Thoughts on Labit Couple


Disclaimer: Views, thoughts and opinion expressed are solely of the author.

I noticed that posting in their Insta for labit couple is creating a big fuss for PMY and KJW. I feel sad that PMY had to disable commenting in her account due to fan war. I guess some fans didn't learn in HPL drama..hehe. I thought its better to hive my ship in private. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


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Hotatei #1
Chapter 1: Two celebrity divorces this year, if they are dating, I wouldn’t blame them for being paranoid and wanting to keep it a secret. Saying that, both marriages had younger men, maybe having an oppa might make all the difference. Either way, I wish them the best of luck together or separately. Just fed up of the ship wars. Let everyone delulu as they wish. Like our shipping will sway their own personal feelings.
iMJaehooked #2
Chapter 1: That's what my delulu mind is thinking too.. Haha ? ?? just a correction my friend, Kim Jae Uck spent his vacation in Germany, not Spain, but you're right that they were just 2hrs plane ride away from each other.. That place in Mallorca is really perfect for lovers to have a privacy. ????