Chapter Ten [Part 1]

Different Lifes

Finally, the Mnet Asian Music Awards are just 4 days to go and it would be my first trip overseas with BTS. I’ve been to the MAMA before especially with my Big Bang oppas so, I know what I’m getting into…Like crazy fans at the airports, buzzy people backstage but the excitement of the performances and the awards is really something I can’t wait for. We are schedule to flight ahead of time so we don’t bump into other idols group at the airport. It will be my first time seeing Big Bang oppas and BTS performances. The boys refused to let me have peek of what their planning for their performance, making me anticipate even more. Our flight leaves tomorrow early morning and I’m making sure I have everything I need for my four to five days trip to Hong Kong. I wish I have time to sightseeing, I never had the time before, since most of the idol group stays only for the awards show. I pack a bathing suit just in case the hotel has an indoor pool. The doorbell ring and I’m surprise, seeing how late it is. I open the door to see my twin brother and I guess he’s here to wish me a good flight.

“I see you are all ready to go” he tells me in Hawaiian. We always talk our mother native language when we are together. “I’m sure your excited to see their performance but don’t forget to be careful in the airports, it’s not like you’re with Big Bang hyung. BTS fans don’t know you yet…”

“I know, that’s why I will be going with the rest of the staff but I will have to make sure their safe in Hong Kong…” I tell him while packing last minute stuff. “Are you going to watch the awards live?”

“Yea, with dad and the other staff at YG…” he tells me. “It’s the first time BTS and Big Bang are nominees in the same categories. So, who you’re hopping for?”

I look at him surprised because I haven’t thought about it. Dam it! I am working for BTS but Big Bang are my oppas…I just hope they will have the same number of awards…But there is the Artist of the year award that every idol groups wants, because it’s like their voted has the best for the year… My silence makes my twin smirk at my conflict and he knows how much of  a BTS fan I am. After I lock my carry-on luggage,  we decide to watch a movie on TV before he leaves, wishing me a good flight. I fall asleep easily.

I woke up to early from excitement or nervously so I take a small breakfast with my famous smoothies and decide to leave early for the airport you never know how long it’s going to take to get there. I check my little backpack and put my last-minute things like tablet, laptop, chargers, passport, etc. The taxi is here and so I lock my front door and put my earphones on before getting in the taxi and telling the driver where I want to go. Finally, the traffic wasn’t bad so I got there even earlier and I look around, wondering what I should do, since I can’t check-in without the group and the other staff. I notice that there’s a few people, more than normally would have at this time and they are mostly young girls. I guess the fans found out or they just know that any idols group will be there to take the plane to Hong Kong. Time pass and more girls are waiting and decide to call the company to let them know.

“Annyeonghaseyo, this is Mila Lee.” I say to the boss, hopefully I didn’t wake him up. “I’m already at the airport and I notice that fans are gathering already but I don’t who they are waiting for…I was thinking to use my company ID badge to ask from the security to be prepared and try to have the boys and staff tickets ready.”

“That’s a good idea. You really have this charismatic aura when you have an idea” he says to me and I’m a bit surprise because it’s the first-time hearing that.

I hang up and walk towards the check-in checkpoint. I show my badge to the lady that greets me and she’s surprised to see who I’m working for. I tell her quietly the situation for not to have attention on me and ask her if it’s possible to have the tickets ready to go. She’s happy to help me and talks to other staff who are free. She tells me that I still would need everybody passport for verification and check-in luggage if necessaire. I decide to call the boys managers to see where they are and explain the situation.

“Manager Sejin, it’s Mila.” I said to him. “How long before you arrive?”

“In an hour.” He says to me. “why? What’s wrong?”

“There’s already fans here at the airport so I’m trying to getting your tickets before hand.” I told him. “Will the boys want to register any luggage?”

“Yeah, they will all have one” he says. “ The two managers and me will also have each checked luggage.”

