
Five Circles of Hell

Abandon all hope, you who enter here.

            There were five of them, and him. Five lives intertwined by a poor excuse of a soul. He was nothing but a follower, a dot from the millions abhorring the unknown; a meager vindication of the creature created by Him to keep the balance. He was supposed to be nothing, just like how his creation was supposed to be. But after the 4th passing of Halley’s Comet and 19 years later, at the almost perfect number of 320 years upon his creation, a mistake ended his divine fate.

            The fallen should have never fallen. The agnostic was supposed to be a pagan. The amorous just ought to be loved. The glutton should not have been tempted. The envious was not supposed to be taunted. The wrathful was never meant to exercise its wrath.

            One mistake is what it takes for the fate of six to drastically change. A whole game of chess played by the wicked, to salvage his doom in exchange for theirs. They were the plain chess pieces; the knights protecting the king; the pawns guarding the queen.

            They would never have thought to be serving the five circles, but here they are, suffering and eternally being punished because of one wicked fallen ready to risk it all.

            A mere player who made them all his pawns.

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