Please be my friend...


Click me click me click on me!


First and foremost, thank you for clicking on my boring ad. As the title states, I am on a hunt for new friendships! (or even reuniting with some old ones.)

A little bit about me:

  • I am a full-time university student and I have a part-time job so I may not be on as often and may not get to dms until I have some time!
  • I am in the plus timezone (if that matters to you)
  • My faceclaims are usually female (main fcs: Jisun, Chaewon, Yeji, Yiren, LOONA girlies)
  • I love sharing my favorite songs, (please recommend me some!!)
  • I am of age OOC and currently unavailable
  • Sorry to disappoint but I don't pubg... maybe I'll get back into it one day but not right now! I do have plato though!! >_<
  • My only is platform is Twitter!

If this boring ad interested you in any way, drop your username in my PM and I'll give you a follow!

Congratulations for making it to the end!


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