Don't Underestimate Me

Seven Years Apart


It had already been 5 months since Yoseob and Min moved in together. Min's life was still a mystery to Yoseob, but that didn't matter. They got along, although Min had a habit of teasing Yoseob whenever she had the chance. During those 5 months, the two got to know each other better, and they actually became good friends. But, neither one of them had confessed to each other yet. Which meant, Junhyung had won $100. What no one knew was that during those 5 months, two angry girls were actually planning their vengance. 

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"So, it's been 5 months since we've made our little bet, and yet , neither one of you has confessed. Well, I have to confess something, bestie. I'm bored. Come on. Just tell him you like him already." Zelo slumped into his chair and ruffled his hair.

"I don't think so. I'm not going to lose to you that easily, Zelo." Min opened her book and stared at the many doodles she had drawn of Yoseob. She quickly closed her book causing Zelo to chuckle.

"Ah, you're not going to confess, but that doesn't mean you don't like him."

"I-I don't like him.Why would I like someone like him?"

"Maybe because he sang a song for you and saved your life. And maybe other things I don't know about." Zelo winked at Min and she just rolled her eyes.

" If that crazy girl wasn't about to stab you, you probably would've never fallen in love with Yoseob. We have to thank her when she gets out of jail." Zelo smirked, but Min just stared at the board. After the incident with Boram, she was arrested and never heard of again. There had been rumors of Boram escaping from prison and planning to come back and kill Min, but of course Min never believed any of that. If the rumors were true, Min wasn't going to run away like a coward. She was going to fight back.

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"Aish! Finance is so boring! I never realized how boring it was." Yoseob plopped onto the couch next to Doojoon.

"You probably didn't realize how boring it was because you were too busy staring at Jia." The members chuckled, but Yoseob wasn't amused.

"Shut up. I'm glad she transfered to a different school." 

"Yeah, we're glad your over her and head over heels over Min." Dongwoon smirked and gave Kikwang a high five.

"S-shut up! How dare you speak to your hyung that way!" Dongwoon quietly said sorry while Doojoon lectured Yoseob for raising his voice at the maknae.

"Hey, I heard Jia was transferring back to our school though. They say she's coming back to get us for taking away Yoseob from her. " The members laughed, remembering what Jia had said to them the last time they saw her. But, Yoseob wasn't so calm. He felt something strange. Like someone was watching them.

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"Class, it seems an old student of ours is here today. So, let's all give her a warm welcome back." The class grew silent when Boram walked in. She stared at each and everyone of her classmates but stared at one person in general, Min , who seemed not to care. 

"Hey, look , it seems the rumors are true. Boram has come back to kill you." Min stared up seeing Boram was standing in front the class. 

"Don't worry bestie, I'm pretty sure if Boram tries to kill you , baby face will come to your rescue." 

" I doubt it. "

"Well, if he doesn't I got you back." Min smirked knowing Zelo was anything but a fighter. Zelo was a cool , bad boy , but he couldn't even hurt a fly. 

"I feel so safe now." Zelo blushed. Boram sat a few seats away from Min, but she was still in viewing distance. The room stayed quiet and the students glanced at Min and Boram, waiting for a fight to break out. But, nothing happened.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

At lunch, Zelo and Min walked toward their usual sitting spot, but were quickly stopped by Boram and her usual posie.

"I see you've been living well, Min. I've been stuck in jail the past 5 months because of you and I'm pretty you're smart enough to know I'm not going to let you off that easily. "

"It's not my fault you're mental. Now please move out of our way." Boram slapped Min's tray our of her hand and smirked. But, Min didn't let that get to her. She calmy cleaned up the mess and tried to walk toward the trash cans. But, Boram wasn't going to let her leave. Zelo tried to intimidate the girls, but one of them hit him in the head causing him to faint. The girl quickly tied his hands with rope and called one of the guys watching to carry him to the middle of the quad.

"If you don't want anything to happen to him, I suggest you calmly follow us. Min agreed and followed them to the quad where everyone gathered around to watch.As soon as they got there, the girls tried to holdher down and tie her hands together, but Min struggled.

"Now Min, if you struggle something bad is gonna happen to Zelo." Boram snapped her fingers and the guy held a led pipe in his hand and hit Zelo's lifeless body. As soon as he was hit, Zelo woke up coughing from the strikes."

"Stop! Okay! I won't struggle!" The guy stopped and the girls continued to tie MIn's hands together. 

"Do whatever you want with me, just let Zelo go." Boram thought for a moment and nodded her head. One of the girls untied his hands and they left his body there. They all focused their attention on Min now, who was defenseless.

"Min, you've made my life hell. So, it's only fair that I release all my anger on you." Boram rolled up her sleeves and commanded the girls to hold Min still. She kicked her stomach and pucnhed her face. Min was on the ground now, and her lips were bleeding. Boram moved her bangs from her face and continued to beat Min up. The students could no longer watched and 5 of them went to go get a teacher to stop the fight. While they went to go get an adult, Boram banged Min's head on the floor and her blood was all over her hands. But, she didn't stop. Min tried to keep her eyes from closing, but it was soon getting difficult to breathe. Before she was about to close her eyes, Min saw Zelo getting kicked by the guy. She yelled for them to stop hurting Zelo and for someone to help, but no one was standing up against them . . . 

