The Worst Christmas Ever

I'm Taking This Chance

Mi Cha groaned and squinted her eyes open as a flash of blinding light shot into her vision. It took her a while to adjust to the lighting, but when she did she saw that she was in the hospital. Mi Cha tried to sit up, but something was laying down on her lap. She looked down to see a redhead.

"Seyong?" Mi Cha poked him. "Seyong, why am I in the hospital?"

Seyong groaned as he felt soeone poking him. He opened his eyes, blinked a few times and then stretched. He heard his name again and saw Mi Cha sitting up. His eyes opened wide and he immediately pulled Mi Cha into a tight hug.

"You're finally up! I'm so happy!" Seyong sighed in relief.

"Yeah ... Why are you so happy?"

Seyong pulled away and sat down in his chair, scooting closer. "Because ... You've been asleep for 2 days."

Mi Cha's eyes went wide. "2 days? Wait ... Why?"

Seyong chuckled nervously and then grabbed her hands. "Don't faint again but ... Mi Cha. Insoo left."

Mi Cha gasped as memories of Christmas Day came rushing back to her.


"Lalalalalalala," Mi Cha sang as she flipped over a pancake in pan. After finishing up the video she thought it was a great idea to make some breakfast for both her and Insoo.

Mi Cha smiled softly as she remembered what happened last night. She had officially done it. She's given him complete trust and she couldn't have been happier.

After finishing the pancake, she poured some orange juice into a cup and placed it on a tray. She carried it and walked up to Insoo's room.

"Insoo, it's time to wa .... Insoo?" Insoo was already up with his clothes on and a suitcase next to him. He was standing by the window when he Mi Cha entered. "Are you going somewhere?"

Insoo turned to face Mi Cha and he had an emotionless look on his face. Mi Cha felt that something wasn't right, but she decided to just push that thought away. Though, her heart was feeling a little heavy.

"Yes, I have to go." Insoo said in a monotone voice.

"R-really? But, wait it's Christmas. Oh yeah, Merry Christmas Insoo-oppa! I made us some breakfast." Mi Cha smiled brightly, but Insoo didn't return it.

"Mi Cha."

"Come on, stop acting so serious and come eat breakfast with me." Mi Cha didn't move though, something really wasn't right to her.

"Mi Cha."

"Last night was really great. I'm glad I trusted you-"

"Mi Cha!" Insoo yelled this time. Mi Cha jumped a little at his voice.


Insoo sighed and walked up to her with his suitcase. "I have to go."

"Ah ... Mianhae. You'll call me though, right? We still have plans-"

"I don't think I will be calling you ... ever again, Mi Cha."

Mi Cha froze in place. She slowly looked up at Insoo, but he wasn't looking at her. A small smile fell on her lips. "What are you talking about, Insoo? If this is a joke, it's not a funny one."

"I'm serious. Mi Cha, I'm moving away." Insoo informed her. "And I'm most likely to never come back again."

Mi Cha was still stuck in place. Nothing was making sense to her. *This is a joke, right? No, Insoo would never leave me, never. This has to be one.* Mi Cha tried to tell herself.

"This isn't a joke at all."

Tears were blurred her eyes as she looked back up at Insoo again. "But, wait. We're still together right?"

"No, I'm breaking up with you."

That did it for her. Mi Cha dropped the tray and grabbed on to Insoo' s sleeves. Tears were falling from her eyes as she shook him hard. "What are you talking about?! You can't do that!"

Insoo looked at Mi Cha with a hard look and he tried to pull Mi Cha's grip off of him, but she wouldn't let go. "I can, and I will. Mi Cha, we're no longer together."

"Why? Why do you say that?! How can you say that after all we've been through?" Mi Cha sobbed, refusing to believe this reality that was happening. "We can always have a long distance relationship."

"I don't want to." Insoo murmured.

"Why? I promise I won't ever cheat on you. How can I? I love you, please don't do this to me."

Insoo gave a loud sigh and pulled Mi Cha up. "I don't want to because I want to explore my options. Did you expect me to always be with you forever? Did you expect me to keep loving you?"

Mi Cha stared up at him in shock. "B-but ... You promised ... That you would always... "

"Not everyone keeps their promises." Insoo released her.

Mi Cha slumped down on to the floor. "I gave you everything ... I gave you ... Last night."

Insoo gave a smirk and picked up his suitcase. "That was your fault. You willingly gave me it. Anyway, good-bye Mi Cha ..." He gave her one last look and then left.

Mi Cha stayed there on the floor. Tears were still falling and so was she. She felt like she was losing a grip on reality. Things weren't going the way they were suppose to today, in fact things were such a huge surprise to her. But then she remembered what Insoo told her the other day and that gave her one last hope.

Mi Cha pulled herself off from the floor and ran down the stairs. She rushed out the door to see Insoo getting into a car.

"Insoo-oppa!" Mi Cha screamed. Insoo looked at her through the window, then the car took off. Mi Cha tried to run after, but she was already out of breathe. "Insoo ... How could you?"

"Mi Cha!" A voice yelled out. "Mi Cha! What's wrong?"

Mi Cha turned around to see a red-head, before she fainted and fell.


"Sh.. It's okay." Seyong whispered as he comforted the now crying Mi Cha.

"I-Insoo oppa, l-left m-me." Mi Cha sobbed.

Seyong held her tighter as he felt anger take him over. "It's okay though. Because you always have me, remember?"

"Y-yes, but I loved Insoo. He was my love. And I thought I was his." Mi Cha cried even harder.

Seyong felt so heart broken, seeing the girl he loved breaking apart right in front of him. He had no idea what to do or what to say. She only acted this way once before and that was when he left. Seyong felt angry at Insoo for everything he did. Seyong trusted Mi Cha to Insoo, only to have her heart broken by that guy.

*Insoo, I promise that if you ever come back. I won't let you hurt Mi Cha ever again.* Seyong promised.

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RJayKim96 #1
I love this story ... It's amazing <3 Keep up the good work. Fighting!