A Musical Playground

A Family Affair (one-shot)

Disclaimer; YGE owns Skydragon. ;( I just love them.

A/N; I felt I should have some skydragon now. Recently it has been a lot of skytempo in For Us and being a SD supporter I need some skydragon and their kids. I am typing this on my tablet please forgive the unneatness and mistakes.

Ji-Yong held onto his squirmy of a five year old son in his arms as he tried to focus on writing a beat on a piece of paper but Chae-Yong wouldn't have any of that. He kept leaning forward over his arm and trying to slip through his lap and onto the floor. He was kicking and squirming but Ji-Yong could afford to let the boy go and ruin the music board and play with the sliders. "Ah-pah!! Lemme gooo!" He yelled as he squirmed and looked up at his father with adorable almond shaped eyes and a pouty face he had developed from his mother Chaerin. Sighing he freed him from his grasp. "Fine but Chai you mess up mommy's beats you know she will be really mad at you." He warned and patted his son's unrully messy light brown hair. Chae-Yong smiled at his dad and nodded rapidly and went straight to the couch on the other of the studio room and taking a moment to attempt and scale the mountain that were the cushions. Once on top he began to jump on them like a trampoline.

The twins Ji-Rin and Chae-Yong didn't go to regular or even private school like normal children, they we're blessed with YG education which was almost like YG training for idols and groups. They had to learn different languages and they learned how to dance for excerise. But the twins learned shapes and letters as well as colors like normal kids their age. The only thing they didn't learn was how to sing or rap like idols. Their parents didn't want to force them into music too early or make it seem like they didn't care about what they would want to be when they grew up. To Chaerin and Ji-Yong even if they didn't want to do music for the rest of their lives they would love their children with all their hearts and support them in whatever they wished.

Finally the door to the studio openned and there was Chaerin carrying a bag full of take out boxes and a small Ji-Rin holding onto the end of her coat. Ji-Rin looked like a young girl version of her daddy. She had her mom's eyes but her lips were shapely like Ji-Yong and the way she walked had all the confidence and power that Ji-Yong had. "Hey momma." Ji-Yong cooed and Chaerin smiled at her husband and went to him, kissing his lips. "I missed you Jingyo." Pulling out a chinese take out box she handed it to him before sitting down in the chair next to him.

Ji-Rin was no doubt a big daddy's girl as she ran to him and raised her arms up and made a grabby motion for him to pick het up. Ji-Yong couldn't resist his little princess. "Are you hungry little Cha-Yen?" He cooed and using the chopsticks pulled a piece of chicken and fed it to his daughter.

Chae-Yong was hungry too so he ran to his mommy who fed him some noodles and he ran away to go back to the coach and repeated the process. "Chai! Stop that, you're gonna get sick if you keep running!" Chaerin warned and grabbed her son and plopped him into her lap to feed. Oh the nicknames? Chae-Yong was affectionally named Chai as in massala chai tea for Chaerin craved that tea when she was pregnant, now Ji-Rin's name came from the Thai term for Thai tea that she fell in love with during a tour in Thailand early in her pregnancy.

As Ji-Yong and Chaerin fed their darling little ones they smiled and talked about their music. It had been awhile since the two of them were able to spend any time together in the studio. Usually they would have to take turns in watching their little ones. They never could have imagined that having children and keeping up with their busy music schedules could be so hard but they were glad they had one another and they would've never traded parenthood for anything. "Did you figure out a beat for my rap?" Chaerin asked in mid chew of her terriyaki and her husband nodded and made Ji-Rin drink from his water bottle.

"I did. But I feel like there is something missing in it. I can't put my finger on it but its like one more layer of beats and I know it would be sick." Ji-Yong answered and Chaerin just nodded and let out an experated sigh. The two of them had been acting more like a duo since the babies' birth and now were working on a duet album like High High was with GD and TOP. Right now the two of them were working on CL's solo on the album and they were both up late at night trying to get it just right. Their CD was scheduled for release in the following season and they still had three more songs to accomplish and figure out which music videos to do. Then whatever will they do if they have to travel for promotions or even touring. God forbid if they left their pipsqueaks. Especially Chaerin. She could barely leave the two of them for two hours to have a meeting with YG.

The door to the recording booth openned and there was Young Bae who smiled at the couple and then waved cutely to his godkids. "Oi, YG needs to talk to you both." He shrugged his shoulders to show that he had no clue what about and the two sighed. "Alright." they both answered in unison and they couldn't help but laugh at it. Even after all this time they were still two sides of the same coin. "Gimme a moment. Chai and Cha-Yen look like they are about to pass out." Ji-Yong laughed and carried his baby girl to the couch who yawned as she was placed down on it and Chaerin did the same to her baby boy who whined as if he wasn't sleepy yet.

