Chapter Ten [Part 3]

Different Lifes

It’s finally the night of the awards and the backstage is crazy busy like usually. Last night was memorable, bringing BTS and some of my staff friends at the temple to get blessed and meeting afterwards Big Bang oppas on the rooftop of the hotel. Anyways, I'm here in BTS backstage room working and trying not to get in the way of the staff doing their job. The boys where fooling around while getting ready but didn’t really mind since I got last minutes translation to do for IFC having got an urgent e-mail just now and luckily, I can finish it quickly. I send my translation by e-mail and save the copy before closing my laptop. I stretch a bit finally feeling my exhaustion but I was to exited for the performance to really relax. I can see some idols passing while looking quickly towards BTS members before walking away and I smile when I see my favorite oppas. I wave at them getting the boys attention and bow when they see their sunbaes. They all get up and ling up to present themselves making me laugh. My oppas being good sunbae and bow back to them.

“I guess your ankle his better” says Jiyong oppa to the maknae.

“Yes sunbae” He says politely but I can see a smirking coming up. “I hope sunbaes that your ready for one of kind performance.”

Know I can see the same smirk on every 7 of their faces even on Yoongi and guess they really want to impress their sunbaes. In reality, theirs been this talk about who going to give the biggest performance especially since Big Bang and BTS are performing in the same awards. I’m so fangirling at this exchange between two groups and I’m so excited.

“Mia, I can see your boiling of excitement.” Says Seungri oppa laughing. “Will see you hoobaes later and let the best group win!”

I only can shake my head seeing them leave and I smile seeing the boys amaze to have spoken to their idols especially Jungkook. I shou them back to their places where the makeup and the stylist eonnies laugh seeing the boy’s reaction. One even asks me if all of Big Bang member are single making me laugh and I told her and the rest that they shouldn’t even go there; my oppas are just troublemakers. I see that if I can help anybody since I’m feeling useless and I help the manager get things for the boys. Finally, it’s time for them go in the sitting area with the other idols and I sit on the sofa with the rest of the staff watch the TV. The problem with Awards show, is that it’s too long and I wish that I could just fast forwarded to the performance. The awards go on where Big Bang oppas won awards and BTS too. I’m so proud of them, they all deserved it. It’s almost time and Manager Sejin-ssi gives me a backstage pass where I can walk freely and watch the performances. I thank him before leaving with him to watch BTS performance up close, first time for me. The boys really got the crowed going and really did one of kind performance. I even chanted the fans logo and even got some of the boy’s attention. I decided to stay here while the manger followed the boys, exhausted by their hardcore dance performances and I was worried for them especially Jungkook but Big Bang oppas performance was coming soon. The boys had time to cool down a bit and take breath before going back to sit at their seat, bowing to other idols there. I’m close enough to them for me to give Jungkook some more water and he thank me. I pointed his ankle and he did a thumb up. BTS won two other awards and one for EXO before the second performance I was waiting for. I smile seeing the American female dancers and the band since I meet them before. They of course when out of the box and did quite a performance until they did their last song. One that I love and hate at the same time. Last Dance. It’s just reminds me how things will change soon, with them leaving for the army soon.  I take that thought away and enjoy the rest of their performance and I can say that both Big Bang and BTS put the scale upper for the rest of the idol’s groups. I decide to go back to the dressing room when I notice something, Jungkook was acting weirdly… He still seemed exhausted and he was touching his ankle without getting notice. Our eyes meet and he gives me a thumb up but I just shake my head saying no…Telling him that I don’t believe him and I decide to go back to the dressing room. I see our medical team in the backstage and whisper to them to check on Jungkook when he get’s out, pointing my ankle. They understand my message and walk towards BTS room and go in. I see the staff watching the tv and I sit down beside Sae Hee. I focus on the end of the awards and I get ready to meet the boys for there interview. I high five Big Bang oppas when they pass me and I greet the boys, so proudly. Their performance was really the best and that I’m sure that it impressed their Big Bang sunbaes. I see at the corner of my eyes Jungkook being checked out by the medical team. They let him go and I walk with them to the interview. A nice woman greets us and I present myself has BTS translator. The boys sit down on the prepared chairs while I sit at bit at the side, out of the camera view. They firstly did their introduction in English while adding some Chinese greetings that I taught them. The interview went well and I was doing a good job in translating but I notice something about the woman, she seemed to give me some glance and I know why. She wanted to ask me a question that didn’t have anything to do with the awards. I ignore it and making sure that the questions where about BTS. Finished, she thanks the boys and they said a last greeting in Chinese. I go to the boys and telling them that they did a good job. I again meet eyes with her and I sign tell the boys to go to their dressing room now. I turn back to the woman and I knew I was right.

“It’s about the video, is it not?” I tell her. “What do you want to know exactly?”

“Tell us what happened at the airport this morning.” She said and I look at the manager.