I hang up before telling the lady had the check-in that the 7 members of BTS and their 3 managers will have a luggage to check-in but not sure about the other staff. Luckily for me, the other staff and dance crew arrives. I help them to their check-in and they look at me, surprise with my professional aura. I was also able to get security and tickets ready the boys and manager luckily, I had my Big Hit staff ID around my neck. The boys arrived and the security is there. I let the boys stay in the van while I take their passport with me to get their tickets. I make sure I have the right ticket in the right passport before giving it back to the boys. I make sure that theirs enough security and let the boys out. I keep an eye on them while I stay in the back with the other staff. They thank me when I give all their tickets. I’m worried for the boys since there’s even more fans than before; the news does travel fast. I pass the security point easily and we go to the VIP lounge where the boys are already there, safe and sound. I ask one of the security if there will be also security ready at the gates in Hong Kong and he assure me that there will. I relax a bit and I see all the looks on me. The boys seem surprise at my leadership, I guess it’s in my blood. I smile at them before siting down on a chair. I look at the boys then the time and I notice a Starbucks not to far so I decide to treat everyone. I walk towards some staff, shily and ask for their help. We walk towards the Starbucks and we wait in line. I take the chance to talk to the other staff and they admit that they are impress with me. They said that because of me it took less time then normal, making me proud. I order different coffee and some pastries. I paid for everything and with the help of the female’s staffs, we where about to bring everything without any problem. I pass the coffees around and I delivery the ones for the members, knowing their taste by know.

“Thanks Mila!” says Namjoon, putting a hand on my shoulder. “We needed this. So early in the morning, I heard that you where here even earlier.”

“I woke up too early and I was afraid to miss the flight…” I tell him, embarrassed. “It’s my first overseas trip with you, has a staff of Big Hit. I didn’t want to give a bad impression.”

I sit close to him since he’s the only one chatty. I offer him one of the bags of pastries and he takes one quickly. Lucky for him because the bag got seize away by Jin, Jimin and J-hope.

“I think that you did give quite an impression…” says J-hope while taking a bite of his pastry. “Even the security guys where impressed.”

We keep talking until I see Jungkook waking up and he’s surprised to see everyone with coffee and food. I smile and gave him his drink. I give him also a bag with his share of food and he thanks me. I look at him walk and I look at his ankle. I’m worried about him and I know that he’s not totally heals like he says he is. I wait for him to sit down and to eat a bit before getting up and stand in front of him. The boys look at me even more the maknae and I kneel in front of him. I touch his ankle and he yank it away. I look at him with my serious, scary look before taking gently his ankle in my hands. I touch it slowly and gently to not hurt him.

“Jungkook…Tell me the truth.” I ask him. “How much does it hurt?”

He looks at me surprised that I knew and that just by touching is injury. He looks around before lowing his head, felling bad. He doesn’t want everyone to worry about him especially with the awards.

“It’s not that bad…” he tells me, more like whispering.

I guess he doesn’t want anybody to know. What can I do?

“Please don’t tell them…” he whispers to mee again. “I doing good, I can still walk and dance….”

“What’s the problem?” ask a voice and I see Namjoon and the manager walking towards me.

I whisper to them that the maknae injured ankle is swollen a bit and the manager looks at him seriously. I know that the manager is just worried and Namjoon too. I tell them that he should be fine to perform if he puts ice on it has much has possible. I told them that I will take care of it in the plane so they don’t have to worry.

“How do you know so much?” ask Namjoon.

“There’s a lot of things you guys don’t know about me…” I told them a little cold but still professionally. “I did a medical training while studying.”

I keep quiet while I undo Jungkook shoe so I can take off the bandage to see how bad it is. It’s not has bad but could get worse if he doesn’t put ice every hour till the Awards. I should have check on him, I knew that he would over work is ankle.

“Bandage off and I want to see ice on your ankle every hours, is that understood?” I tell him a little bit colder than I wanted to be.

It’s just frustrating for me seeing push them so far that they would risk their own health for what? To please a crowed? To win awards? To be the best? For me it’s not worth it.

