Chapter 2: Kibum is the major -blocker

2min is real

“Unnie, look! Amber shared this video in the groupchat!” Ara jumps 1000 feet off her chair and I am forced to think if she was sitting on a spring but then my mind tells me it's 2min and I go right

Naturally, I reach for my phone and unlock it to click on whatsapp app. The first one named ‘2min trash’ with a bin emoji is my initial goal but I accidentally click mine and Mina’s chat where she has sent me multiple D!spatch level photos of Taemin and Minho at her house. I am about to exit when I decide that these photos are more trivial and whatever Amber has shared isn’t running away so I scroll and zoom every picture because for whatever reasons, Mina forgets that she has a DSLR and proceeds to take snaps from 1000 miles away. Half the times we can’t decipher what they are actually doing because she was smart enough to record it with her phone camera zoomed in till no one can see if it’s a dot or Taemin’s face.

It’s like all the times people had found unbelievable stuff and they get to choose with what they want to record it and of course, like their dumb ancestors they go for a phone with 2MP camera so that even if you have eyes, you can’t see. Oh I have a DSLR but what will I use? My ing phone of course, duh.

One time I told her off on this and then she promised to use that camera but I guess she’s just naturally snails’ descendant that by the time she is done switching it on, they have grown old and crusty. 

I swear sometimes Mina makes me question my life decisions and that’s not just because why did she not catch them red-handed but because she thinks and she is sure that she is catching them red-handed with her 2MP- quality camera and then doesn’t even feel an ounce of shame when she shares it in the groupchat or sends it to me to induce a storage full prompt on my phone.

I exit the chat, purposely leaving her on seen so she learns but I know for a fact that she’s Jinki’s classmate and although I am one too, she has gotten infected by his idiocy. In Taemin’s case, he didn’t get infected by his brother but instead has grown a delusion where he thinks his shy little glances, tinted cheeks and longing stares go unnoticed by 1000 people sitting on his table.

And by 1000 people, I mean me, Mina and all the other 2min shippers who have the ability to teleport.

Finally, I click on the groupchat and immediately realise that I’ve missed out on a lot. And it’s not because the moments are too many but as usual, these girls are going crazy with the fangirling, such that I try to scroll up to see what the fuss is about only to accidentally click the down option.

With a roll of eyes, I scroll back up to Amber’s message and click play on her video.



Okay has anyone seen a guy doodle on another guy’s arm when they are supposed to be paying attention in class? Because I haven’t. unless you count right now, that is. From the angle Amber has recorded it, it’s so clear that Minho, although unwillingly, has his arm out for our little black-headed Taeminnie to doodle on. Disregarding the fact that Amber is using her phone in class as a Deputy Head Girl, I go straight to the fact that this moment is happening right now.

Honestly though, why or what do you smoke to let someone ruin your arm like that? And I mean it when I say ruin because our baby cheese doesn’t know how to draw. Last time when he came to Mina’s house, for Minho hyungie of course and I so happened to be there (Definitely not because Taemin was over), he insisted on sketching someone. Being smart and vigilant Deputy Head Girl,  I asked him to sketch me but no, he had to turn me down and say Noona is hard to sketch.

Noona isn’t hard to sketch baby cheese, noona doesn’t get hard anywhere.

We didn’t lose even then, wanting to trap Taemin somehow and so Mina said why not me and I guess everyone knows what our baby cheese said. That Noona moves a lot.

Although I lowkey agree on that but Mina isn’t those professionals who are told to sit stark and not move till the sketch is complete so please try to fool someone who’s actually a fool. For example your brother.

Then magically, Minho appears with a carton of banana milk and Taemin goes Hyung can I sketch you? If I was finding his little whining and excuses cute before, I was beyond enraged having being rejected over my friend’s brother. But then I cooled myself off because sigh If I was in love with someone, I’d want to sketch them, giving me enough reasons to stare at them without looking creepy.