“The video says everything” I tell her, knowing that I shouldn’t be doing an interview. “I just did what any of Big Hit staff would do, protect BTS from getting hurt by fans. Now, if you excuse me, I need to go back to work.”

I left with confused boys and the manager to go back to their dressing room. I pass Big Bang oppas room but I didn’t wave back to them but the boys bow to them. I let the boys in to get congratulated by all the staff while I whisper to the manager what I said to the reporter. We didn’t talk for long since we didn’t want to attract attention and cause a bigger situation that it is. 

“To celebrate, let’s have a get together at a restaurant tomorrow night” says the manager, while waving the company credit card. “Now let’s pack-up and have a deserving free night. You know what to do, I will bring back the boys after they changed.”

I decide to stay and help out to clear my head. I hope I didn’t cause any problem to the company knowing that what I said will be also in the news, good or bad we will have to see tomorrow. I help with the clothes and the idols seemed a little bit shy, giving me their used performance clothes. I guess because I’m their teacher and not a stylist. I put all the clothes in the respectful bag and I imagine that they will wash it back in Korea. I wave to the boys before they leave to the hotel with their manager. We finish cleaning up and I get in the van with the eonnies and the rest of the oppas that stayed back to also help.

“This something happened at the interview?” ask Eun Ae eonnie. “We saw you whisper urgently to Sejin-ssi and the boys kept a confuse look on you.”

“The interview women ask questions about the video, interviewing me” I tell them when I see all eyes on me. “Of course, I didn’t answer and just said “The videos say everything…I did what any Big Hit staff would do, protecting BTS from getting hurt…” We will have to see what they say in the news tomorrow. BTS was confused because I was speaking Chinese and I just inform manager Sejin-ssi in case it causes trouble to the company.”

“You really do have a thing for words.” Says Dong Min oppa, impress. “Everything that you say it’s like a great speech…”

Is comment makes me laugh and we keep joking until we arrive at the hotel. Most of the staff decide to call it a night, while others are wanting to have a drink at the hotel bar and I decide to go at the rooftop. I just got a SMS from Jiyong oppa that their having a drink on the rooftop just the 5 of them, if I ever wanted to joined them. I decide to go because I feel that I have been negligent them since I’ve started working for Big Hit. I take the elevator up and it makes a stop and I see some of the boys entering.

“Oh Mila! Your going to your room?” asks Jimin. “We just had a bite at the restaurant…”

“I see…” I said smiling. “In fact, I’m going at the rooftop to interact with my Big Bang oppas… I haven’t really bonded with them since a while.”

“Oh!” says only J-Hope and I can see all their eyes telling me they want to come.

I can’t do anything when they give me their puppy eyes and now, I know why their manager says that those eyes are dangerous. We get to the last floor and the doors opens. I can already hear their laughter and I let the boys out first. It’s just then that I notice that the only ones missing are Namjoon and Jungkook. Did something happen? Is it Jungkook ankle? I smile seeing my 5 oppas waving at me all happy and a drink in their hands. They stop when they see I’m not alone and I tell them that they gave me their dangerous puppy eyes that I couldn’t refused.

“The more the merrier!” says Jiyong oppa in English making laugh because I taught him that expression. “So, where’s the rest of your members?”

“Oh, our leader hyung went to accompanied Jungkook to the hospital with our manager” says J-Hope. “ They went to get out maknae ankle to see if it got worse or not… I’m sure it’s fine, he kept icing it before the awards like Mila said to do.”

At least one idol listens to me… It reassures me that he when to a doctor and hope that everything will be back to normal. I smile seeing the interaction between my two favorite groups and I can see how the hoobaes are so excited to talk and have fun with their idol sunbaes. It was supposing to be a bonding time with my oppa but seeing them having fun and laughing, I decide to just dip my feet in the pool while watching them. They joined me and notice the boys all have a drink in their hands, I can’t say anything since their all-in age and they have a free day tomorrow. An hour later, the elevator opens and I see three figures looking around.

“Hyungs, maknae where here!” says V and I now recognize the faces.

“How was the doctor appointment?” ask Jin.

The manager looks around seeing Big Bang and his boys a drink in hand, sign but said nothing. He just answers Jin question.

“It’s a little swollen and needs to be off his foot.” He says. “He can walk small walks but avoid dancing for the next couple of days. He also needs to continue putting ice on it. I’m off meeting with the rest of the staff, have fun but please drink responsible because I don’t want to take care of drunk idols on my free day! Oh yeah, again good job boys you did great tonight and you too Big Bang.”

“Thank you, sir!” says Seungri oppa almost going to shake hand with manager but I stop him. “Now the real fun can begin!”

He gets up and wave a waiter, I didn’t even see him there and he comes back with three other drinks. I take mine and I take a sip before Jiyong oppa sits beside me. We keep talking until I notice the maknae staring at Jiyong oppa and I can see a smirk forming on his lips, my oppa notice it too.