I look in my bag for my travel medical kit and get the unfroze pack. I squeeze it like you have to for it to make it into a cold ice pack and put it in ankle. I put some tape for it to stay in place and give one last look at the maknae before getting up. I put back everything in my bag and I go sit a little away to give him space but for me to still keep an eye on him. I’m exhausted, it’s quite a morning that I didn’t expect it to be like this. I lean my head back, signing before taking my laptop to work a bit. I got an e-mail from Bit Hit sending me some question in Mandarin that might be ask to the boys in interviews so I start to translate them in English and Korean. Finished, I decide to put my headphones and blast my music. I get up with my bag and walk towards the windows and I look at the view. I don’t know if it’s because I’m nervous since its my first overseas trip job has an employee of Big Hit, but I’m a bit out of it, more than normal. These past weeks, I'm been over stress, thinking to much about my future. I don’t know if it’s because my identity has 2Ds has been discovered but… The announcement of our departed flights gets me out of my thoughts and I see my co-workers and dancers getting ready. I go towards Jungkook to take the tape and ice off and I tell him to try and not lean on it too much. I don’t know why I'm so cold with him and can see him not even looking at me, staring at the floor. Dam it! I tell him to lean on his hyungs and I leave him in good care before letting him limp towards the flight attendances with the rest of them. I decide to wait for everybody to have gone through the tunnel before I present my passports, since I'm double citizen, I tented to bring both passport. While walking in the tunnel, I put my passports straight back into my back since my real identity is on it. I bow to the flight attendance, showing my flight ticket and she tells me where to go. We are located on top and so we have to climb up in the Business class. Of course, it’s only Big Hit sitting here and I notice a staff with a camera. I make myself discrete and sit on my seat. I look around to locate Jungkook and he’s sitting across from me. I have the attention of a flight attendant to ask her is she can bring me two glass of ice after we take off and she smile at me while writing it down. I thank her before sitting down and I just notice somebody staring at me. I almost jump surprised and he laugh at my shock face. I didn’t even know that I was sitting beside BTS leader Namjoon. How did I get to sit beside him? This is not good…

“Don’t worry, we only self film ourselves or other members” he tells me, smiling reassuring.

I put a timer on my phone to remind myself when to put ice on the maknae ankle. The leader notice what I’m doing and he ask me seriously how bad is it. He had secretly watch me and he notice that I was kind of out of it, reminding him of our little misunderstanding accident with Yoongi.

“He will be fine… He just has to put ice on it every 30 minutes or hourly until the awards.” I tell him.

“So why are you so cold to him about all this?” he asks me. “It reminds me of what happened with Yoongi hyung. Maknae even said that he feels so bad when you left him after putting ice on his ankle.”

“I don’t know why I was so cold to him… I didn’t mean to be but my medical instinct pop up…” I started saying. “I saw so many idols getting a broken ankle because they didn’t listen to me. Why would they, I’m just a translator…I just don’t want Jungkook to this mistake just for an award.”

“Don’t worry he will listen and if not his hyungs and manager will remind him” he reassures me. “You look stressed, Mila-nim, you haven taken a brake since this morning…”

I smile at him, a non noticeable fake smile him before putting my sit belt on and lean my head back a bit while we take off. When the sit belt is turn off, I put my headphones out and blast my music on. The flight attendant from earlier comes back with the ice I ask and I thank her before taking a little Ziploc bag out of my bag to put the ice in. I get up and walk towards the youngest who’s sitting beside J-Hope and I tell Jungkook to lean is seat back to make a bed. I carefully take is shoe off and his sock before I put a washcloth and than the little bag of ice on it. I tell him to take the ice off after 15 to 20 minutes than to relaxed, take a nap and that I would be back later. I tell J-hope to make sure that he hasn’t have the ice on after 20 minutes.  I smile at the youngest to reassure him that I'm not mad at him and I got back to sit on my seat. I put back my belt and take out my laptop. I start to work on my translation work for IFC and only stopping when I get my meal and when my timer rings. I loot that Namjoon to see him reading a book so I quietly get up to not disturb him missing is staring at me. He notices that I hadn’t really take a break since this morning and wonders why I’m so ‘active’. It’s like I purposely make myself busy and he wonders why. I stop in front of Jungkook seeing him sleeping and I’m happy to the ice is not on is ankle anymore. I put tape on the new bag of ice I made on to his ankle and I notice J-hope fighting his sleep.

“I force him to sleep telling I was going to keep an eye on him” he told me smiling, tired. “He didn’t want to fall asleep knowing that he wouldn’t wake up in the next 20 minutes.”

“You have to relax too. It’s been a long morning for everyone.” I whisper to him. “I have work to do anyway so I will be back to take care of him.”

I walk back to my sit on my seat to go back to work for another 20 minutes and when back to Jungkook. That’s was my routine for the whole 3 hours and plus of flight. I was getting more than exhausted but I couldn’t let the maknae to himself and have him stay awake. He will need it since I know how the before awards show works, practice after practice, interview… Finally, we are arriving soon but that’s mean more work and the worst…Walking through crazy fans screaming and its hard even without out an injured idol but now Jungkook will be slowed down. I look behind me to see the manager and decide to tell him my plan.