But this also made us two wonder if Minho has an easy face and if he stays still at all so we watch, pretending to be busy with baking and guess what?

Not even 2 seconds in and we hear this:

Hyung, stop moving!



Baby cheese you could have just asked us Noona I want to sketch this certain man with Greek-God-ish features and meat between his legs.

I am sure we aren’t rude to gun-point you into sketching us.

This boy is so in love but so stuck-up that he doesn’t want to admit.

I am starting to believe maybe Minho really sees Taemin as a friend but this little minx definitely wants to get in those pants. To slather his Minho hyungie’s all over his body.

Okay that’s a very…

“Eonnie, Amber said Taemin took his arm out of nowhere as if this was natural to them. Ackkkkkk.”

I know.

I can read, Ara.

I have eyes.

No 2min moment can miss these eyes.

Let me imagine what I was trying to imagine. Taemin sprawled on the bed with Minho between his lean legs and…

“Noona have you seen Mina noona?”

Many times.

Last time I saw her exiting this cafeteria with a red face because she couldn’t take how cute you two were being in the video. I mean like, Taemin’s face scrunched into a concentrating mess while he tried to doodle over your arm and made it look presentable knowing very well that most of his drawings look like spawns of Satan. How you kept glancing over and making those concerned yet chuckly faces at your arm and sometimes lingering a bit too long on Taemin’s adorable face. Concerned because maybe no one told Taemin that sharpie is permanent and although you have a tongue and a brain, you put it to no good use and did not tell him the hazards of doing so because why?

Your baby cheese is too cute and his one Minho hyungie I’m sorry will make you punch yourself in the nuts for making him apologise for giving you skin cancer.

That’s right.

That’s how deep you are.

In love.

Or maybe in his . I don’t know.

“She has just left to the washroom, why?” Minho is probably here because the class ended and that also means another cafeteria date with his Taeminnie. But this time, he is accompanied by Kibum, who I see coming over from miles away because he’s that loud.

Guess that means the only date they can have is the date pie while Kibum sits in between them and slaps Minho’s arm if he reaches over to Taemin from behind him.

Oh yes, I saw that happening.

A little inside on Kibum’s insides: He is a major 2min hater. You can smell him from miles away because he wears the most expensive perfume you can imagine, maybe Steve Job’s sweat, you never know. His fashion is A plus for me but his ability to in is what makes me want to choke him. It’s not like he hates Taemin  and Minho, in fact, he’s Taemin’s self-appointed mother who thinks that Minho is always trying to corner Taemin into shooting a rather submissive with him. He has told me multiple times how 2min isn’t real and then it makes me laugh because I always counter with Jongkey isn’t real.

Kibum hates when I do that because unlike 2min and their secretive , they are actually dating.

Oh yeah, the Jong in Jongkey is Jonghyun, another junior of mine except this one is only 1 year junior and if you look at him, the only thing which is junior about him is his height. One thing I acknowledge about Jonghyun is that he does nothing to peel his boyfriend off Taemin when he’s being annoying. What that means is, it’s either he’s trying to stay out of trouble or he’s just being him.

Where Kibum is the manipulator and he’s the manipulat-ee.

And you know what Kibum always -blocking means? There has to be something going on which triggers Kibum motherly receptors hence him working as a force field between the pair. Nonetheless, I stare my way into them plopping down on the same table as mine and instinctively put my bag down so that Taemin can sit beside me because the kid looks lost with a tray of sandwiches in his hands.

He blinks.

And blinks.

And I am this close to gesturing him to sit with me because he seems to be confused, I don’t know why, as to where to sit when clearly the seat beside me is empty.

Then I see what actually is the problem and it’s a certain Choi’s size, past which Taemin can’t seem to see any other seat. He stood over Minho as if hoping to somehow magically induce a space to squeeze in a seat from some other table. 

Actually, I have 2 empty seats on my either sides because Ara and Mina both left to Narnia, leaving me to collect the 2min content everyone is dying for. You know what that means? Because I do.

