Good Ending


“Hyewon, who’s that with you?” The tired manager slouched on the wall, while her eyes never seemed to leave the woman at question. 


“Oh, she’s Yuri, my colleague at work and WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” The lawyer quickly covered whatever she’s doing behind her back, much to the displease of her wife. Sensing she hit a wrong spot, she quickly scooted up next to her wife and hugged her as tight as she can as she tried to bury her wife’s face in her chest. Of course, the other woman protested in an annoyed manner as she tried her best as well to peek at what her wife was hiding from her besides the female stranger. A few dozens of cookies laid out on a plate. 


“Did you two make that together?” Eunbi pulled herself away from her wife who’s desperately trying to clean up the mess that she got herself into. 


“Uhm.. Yeah, we did.” Hyewon’s head hung low as she answered her wife. She felt even more ashamed when she saw how her wife kept silent as she left the two women in the kitchen. 


“Uhh, thanks for letting me use your kitchen. I really appreciate it. And thank you for spending time to bake cookies with me, I hope she’ll like this.” The shorter girl looked excitedly at the cookies in her bag, and she waved the lawyer goodbye as she stepped out of the house.




“Eunbi ah, I promise we didn’t do anything else other than baking the cookies.” The lawyer lied down next to her wife, who still seemed angry at what happened just now since her back remained facing the concerned woman. 


“Stop trying to please me.” Only one line from the manager was heard so far after she left the kitchen. 


“No really, I-”


“And go bathe.” The manager ordered her wife. 


“But I already did this afternoon.” Hyewon was getting confused by how irrational her wife was getting at. This is not the first time she was seen with another woman alone, so why the fuss now?


“I just don’t like it.” The reply came on quick.


“You don’t like how I smell? Should I change body wash? What do you like? Peach?” A string of questions appeared after one another as the said woman tried to sniff herself to get what her wife was trying to get at. She was too focused on doing so that she didn’t notice her wife trying to hold back her laughter watching her goofy self. 


“It’s just that you smell like her.” Eunbi said quietly and quickly before turning her back once again. 


“Ehh? Say that again? I didn’t catch that.” Hyewon teasingly said to her wife, before she went to wash up.


Around 10 minutes passed since the couple’s last conversation, the older woman was getting bored and was playing on her phone when the bathroom door opened, revealing a lady in a bathrobe. 


“RUDE. WHO ALLOWED YOU TO-” The manager was trying to contain herself from the erse thinking when the thought of the two women aded her mind once more. The annoyed woman then pouted while staring up at the ceiling above her. 


“Eunbi, are you still angry at that?


Silence enveloped both women as the night continues.


“I bathed now so.. Are you still reminded by her?” The clingy lawyer starts to do her thing to her wife and it seemed like it paid off. 


As the two snuggled closely next to each other with Eunbi being the bigger spoon this time around, they shared an intimate conversation.


“Why did you decide to bake cookies with her? And some more, it’s so late at night..” The manager sniffed her fresh out-of-the-bathtub wife from behind. 


“Actually it’s not for us.” Hyewon turned her head back to face the other lady. 




“We were planning to bake the cookies and give them to our loved ones. She’s the only colleague whom I knew was good at baking so… I decided to learn from her.” The lawyer continued her answer since the other lady was not speaking. 


“You know I’m good at cooking too..” The woman released her hug as she said that her arms were quickly grabbed by the inner spoon, begging for a longer hug as she pressed their bodies close to each other. 


“But our schedules sometimes clashes, and even if we have time, it would only be enough to sleep like this together. I’m not actually able to spend real time with you.” 


The answer from the little spoon made Eunbi realize something. It definitely felt uncomfortable but she knew she had to get it answered at the moment now.


“Then can you tell me whether you two are just work colleagues, or something more than that?”


That question seemed to hit home at Hyewon’s chest. She was clearly baffled at how her wife managed to come up with this conclusion. Minutes ticked by since the last words were spoken. Sensing no reaction coming from her wife, the manager was about to end the day with a really bad mood when a scratchy tone came out of the other woman’s throat. 






Morning came and Hyewon woke up to an empty bed. The other lady mustn't have liked the answer that she came up with the previous night. She was about to leave the room when she saw the numerous number of kiss marks all over her body, as reflected by the mirror in the bathroom. 


“I certainly did not have this before I go to bed.” The lawyer tried hard to think about when and how she got these marks from and a blurry memory from 3 hours ago was found in her mind. 


“That sneaky manager.. She’s gonna get it from me later.” Hyewon smirked as she made her way to the kitchen, who warmly welcomed her with the meat just served onto the plate.


“Eunbi, who did these to me?” The lady suddenly flashed off her birthday suit to her wife who had thankfully released her grip onto the pan. 


“You-” The other woman slammed the dining table and was found ventilating hard for breathable oxygen at the place she’s at while her heart beats wildly for no reason. Perhaps due to the shocking sight since the early morning. 


“Yeah?” The unashamed lady continued with her antics and walked nearer to her wife, before getting a slap from her. 


“Now I’m wondering if you did these kinds of stuff to that colleague of yours..” Eunbi frowned when she saw how far her wife was begging for attention.


“I would never have!!” The lawyer was shocked by the false accusations the manager came up with and tackled her immediately while still in her birthday suit. 


“Stop, or else-” The older woman continued her internal struggle of wanting to stay sane or going all out on her teasing wife.


“Hmm?” The tilt to the side didn’t help much. Within seconds, both women were engaged in some sort of animal play, where one tries to dominate the other with the alluring points of their bodies. 


“Does that mean you still accepted all that I did?” Hyewon panted after play fighting with her wife.


“Yes, it made me think about all the things about you that I take for granted. And thank you for trusting me to tell me how you really feel in our relationship. I think I’ll spend more time with you and continue making fresh memories even during our busy schedules nowadays.” Eunbi smiled while looking up at her wife who’s currently taken over by the animal inside of her. 


“What are you waiting for?” The older woman smirked as she let her wife go wild on her.


“Hmm. I want you to beg for it, baby.”

Hyewon laughed before plunging into her meal.



A/N: Honestly this ending is more... dissatisfying. I don't know, but I prefer the bad ending this time around. 

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Fluff/angst. Let me know which endings you want me to do and which one first?
Perhaps both?


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baekedgoods #1
Chapter 3: I have always loved good endings and all but the bad ending was so much better for me because what Hyewon did was messed up and she needs to learn her lesson one way or another.
37 streak #2
Chapter 3: i usually like good endings and would often beg for one but surprisingly to my part, i honestly prefer the bad ending than the good one. it was sad that they had to be separated, but hyewon deserved that. at least eunbi wasn't treated such a fool and was lied to unlike this one, right (although she eventually found out about it later i guess)? besides, the good ending might not be really good at all because hyewon and yuri may continue their affair behind eunbi's back. it might keep on going, and hyewon will never learn from her mistakes. i've read a comment that it would be great if the bad ending will have more chapters, and i definitely agree with that. i would love to read it. hopefully we see a closure, or who knows maybe some kind of comeback years later. thank you, authornim!
Chapter 3: please ... please ... please update soon ❤️o(╥﹏╥)o❤️O(≧∇≦)O❤️(☆^O^☆)❤️❤️o(╥﹏╥)o❤️O(≧∇≦)O❤️(☆^O^☆)❤️
Hyewon_Shuhua #4
Chapter 3: If i compared to the bad and happy ending, i will choose bad ending one, but i hope the bad ending plot will have another chapters >.< btw cant wait for the last ending authornim tysm :)
Hyewon_Shuhua #5
Chapter 2: I kove this plot but will you make some extra parts authornim ? :)