“Manager Sejin-ssi can I talk to you about an idea I have?” I ask me with my professional tone. “When we walk through the fans, Jungkook will be slower and it worries me a bit. I was thinking that you should have him walk between you and another member, maybe Namjoon. I will take care of the rest…I will have all their passports with me already and walking first. Have another manager or staff behind the boys and the security around us.”

He was sitting beside another manager that I just notice and I bow to him. They both look at me very impress of how I can find ideas so quickly. Manager Sejin-ssi approves and sit back down to see Namjoon looking at me seriously. I now how smart he his and I know he’s trying to figure who I am really. No normal translator would be as professional like this and not so smart and talented. I will have to see if he will come to me and ask or he will wait.

“I guess you heard about my plan… I would need your passport and I think it would be the best since I know how much you ‘love’ losing your passport.” I tell him, amused and he starts laughing.

He gives me it and I get up to take all of the rest of the boy’s passports. They all give me it, confused and check Jungkook ankle one last time before bandaging it well again until we get to the hotel.

Ten minutes later, we landed and we stay behind to let the plane empty itself. I decide to go out before every body, all the members passports in hands including mine and I walk towards the security guards waiting. I'm surprise to recognize most of them and I go great them.

“Hey Zhao Chang Ming, Wu Guo Liang and Li Quing Zhan!” I said loud enough for the tree boys turn, hearing their name.

“Mia? Big Bang his here?” ask Guo Liang, while doing our handshake.

“No, BTS…I’m working for Big Hit Entertainment now at least for the next year” I tell him in mandarin after doing the handshake with the other two and bowing to the rest of them. “I know that you know what I’m going to tell you. There’s 7 of them with one who has an injured ankle…”

I keep talking to him not noticing the idols and staff staring at me being friendly with the security guards. I show them Jungkook and tell them to have him surrounded. They decide to have the idol walk 2 by 2 and one with a manager. The security while be surrounding the pairs especially Namjoon and Jungkook.

“I know you guys know the drill but in any situation of danger you never stop walking until you’re at the gate…” says Guo Liang the ‘leader’ of security. “Trust miss Mia Lee; she knows what she’s doing. I can tell you that with her, you will never have any problem. Now let’s get going.”

I put my favorite cap that I always wear when I go overseas especially with Big Bang and put a mask on. I turn around to see the boys do the same thins and even put their earphones on. I look at them one last time before walk straight knowing where to go. It was quite for a while but I could hear the scream even before seeing the fans.

“Who arrived?” I ask Guo Liang who’s walking beside me while keeping an eye on the idols and staff members.

“Another male idol group…EXO” He tells me. Dam it!

Worst timing ever! It was known that BTS fans Army and EXO fans EXO-L have a rivalry against each other. Being the awards after all will create a bigger rivalry and we are walking straight in a pack of wolfs… I look behind me without stopping. I see all eyes on me even Jungkook.

“Do not stop!” I said before I take my mask and put my cap around so everyone can see me.

I don’t stop when the fans start to notice BTS and I look around on my guards. Most of EXO fans followed the group but some stayed while the Army fans where coming closer. I notice a poster with Big Bang on it and I guess they will also arrive today. The fan with the poster seemed to recognized me and she seemed confused. She seemed so calmed compared to the rest of these fans. Some where getting to close and one got pass the guard. I told my guard friend to keep going while I grab the girl away from Jungkook and the boys.

“You…Back…Up…Now!” I scream at her, glaring at her and look at the rest of them. “Don’t make me hurt you…I Don’t care if you're a fan of BTS, EXO, Big Bang, etc. You can’t act like this, Have some respect!”

Everybody, fans and staff member where quiet and surprised. BTS stop moving like the guards and I even saw some of EXO members look at me. I’m sure that all this was filmed, there goes my cover. I did the same thing working with Big Bang oppas. I walk back to the front and I tell them to move and they did. We got to the past the customs no problem and we could finally breath a bit. They walk towards the vans while waving to fans. I told the manager that I had to do a stop and that I will meet them at the hotel. I wave for a taxi and I can see the boys looking at me surprise while they get in their vans. I tell the driver that I want to find a pharmacy close to the hotel and he starts driving.

