
My cupid dog

Mark and Jinyoung have been messaging each others for a few days already. And today is finally The Day.

Right now Jinyoung is waiting for Mark in front of the cinema. Yep it's a date.

So, today is a movie date, a horror movie date. Not Jinyoung first choice, but Mark wanted to see it and who is he to refuse? Especially when Mark seems so excited to see it? And Mark did warn him that even if he loves watching horror movies, he's freaking out really easily and tend to hold anything within his reach. Today it's Jinyoung. Even better.

Speaking of Mark, here he come. Jinyoung looked at him making his way toward him. He was wearing a long sleeve striped shirt, and skinny ripped jeans, a green cap on his head. A big smile making is way on his lips the moment he noticed Jinyoung, Jinyoung smiling back.

- "Hey! Did you wait long?"

- "Hi! Nah don't worry I just came like 5 minutes ago. Should we enter?"

Then they both went into the cinema, going directly toward the counter to buy their tickets.

Jinyoung was reaching for his wallet to pay, but Mark was faster and handed his card first. Making Jinyoung look at him.

- "Hey! I was go-"

- "Too late" Mark said sticking his tongue out playfully. "I'm the one who want to see that movie so of course I'm paying haha. Next time alright?"

- "I can't believe you" Jinyoung huffed amused at the older boy beside him. Then looked at his watch. "We still have some time before the movie start. Let's have a drink?"

- "Sound nice to me!"

They went to the cafe just beside the cinema and ordered their drinks. You paid for the ticket so I AM paying for the drinks, no objections! Before sitting on one of the table. They talked a little before a comfortable silence made his way between them. Mark happily sipping on his drink while Jinyoung was looking at him.

- "Mark?"

- "Hm?" He said lifting his head.

- "Can you take your cap off? I like it better when I can see you"

Blushing Mark took off the cap and put it in his bag. Then smiled shyly at Jinyoung.

- "Yup it's way better now" Jinyoung said, picking up his drink, smiling brightly behind it.

Once both finished their drinks, Jinyoung got up and extended his hand to Mark. "The movie's gonna start soon let's go"

Mark looked at the hand in front of him then Jinyoung with big eyes. Not moving. Making Jinyoung chuckle as he took Mark's hand to make him get up so they could make their way to the movie.

Jinyoung never let go of the other boy's hand. Even after settling down. They didn't talk either. But when Jinyoung looked a last time at Mark he saw that he wasn't the only one smiling contentedly. A slight blush on the elder cheeks that was more than likely on his too.


When Mark said he was freaking out quite easily he wasn't lying. Every noise a little louder, unexpected or expected jumpscare was startling him. The bigger ones making him hug Jinyoung's arm tighter, still not letting go of his hand. Not that Jinyoung was complaining, he was cute and watching his reactions was ... entertaining.

At one point Jinyoung let go of Mark's hand, and removed the armrest just so he could put his arm around the boy's shoulders to make him fully lean on him. Startled at first, Mark looked at Jinyoung with confusion, followed by a smile when he understood, before he made himslef comfortable on the younger's shoulder.
And that's how they spent the rest of the movie.

- "The movie was nice wasn't it?" Said Jinyoung once they were outside.

- "What are you saying? I saw you look at me more than the screen!"

- "Ha Ha busted. It's your fault, your reactions were too funny." He said snickering behind his hand. Resulting on Mark slapping his arm.

- "Hey! Don't laugh at me!"

- "Sorry, sorry" Jinyoung was still laughing. "Hey"

- "What?" No Mark was not sulking and no it wasn't extremely cute.

- "It's still early... Do you want to do something else? Before going home."

- "I don't know" he was still sulking. Why so cute.

- "Maaaaark ~" Jinyound said cutely as he took Mark hand and started shaking him. If Youngjae was seeing this, he would have make fun of him until the end of their lives.

The smile Mark was trying to hide finally revealed himself as he said

- "Ok! Ok! Fine! And since I choose first now it's your turn. What do you want to do?"

Jinyoung think a little before answering

- "Do you mind going to the library a little?"

- "No I'm fine with it. Lead the way!" He said pointing in a random direction. Making both of them laugh before departing, hands finding each others again.
The walk to the library wasn't that long but filled with a lot of laughter.


Once they entered Jinyoung let go of the other hand to wander between the shelves. Mark following him like a lost puppy for a little while.

- "You know you can wander in the shop too right?" Jinyoung broke the silence, amused by Mark's behaviour.