"Oem-ma... no..." he cooed and Chaerin kissed his forehead and softly sang a few lines of "You and I" to him and his eyes got heavy before laying down besides his sister and they held onto one another for warmth and promptly fell asleep to nap. Chaerin motioned for Ji-Yong to remove his Alexander McQueen jacket and when he did she wrapped it around them, tucking the two in the pricey jacket.

"Alright. Let's see what he wants. Maybe we can have some alone time while we are at it." the blushing wife cooed and her darling husband nodded in agreement and took her hand in his as they closed the door to the recording booth quietly so not to startle their angels.

One hour later...

The twins woke up after their nap to an empty record room. Their mother and father hadn't been expecting them to be up for another half an hour so they had decided to spend some alone time. Just them time because some alone time was the key to any successful marriage. Chae-Yong woke up with a yawn and shook his sister awake not wanting to be the only one up and when Ji-Rin was awake too they slid off the couch and went straight for the electronic board and started to play with the sliders on it. One of them slid the button all the way up and others went down. Laughing Ji-Rin went to the opposite door of the one that lead from the hallway and openned it. The room was white but there was a chair and microphone laying in wait for her to play with it. But there was also a stand with a notepad with words. It was their mother's lyric book. "Chaaaaai!" Ji-Rin called out as she climbed up on the stool and looked at the paper trying to read her mother's handwriting.

Chae-Yong heard his sister call out to him through the discarded headset on the top of the chair. Grabbing it he pressed the button that he had seen his father press whenever he wanted to communicate with their mother during a recording session. "Whaaat?" he smiled and when he heard himself echoe he was laughing.

"Come in here! Momma wrote stuff!" Ji-Rin enticed and Chae-Yong removed the headset from his head and slid down the sliders and pressing buttons on the way down out of the chair. The red "Recording" sign came on but Chae-Yong didn't notice it as he went into the room with his sister who pulled him up into the chair with her and the two of them looked over at the english lettering that they had been studying.

Everyone always judging no one listening.

Everyone hurting but no one healing.

When the day gets hard I go home and when everything seems unfair.

There he was playing with them and the world was clear.

On my hardest days I look at my phone and hope he is missing me too.

What ya know there he is on the screen ring a ling ling.

Baby I missed you. I wanna just kiss you...

Can you come see me for a little bit?

Can you hold me a bit?

Am I being too needy?

And the two went on rapping and interchanging between the singing. Ji-Rin was singing the bridge and chorus while Chae-Yong was rapping at the verses, he was smooth and slick in them like he had seen his mother and do it all his life. Like HE had been doing it his whole life. They took in their mother's words and their father's notes on the side... and they gave it life. They might have been only five but they weren't stupid... they could tell these where their mother's insecurities on the page but seeing their father and them made everything right. When they were all done they looked at one another and smiled at what they had done for their parents and they climbed down from the chair together.

When they openned the door and went back to the couch to act little angels it was only moments they had to wait for their parents to come in and when the saw the sliders and buttons pressed they grew worried and went through it. They were about to blow up at their children... so many days and hours working on the song but a replay button was pressed and the voices of their little angels rang through and it quenched their anger... looking to each other Chaerin and Ji-Yong smiled and held onto their babies. They were just as talented or would be with a little more practice and training... why not add this to their album? It was right...


A/N; Underline is to be read as a rap and the italics are to be read as a song.


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Vivianv96 #1
Chapter 1: So cute omg I'm dead
kebeejane #2
Sooo cute!!! Such talented twins. :D
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. Loving th twins.. So adorable ^^^ Kyaaaaaaaaaaa~~~
Kyaaaaaa~ this is amazing. They're sooooo cute. <3 loved it.
awwwwwwwww that was really cute: a family of genius
cl_jiD #6
ohhh definitely musically inclined.... I mean with legends like them as your parents gosh who wouldn't be.... aigoooo this makes me want to really imagine this happening in real life haha i'mma go back to my skydragon dreamland lol!
anniepooh #7
I always love reading stories of Skydragon family. Their kids are really cute. Sounds a handful, like their parents, but they're totally adorbs. Yep, I can totally see Ji doting on his daughter and Chae favoring her son. Of course, they would be geniuses. The genes, man, the genes! More please? :)
one big skydragon family<3
i pretty much imagine jiyong and chaerin's faces when they hear the kids<3
update fast please<3