“Miss you speak good Chinese” he politely compliments me and it makes me proud.

“Thank you” I bow to him still speaking mandarin. “I’m a translator from Korea and I can speak 8 other languages.”

He drops me off and I thank him before paying him. He asks me if I should wait for me but I tell him that I will explore. I go in the pharmacy to look at what I need and of course I see rows of Chinese medicine like heat patch but that’s not what I want and I ask the lady behind the glass is she has any ankle brace. She gives me what I want and also decide to by other medical supplies to fill back my medical kit. I thank the lady and leave the store. I look at the time and decide to walk back. I finally get some fresh air and it’s helps me cool down a bit. Even with my good mandarin skills, I still got confuse and took longer than planed. I look at my phone to see the time and I'm worried since we have a meeting in less than 15 minutes. I started to run when I see the hotel and I walk in while looking at my phone.

From: Manager Sejin-ssi

When you arrive at the hotel come directly to room 701. Meeting in 5 minutes!!

I see a lot of people waiting for the elevator and I can even see some idols. I decide to take the stairs and run till the 7 floor. Now, I'm all sweety for a meeting, great Mila…Bad idea. I don’t have time to change especially since I don’t even have my luggage. I walk in the hall looking for the right room and meet Yoongi and J-Hope on the way.

“Teach, what happened to you?” ask J-hope looking at my sweat.

“This is me having the good idea of running 7 levels of stairs to no be late for a meeting…” I said still trying to catch my breath.

“You know that there’s a thing that we call elevator…” said Yoongi amused. “Very handy…”

My relationship with Yoongi got much better since the minsunderstanding incident and we joke often together. I walk with them towards the right room and the oldest knocks on the door. The manager opens and let us in. I freeze a bit seeing some girl a little bit older than me talking to Jungkook, more like flirting in her part but I don’t pay attention. I find a place to sit and put the plastic bag beside me. I open my bag to get my portfolio out and my phone peeps. I almost forgot about his ankle and I look at him talking to the girl who must be another staff. I take a cold pack from the plastic bag and squish it before getting up.

“Here Jungkook, keep your foot elevated the must possible and you can take the ice after 30 minutes.” I said to him, not carrying if I interrupted them. This was more important.

“Oh right, thanks nuna” he tells me before putting his injured foot on a chair.

I can sense the girl staring at me, judging me and trying to figure who I am while I take the maknae shoe and sock off. I check his ankle while I'm at it and it looks a little better than this morning. I look around to see if there’s a washcloth around and I go to the bathroom to get one. I put the ice on it tape everything so it doesn’t move. I get up and go back to my sit ignoring all the stares. The meeting starts and we talk about the schedule and everything about the next few days here. They talk about the songs and everything, getting me more excited for their performance. I notice that the girl is not paying attention to the meeting. So unprofessional…

“Hey Hope, who the girl beside the maknae?” I whisper to him.

“That our Public relation manager, Kim…One second…Oh Kim Yunae!” he says while rubbing his head.

“So, what does she do exactly?” I ask

“Takes care of our transportation, finding interviews, concert venues, etc.” whisper Jimin.

“I guess meaning security…” I said more to myself.

I put back my attention to the meeting and the manager gives me an eye contact, meaning it’s my turn to speak. I get up with my portfolio and take out several different documents. I pass it around the members and stand beside the manager and the producer’s team.

“Boys, on the documents you will see question that will be mostly ask in the interviews” I tell them. “ I translate them in Korean and English too. So please read it at least once so you don’t find yourself surprised. I also included some mandarin phrases that you could use in speeches or introductions. If you need help, don’t hesitate.”

I watch them look at the documents and I can see their nervous like they where in my first class. Nervous to learn a new language and scared to say the wrong thing.

“Boys, fans don’t expect for you learn a new language to pleased them.” I start saying making them look at me. “They love you for who you are. You’re are a Korean group not a Chinese group, of course your going to speak and sing in Korean. They love you so much that they learn your songs, your Korean songs. They don’t care about the language barrier but learning to say hi and thank you, it’s a way of respect. That’s the same thing in every country. I don’t ask you to learn a new language but to respect them…”

I can the other staff approving and just notice that the meeting was going to be filmed. I'm just happy that I have a way with words making my speech better. I sit back down and the meeting keep going until we reach the subject of security.