- "Oh. Oh! Yeah I can" he said scratching his head with a goofy smile. Mark was indeed way too cute.

- "It won't take long so go and have fun, I'll find you in a bit ok?"

- "Ok..."

Jinyoung chuckled at the sight of Mark leaving. He kind of looked like a sad puppy who's being left alone at home.

As Jinyoung said, it didn't took long to find the book he needed. So once done he started his find where's Mark mission.

And after a little research he found him, sitting at a table, so absorbed in the comic he was reading he didn't see Jinyoung sitting in the seat across him.

So Jinyoung decided to just let him finish it. Mark seemed to enjoy what he was reading after all. And Jinyoung knew spending time in a library wasn't the most fun thing to do while in a date to some people.

So he resumed on doing the same as he did a lot already today. Observing Mark.
The sun rays caressing Mark's frame, making his hair a beautiful shade of caramel. Warm honey eyes. His pretty lips sometimes smiling or pouting depending on what was happening.
Mark was such a beautiful human being that Jinyoung was wondering if he wasn't an angel.

Jinyoung woke up from his reverie when Mark closed the comic and gasped at the view of someone he didn't even saw coming.

- "Jinyoung? W-when did you?"

- "Just a few moment ago. You were so into it that I didn't want to disturb you. Was it good?" He answered with a warm smile.

- "Yeah! I wanted to read it for a while but couldn't find it" Mark said looking really happy. Making Jinyoung happy too, seems like the library wasn't that bad of a choice.

- "I found the book I was looking for too. Do you want to read something else?"

- "No I'm good. Let's go?"


When everything was paid, it was sadly time for both of them to head back home. So that's what they did, hand in hand, Jinyoung walking Mark home.

Mark was swinging their hand while humming. Jinyoung humming with him when he could recognize the song.

The time once again flying to fast as both were too soon in front of Mark's building.

Jinyoung turned himself and took Mark's other hand, so they were standing face to face.

- "Thank you for today." He said with a soft smile. Mark didn't answered and just looked at him, the same kind of smile on his lips.

And that's what they did, looking at each other for what seemed like hours but just a few seconds at the same time.

Jinyoung was the one moving first, slowly closing the distance between the two. To do what he wanted to do since the first moment he landed his eyes on Mark today. Mark, closed his eyes, waiting for that moment too.

And when their lips touched for a gentle kiss, it was again as if the time was slowing down but accelerating at the same time.
One of Jinyoung's hand no longer holding Mark's one but cupping his cheek, tenderly caressing it with his thumb.

After breaking the kiss they didn't move, forehead against each other, Jinyoung still caressing Mark's cheek. Just enjoying the moment.

With one last kiss, Jinyoung detached himself from Mark. Loving eyes looking at the beautiful boy in front of him.

- "You should go now. Milo must be waiting for you."

- "hhmm... Yeah I should." But Mark didn't move, dreamy eyes looking at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung chuckle at Mark's reaction. Letting go of Mark's hand and cheek. He turned him around and gently pushed him.

- "I said go! I'll call you tonight"

- "Promised?"

- "Yeah promised. Now shoo"

And Mark finally left, but not before turning around one last time and saying.

- "You promised so don't forget!"


As he promised Jinyoung did call Mark, both talking again for hours. One of them falling asleep in the middle of his phrase. The other one ending the call and falling asleep too not long after, a smile playing on his lips.

__________________ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧________________

As I promised (kind of haha) here's the boys date.

It's been sitting in my draft unfinished for almost 2 months since I wasn't satisfied with how it turned out. And tonight I just decided to open it again and finally finish writing it. To be honest I'm still not satisfied with what I did. I couldn't write as well as how I was seeing it in my head haha. Let me blame it on English not being my first language. XD

As always I tried to proofread it but there still might be some misspelling here and there. And it's late here now so I'll do it tomorrow.

Big thanks to you who took their time to read my stories.(And that way too long note lol) I hope you liked it even just a little.

Have a nice day y'all and see you next time!!

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Chapter 1: Cuteeeeee
And Jinyoung being possessive already *smirks*
Go text him Jinyoung! ^^
UnordinaryMe #2
Chapter 1: this is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeee
BillaNatasha #3
It's cute...I need more of this...please ..
Chapter 1: Awww I always hope that this kind of cute fluffy thing is not a one chapter thing cause it so cute (☆∀☆) I know I always demand this kind of thing but I would be so glad and love to read about the next meet of Jinyoung and Mark >< that ofc if you're free and want to write it ofc no pressure (❀◦‿◦)