“Noona, could you scooch over?”

Exactly that.

I can Taemin but I won't because you both are friends and sometimes friends don't get to sit together.

I look up and furrow my eyebrows at the cheeky smile Taemin is giving me, almost going aw sure (because he’s that cute when even if he’s murdering someone, if he puts on that smile of his, the murdered person will think of all the things he needed to be punished for) and then I see a towering Choi behind him who has managed to stand from his spot to occupy mine, expecting me to scoot all the way into the wall so they can steal glances and go touchytouchy.

I smile.

“Taemin, sit with me.” I hear sternness ooze all over Kibum’s frame and onto Jonghyun’s and my smile grows even more noticing the visible iration on Minho’s baby cheese’s face. Okay so here’s how we are sitting. It’s a table by the wall with 3 chairs on each lengthy side. I happened to be sitting on the one in the centre of the side across Kibum and Jonghyun, who without any fuss occupied the seats by the wall, leaving one for Minho, where he did sit at first.

Before he realized his Taeminnie didn’t have any spot beside him to sit on.

So now basically they were hovering over my head, wanting me to move in so they sit side-by-side, hand-in-hand, knees touching, shoulders a millimeter from other’s so Minho can bump it accidentally every now and then and throw a knowing smirk to a flushing Taemin.

All their plans go down the drain along with Jinki’s sanity as I see him stumble into the scene with a bucket of chicken. He actually stumbles over Kyungsoo’s legs and I think wow that’s possible too? Because it’s Kyungsoo’s legs and the boy is small. That’s just straight up Jinki Condition where one is able to stumble in air while doing something as simple as breathing.

No one:
Literally No one:
Not even Minho (because he seems to fall a lot. In love that is):
Jinki: Stumbles over a wrapper on the floor.

As soon as his eyes level mine, his smile disappears. He doesn’t stop coming over though.

Signs are enough for witty people but that doesn’t imply on Jinki because although he is witty when it comes to studies, he is not people, or person.

“Did you hear Kibum? Go sit there. We have to accommodate Jinki’s being too.” That’s when Taemin looks over his shoulder and frowns at Kibum and no one, not even me, frowns at Kibum. “You guys act like this and then complain that we ship you two when you are just friends.” I snort and I can hear Minho rolling his eyes so I look up and he indeed is rolling his eyes big- soccerball sized eyes.

Before we can install Minho beside me and glue Taemin beside Kibum, Jinki decides it’s a great idea to come unannounced, uninvited and ruin our plan by propping his beside Kibum and hey!-ing.

And when Kibum glares at him after glaring at Taemin’s titter he has the audacity to go:


He looks so confused it’s hilarious.


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Chapter 3: OMG... you are so funny. :D :D :D
Chapter 3: I just found this story and omg I AM IN LOVE!!!! I absolutely love everything about it and I can't wait to read more!!!
Chapter 2: Omg I missed this story so muchhh...

Haha our dubu leader onew is so hilarious

I wish I was her ahh

Lol the way you described kibum ahhahaha i cantttt
Chapter 3: at this point of the story Yumi and Mina are my heroes- or heroines Great job girls keep this up yayayayay
Chapter 2: lolololololol I love this so much hahahahahha
Omg this is soo funnnnyyy
I love Mina! She's like the female ver. of our clumsy Jinki XD
Lol 2min are literally too obvious.
Lmao this is so hilarious. I can't stop laughing!

Waiting for morreeeeee<3
I can imagine how funny this is gonna be XD
Where can I sign up for this fanclub?
I can't help but see myself as Yumi
Chapter 1: hahahahahahhahahahahahhaha WHY AM I SEEING MYSELF TRAPPED INSIDE YUMI?? because that's how exactly I would act around this couple lmao
I realllllyyyy enjoy reading your fictions please keep this up!!!! Fighting
I'm already in love with this