“Miss Mila Lee, have you check the media since we landed?” ask the manager.

“No, but I guess it got filmed…I'm not surprised.” I tell them, signing. “It happened before when I was working with YG Entertainment and Big Bang. So how bad is it?”

“Actually, not bad at all...” tells me the producer director. “They compared this video and the one with Big Bang, wondering who you are. Some fans have recognized you and thank you.”

I knew this would happen and I can do anything except hoping it will calm the fans a bit. I look at the girl Kim Yunae, is it not her job to make sure that this wouldn’t happened.

“I got a question, is it not the job of the Public Relation manager to make sure that their enough security and make sure that they know if one of the members is injured?” I ask looking at the girl. “What I did this morning was just because I was there to early but I did get everyone in quicker. But I did a reminder to the airport security that I know so well, they where surprise that a member was injured. Plans had to chance, last minute. All this could have been avoided. I know I'm not the right person to say this and it doesn’t have to do with my job but all of the staff here even the dancer are here for the boys. Our priority is not ourselves but the 7 members of BTS.”

I stop talking sensing that I just created an awkward situation that makes me the mean person here, accusing someone of higher rank especially since I just started couple months ago. I sign before getting up bowing to everybody to ask forgiveness. Luckily the meetings end after that. I quietly put everything in my bag and I walk to the manager who gives me my door key saying that my luggage’s are already there. I thank him and apologize again. He puts a hand on my shoulder to reassure me and he says that will talk about later. I leave the room with the other staff and look at the number… 710. So, I’m at the last the room at the end of the corridor. I walk towards it when somebody stops me and it’s her.

“What’s your deal?” she asks me angry. I got a feeling that she got a talk from the manager and PD.

“I'm sorry that I accused you and your department, it wasn’t my attention” I told her, lying a bit. “I just didn’t want a repeat of today. I will know keep out of other people jobs, sorry again. Now, I have to get changed.”

I let her there and keep walking. I so need a shower to calm myself before I lose my job. I’m almost there when I hear my name, I turn around to see the boys. I wondering what they want but they just keep walking with me. And I realised that their rooms are beside me…

“Please don’t tell me I also have to babysit you 7 boys?” I said complaining making them laugh.

“Don’t worry nuna where big boys!” says Jungkook playfully. “We will keep our noise down!”

I smile and keep walking until I stop in front of the high window from, the hallway. The view is great can’t wait to see the night view. Lost in my thoughts and decide to take a shower before going on the roof terrace. I remind the maknae to put ice before going in my room.

“Wow! Nice room with perfect view!” I said while turning the light on.

I start unpacking and organising my stuff. My work stuff on the desk while my toiletry in the bathroom. I hang my coats and jacket in the closet. I jump straight into the shower, not wasting time. I take a warm shower taking away all my sweat and my stress away. Finished, I dry myself and put my clothes on. I cover myself with the bath robe provided by the hotel so I can dry my hair without getting my clothes wet. Finished, I put my music on and start moving to the beat and signing the lyrics. I barely hear the room bell but still go to open it. Not surprise to see the manager that’s a little bit surprise of my style of music. Yes! Hip Hop in the house!

I put the volume down so it becomes just background music and offer him something to drink before he sits on the chair while I sit on my bed.

“I just wanted to tell you that you did a good job at the meeting” he compliments me. “On subject of security was a little bit intense but we all knowledge what you said. We are here for the boys and they are our priority. I especially wanted to thank you for how well you did in the airport. It could have been worse.”

I bow to him smiling and he gets up to leave. He reminds me that we have a staff super tonight and that we are meeting in the lobby by 7pm.

“Do you think I can just meet you guys there?” I ask him again.

“Where are you going this time?” he asks me, curious.

“Every time I go to an Asian country overseas, I always have to stop to a Buddhist temple” I tell him. “I’m not Buddhist but the quietness of the temples gives me peace of mind. I also practice my mandarin with the monks. I get a blessing from them. I was maybe thinking of bringing the boys there the night before the awards to get a blessing for them. I did the same with Big Bang…”

“That’s not a bad idea…There nights are mostly free.” He tells me smiling. He notices the change with the boys since I started working with them and he likes the improvements. “I leave it to you Mila, just tell me the plan.”

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wongLXN #1
keep on writing :)