Wilted rose.

Wilted rose

"Jaejoong ah, I love you"

"Jaejoong ah, I miss you"

"Jaejoong ah, I'll be with you forever"

"Jaejoong ah, will you marry me?" 

His voice echoed in my head. His voice. My Yunnie's voice. 

Yunho ah... why..? 

Why didn't you tell me..? 

Why did you suffer alone all these while..? 

It must be so tiring right..? 

Yunho ah, 

would things have been different if I were to spend those last moments with you? 

If you told me earlier... 

I would have spent the last days smiling and laughing with you..

I would have been with you till your very last breath. 



"Jaejoong ah, I got something to tell you" Yunho said seriously. 

Something is wrong. Yunnie never talks to me likethat. 

"Lets breakup. I'll cancel our engagement and wedding" He said coldly. 

My mind couldn't register what was he trying to tell me.. 

"HAHAHA, Yunnie its not April Fools! Not funny!" I said as I laughed.

Yunho grabbed my shoulders and shooked them harshly.

"Jaejoong, I'm not joking. Its the end. Sorry." he said as he left me.

Seeing his disappearing shadow, tears streamed down my face.  

I clenched my heart tightly, as if the physical pain would overcome the one in my heart.. 

"Yunho ah, WHYYYY?" I screamed.

I didn't care if I woke the neighbours up. I want Yunho to comeback to me. We're perfect for each other. I can't live without him! 

I cried and cried for hours as I fell asleep. 


"Yunho ah, you love me?" 

"Yes of course I do, my beloved Boojae"

"Yunho ah, you'll stay with me forever right?" 

"Of course. I wouldn't bear to leave you, because my heart... is yours" 

(end of dream)

I jolted awake as I dreamt of him again. No matter how hard I told myself he already left... his memories... our memories keep appearing in my dreams.

I didn't even realised I was crying until I felt something wet on my shirt.

Yunnie ah... I rather you just take a knife and stab in through my heart... it'll be less pain that way. 

*ding dong* 

Who's that..? 

It couldn't be you right..?

Even though its impossible, I would love to see you at the door now.

I dragged my feet and opened the door. 

To my disappointment it wasn't Yunho at the door, it was a delivery man. 

"Mr Kim Jaejoong? Here's a package for you. Sign here please"

I signed as I received that package. 

Who will sent me a package at this time..? 

I opened it to find a rose in a jar. The rose is so beautiful. It was of a shade of dark red.

I was about to throw away the package when a letter dropped on the floor.

Curious, I opened and read it. 

"Dear Jaejoong, 

You might be wondering who am I. I shall not reveal my identity.

I love you Kim Jaejoong, do not ever forget that. 

This rose is my last present. 

The rose symbolises my life. 

When you see the rose wilt, please know that there was someone who loved you... and will always love you.

Don't forget me. " 

Strange... who sent me that? 

Don't tell me its Yunho..? 

But the handwriting doesn't seem like his... and he already told me its over. 

Sigh. I threw the letter at the jar at one side as I continue to stare into the air, feeling the emptiness.

Its impossible that Yunho was the one who sent me that.

I remembered the cold look in his eyes. 

It pieced me so badly. 

Jaejoong ah, you should carry on with your life. You're only 26. 

Yes I should. 

(A few days later)

I am a new Kim Jaejoong now. I decided to throw my past aside and begin a new life. I sat on my couch as I read the newspaper... until a particular article

caught my attention. 

"More and more people nowadays are contracting fatal diseases"

Curious, I read on.

"Following the deaths of 3 last week due to cancer, there is another man today who died of cancer. Jung Yunho (26) is a businessman who found out that

he had cancer not long ago. Unfortunately, he was told that he didn't have much time left. Today he was found dead at home, with a red rose in his hand.

According to his family members, the rose has been starting to wilt ever since he was pronounced dead..."

No.. don't tell me... 

I ran to the room where I left the rose and the letter. 

I stood rooted to the ground... 

The rose is wilted and dried... 

Hi its a oneshot that I wrote ^_^ Hope it isn't too y >.<
Should I write one from Yunho's POV? Since this entire story is from Jae's
Give me comments please :3

Ps I don't own the photo 


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Omo... This is so sad D:
Jaejoong ah! Be strong! ;~; Yunho loves you very much! I'm sure he thought that leaving you was the right thing! >.<
Great story! I like the way you write :3
Kim_Haeri #2
i like it...
im pretty sure umma is soooooooo damn sad.
appa is died just like that.
no one beside him.
for me,its better if he tell umma.
cause this way just make umma more suffer than tell him...
This is beautiful <3 <3 (im a reviewer BTW) The grammar is amazing and the story is very mysterious and catchy :D
@Berubo_Rapsberry Thank you for commenting ^_^ Yes I will write another in Yunho's POV. Do look out for it ^_^ THANKS AGAIN :D
omg this is so sad! why?! yun doesn't have to lie to jae, if he truly loves him
he would tell about his disease and jae wont leave him or maybe stay with him until he dies.
tsk i pity jaejoong. you should write yun's pov