- - - - - - - - - - - - 

"J-jia you're back." Yoseob stood against the door, frightened.

"That's right. I'm sad I'm not in any of your classes anymore. Isn't that sad? If only your friends and that annoying little girl didn't interfere with our relationship.We could've been the cutest couple." Yoseob smelled something funny in the room and he began to feel light headed.

"Oh do you like the little air fresherner I brought from China. It's supposed to make your hormones go wild. But, it seems it's just making you go to sleep. That's fine. I like being in control." Jia began ing Yoseob's shirt and he tried to run away, but his legs were failing him. Her hands reached down to his pants zipper.

"S-stop. . . please . . . p-please . . .d-don't me." Yoseob's vision was getting blurry and his body was now on the ground.

"Silly, Yoseobie~ I'm not going to you. I'm just going to have with you~" Yoseob was now completely knocked out. A tear rolled down his face.

'I'm sorry Min. I'm going to lose my ity to a girl other than you. . .'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

When the students came back with the teacher, the crowd was quiet. The teacher passed them and was about to stop Boram, but he was dumbfounded when he saw her on the ground with the other girls and the guy. They all cried in pain.

When Zelo was being beaten up, Min surprised everyone when she got up and kicked Boram in the face. She then proceeded to fight the girls and the one guy with her hands behind her back. One brave student untied her hands. Min quickly untied Zelo and asked for a strong guy to carry him to the infirmary. 

"If you ever mess with Zelo again, I'll make sure that I break all the bones in your body." Min ran toward the guy who carried Zelo and the rushed to the infirmary.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

"Yoseob, wake up! You idiot, open your eyes! " Junhyung yelled into Yoseob's ear.

"Hey, be a bit more nicer. You don't expect him to wake up quickly after inhaling that horrible herb." Hyunseung tried to calm him down. Yoseob's eyes opened and all of a sudden he began to cry.

"Hyung! What's wrong?!" The members all stared at Yoseob.

"Y-you guys! I-it was horrible. J-jia was there a-and and she me." The members all sighed.

"You idiot. She didn't you." Doojoon slapped Yoseob's hand causing him to yelp.

"W-what? B-but I remember-"

"We stopped her before she did anything. That locked us in the gym. But, she did realize we would exit from the boys locker room. You're lucky we got there before she did anything to you. How hard would it be to explain that to Min? " The boys chuckled and Yoseob sighed in relief. He was glad his friends had come to save him.

"S-so what happened to Jia?" The boys smiled at each other.

"They sent her to a mental hospital. You'll be safe from now on." Yoseob got up and wiped his tears. The doctor came in and told Yoseob that there were no side affects from the herb but he should probably head home and rest. Yoseob waved bye to the members and headed home.When he got there, he checked his voicemail, seeing that there were 10 missed calls. He played back the messages.

'Mr.Yang, it seems Min had gotten in a fight today. She's in the infirmary-' 

Yoseob took his keys and ran to the hospital. He asked the nurse what room Min was in, but she said only relatives were allowed inside. He lied and told her he was her brother. She let him in, and he saw Min and Zelo sleeping with bandages practically covering their bodies. Zelo's mother was next to him crying and she stood up when she saw Yoseob.

"You're little sister is a hero. She saved my son. She beat up all the people who hurt them. But, as soon as they arrived at the hospital she out. She has multiple stichings in her head and two of her ribs bones are slightly cracked. I can't believe she stayed calm through all of that-" Yoseob could no longer hear her. His focus was on Min, who layed lifeless. Yoseob stood beside her and began to cry. He was on his knees and held onto her hands. Zelo's mother patted his back trying to reassure him that the doctor said she was going to be fine. But, he couldn't stop crying. All of a sudden , Min moved her hand and her eyes opened.

"I'm trying to sleep here, you i-idiot." Min said in a soft voice.

"Y-you're the i-idiot. Who fights 5 people all by themselves?!" Yoseob tried not to look at Min because it only pained him to see the multiple bruises on her face,

"They shouldn't have underestimated me." Min closed her eyes again and drifted back to sleep.

"I swear to you Min, I wil never ever ever let this happen to you again, b-because I love you, Min! " 


Ooooooo Yoseob finally says he loves her so that means he confessed!! but, does it count since she's asleep?? probably not . . . LOOOOOL

Sorry for the random gifs~

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excitedventure #1
Chapter 18: Love it
Nice story, awwwww I miss YOSEOBIEE!!!!!!!
jessi828 #2
Chapter 18: finally GOT married
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 18: Awesome ending !'
14 streak #4
Chapter 18: I like her character and personality >.< i really like the ending ^^
piratess #5
Chapter 18: wash..nice story authornim..but we need more..hehe..
-SNSD- #6
Chapter 18: So EMOTIONAL :) LOVELY :)
Chapter 18: woahhhh....i really really like your story author-nim ;) it DAEBAK *two thumbs up*
omg i'm 15.
so let's imagine its me ^o^
aish! i forgot to subscribe that's why i didn't know this story would update..
but luckily i found it...

wah~ this story is great..
i was giggling in the chapters where Min has missions to do just so Yoseob would confess his love to her...
Kyah! unnie such a good writer...
liked your fanfic :]