress up like a girl for one of our stage performances." Yoseob put his hands on his waist. 

"No no no. You will ruin our image. " Doojoon shook his head.

"What about, if you confess first, then you have to bark like a dog whenever I say Min." Yoseob's eye grew wide knowing that if he barked in front of Min, her insults would be non stop.

"F-FINE! I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE!" Yoseob pointed at Junhyung with his game face on. Yoseob walked out and face palmed. He knew he was going to lose. And so did the members.

"Bet you $50 dollars he'll confess in a month, anyone in?" Junhyung asked.

"We're in." Kikwang bet 2 months, Hyunseung bet 3 months,Doojoon bet a year , and Dongwoon bet 2 1/2 years. 

Yoseob and Min looked at the blue sky waiting for fate to kick in.





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excitedventure #1
Chapter 18: Love it
Nice story, awwwww I miss YOSEOBIEE!!!!!!!
jessi828 #2
Chapter 18: finally GOT married
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 18: Awesome ending !'
14 streak #4
Chapter 18: I like her character and personality >.< i really like the ending ^^
piratess #5
Chapter 18: wash..nice story authornim..but we need more..hehe..
-SNSD- #6
Chapter 18: So EMOTIONAL :) LOVELY :)
Chapter 18: woahhhh....i really really like your story author-nim ;) it DAEBAK *two thumbs up*
omg i'm 15.
so let's imagine its me ^o^
aish! i forgot to subscribe that's why i didn't know this story would update..
but luckily i found it...

wah~ this story is great..
i was giggling in the chapters where Min has missions to do just so Yoseob would confess his love to her...
Kyah! unnie such a good writer...
liked your fanfic :]