“So, what do you think, Jiyong hyung, we did quite one of a kind performance” he said smirking making laugh, curious of this interaction.  

His comment makes Tabi oppa laugh and keeps challenging the youngest. I can say that Jungkook can really hold is ground and I can see how proud he is not of himself but of his hyungs. I notice how his hyungs are everything for him and it reminds me of is solo song “Begin”.

“You because you say a few greeting in mandarin doesn’t mean you can speak it” says Seungri oppa, the one that can speak mandarin as well.

“Sunbae, we learned that fans don’t need us to speak the language” says V, making me stun.

“But just to show respect and that’s what we did” finishes Jimin, making me so proud.

I never thought that they would remember what I said and say it with respect. I look at all 7 of them and I just notice how much they grew in the past months, getting more confidence. I can also the surprise face of my oppas, not expecting that and I smile proudly at them. I guess my teaching didn’t go for nothing. Coming back from their surprise, Tabi oppa and Seungri oppa are back to their “competition” with the boys who are enjoying it.

“You’re a good teacher Mila” says Yongbae oppa, getting away from the competition. “Was that one of the speeches you where talking about?”

“Not bad, right?” I say making them laugh. “I didn’t expect them to really understanding it but I shouldn’t be surprise. With their campaign “Love yourself and speak yourself” and their speech at the UN meeting, it’s something that they would understand.”

“They really think out of the box more than us” admits Jiyong oppa. “Everything time they sing or talk, they think about how can they help and influence more people…It’s something I envy.”

I’m a bit surprise to hear them say that and I can also see it in Daesung oppa eyes too, who has been listening to us. I know that they started well, being the one group that would only create, produce their own songs but they got to caught in popularity that they make some bad choice. I don’t hate them for any of it and will never. But it thinks they see themselves in BTS, something that they could had done if not for their bad choices.

“Oppas, you’re not Big Bang for nothing…” I tell them to reassure them. “Your music influences a lot of people and idols. Yes, you did bad choices that are too late to correct them but without your music, you artist wouldn’t have influence BTS to become who they are right now. It’s not to late to change your style of life but please oppas never change who you are.”

They smile at me and they give me a big group hug until we see a flying Seungri that landed straight in the pool. It’s not hard to see a laughing Tabi oppa but I’m surprise to see that’s Jimin that push him. I don’t even want to know, I’m sure the maknae oppa deserved it. Jungkook comes closer to us and notice that he seemed off for a reason. He sits down not far from us and his taking something from his pocket and I was going near him when somebody stop me. I see Yongbae oppa smiling at me and ask for ice. I took one ice pack from out of my bag and give it. He walks towards a hurt Jungkook with Jiyong oppa behind him.

“Relax a bit Mila…” says Daesung oppa, sitting know beside me. “We notice how stressed you seemed to be and one of the boys J-Hope told us of how ‘active’ you where. He even asks if you where always like that. What’s going on?”

“I know theirs rumours about me back at IFC” I finally tell him after a long silence. “Who I am to have so much privilege…Why do have to work for music company when my job is to only translate contracts…Should have not accept Big Hit offer? What do the company gets from this? It’s only my personal gain…”

I take a long sip of my glass of alcohol and I ask for more but this time it’s shooters. Daesung oppa keep watching my drink my stress away and he can only sign and let me finish my drinks. He knows me very well and he knows how sensitive I am and me being an heir, really gets to me. He can just give me a hug and try and call me down. I thank him and I sense that I had enough drinks. I look around to see Jungkook with ice on his ankle talking with Yongbae oppa, the other are fooling around with Tabi and Seungri oppa while Namjoon his watching them while talking to Yoongi. I look around missing somebody and I see him sneaking behind his hyung who still laughing at Seungri oppa. Everyone stops talking even Jungkook and Yongbae to see what’s going to happened and the clueless oppa gets pushed in the pool. We can only hear laughter and Jiyong oppa giving hi-five to the boys. Boys will always be boys, whatever their age is. Four the next hours, I got forget about my problems and finally relax to the relieve of everybody. The waiter had to ‘gently’ kick us out since it’s closing time and we decide to call it a night. I give hugs to my oppas and that I will see them in Korea before they get in the elevator. We wait for the next one and I get in with the boys who I can see enjoyed very much their night.

The next day, was spend visiting the city with the boys and some of the staff before our celebration super that I didn’t even think about paying it. It’s only the day after that we took the flight back to Korea. This time I didn’t intervene but still get an eagle eye on the boys, for some reason the fans seemed a bit more civilize making the boys happier to wave at them and taking some of the fan gifts. I think the fans might at realised that if they have respect and behave, they would get something better in return. The attention of BTS.

I say bye to the boys and the staff before taking my own taxi and going to my place. I take a long-deserved shower before taking a bit and sleep till the next morning, free of stressed.

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wongLXN #1
keep on writing :)