
Behind the Scene [2nd invasion]


hey i appreciate every subscriber and every reader i have. even its only 1. i will always be grateful <3   

okay okay. he's the second chapter.



First part was the partner choosing. Sungjong already knew who'd pick who, since everything was already scripted.

Sungyeol's confession. Sungyeol kisses Myungsoo on the forehead. Everything was evident on myungsoo's face that he didn't really like it. But Myungsoo still has to choose Sungyeol since it was part of the script.

Sungjong is just the MC, ignore them and smile Sungjong, smile. He kept on cheering to himself. 

Sungjong knew Sungyeol was really competetive but he didn't know it already reached to this  level. 

Sungjong almost choked on his own saliva when sungyeol actually kissed myungsoo on the pepero game.

 THAT is NOT part of the script. WHAT THE HECK IS HYUNG DOING TO MY JAGIYA??!! no, wait. calm down Sungjong this is just acting. they are just acting. that isn't a kiss kiss. Sungjong comforted himself. 

"L's lips are sweet" sungyeol said. 

"yeol's lips are soft." myungsoo added. 

okay that is it !! I'M THE BOYFRIEND HERE !! MYUNGSOO. I can't believe you'd say that! i can't believe you !! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU ??!! THAT IS NOT PART OF THE SCRIPT !!! Sungjong wanted to say yell, instead he just smiled and laughed like it was nothing but deep instead everything hurt. really hurt.

Myungyeol sort of got carried away and Sungjong is just there, watching, putting all effort and concentration on not crying and breaking down while smiling like he doesn't give a damn. 

Sungjong can't wait till the filming end and after it, Sungjong quickly went to their van and ask one of his managers to take him home first.

Their manager knows he was awfully hurt and just complied to his request.

Once Sungjong got to their dorm he immediately went to their room. (a/n hoya and sungjong shares a room) 

and cried endlessly. He saw the teddy bear myungsoo gave to him on their 1st anniversary and picked it up.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU WITH A BURNING PASSION AND FULL OF SCORN. I HATE YOU AND SUNGYEOL HYUNG I HATE YOU." Sungjong continued on punching the teddy bear,  until one side of its body tore open. 

He wiped his tears, took the sewing kit and sewed the tear back. 

"i hate you" he said and hugged the teddy bear not really sure if hate is really what he's feeling right now. what is this?

jealousy? a voice within him suggested. He wasn't jealous. He'd never been jealous. 

They are just acting Myungsoo will never leave me.



oh. there's going to a chapter three. kekeke~

again. not proofread. too sleepy to do that. i'm a lazy pig .

sooo, sorry again for all the mistakes you find in this chapter.

please do comment and subscribe. ^^


and oh. i slightly edited the first chapter. just one sentence no big deal  :)


le bonus for all my subbies. showing my love through this couple.


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I love it! :) MyungJong forever! ^_^
dreaming034 #2
New reader here.:D I like how your story is going so far.
LOL jongie is not at all creeped out that someone took his pic??? LOL and he was wearing a what??? OTL. myungie at the end is hilarious!!! haha i think u need to make this oneshot a twoshot or more XD

okay i add you so i can continue reading your story :D
foreveralone1020 #4
yes L! embrace homo-ness! XD

the second invasion concert was full of myungyeol, woogyu and yadong that I really don't like watching it... the way you wrote this story made me feel that this is what actually happened.. TT___TT
that oneshot is so cute XDD poor Myungkitty XDD don't be in denial Myungie and embrace your ual preference XDD
toujourspur7 #6
ugh, Jongie. that was what i said when i saw the myungyeol for the first time. --a
"i hate myungsoo, i hate myungyeol" ahaha, update!?!?! XD
toujourspur7 #7
yeah, let's safe our nation(??) i mean our OTP XD
Myungjong ftw. :3
bubuchichi21 #8
the chap pic is real :))
actually i saw only 2 myungjong pics on second invasion. = ="
Awww myungie u better make it up to ur jagiya! Oh yeah is that chap pic a real one?