10,421,782 People and I Met You

10,421,782 People and I Met You

 I'm sitting at the city's water fountain replaying our pity coversation over and over again in my head.

"But I love you..."

"There's someone else. It's better if we just stop seeing each other..."

 I'm holding up the engagement ring up in the sky, staring at it. On the outside of the ring I had a heart engraved on it along with two signs that meant forever, meaning that our love would never die out. I let out a heavy sigh feeling like such a fool. I close my eyes and picture the two of us together and shake my head trying to clear all thoughts about her.

"I can't. Not that easily. You're my everything." I desperately pleaded with her. I was on my knees, holding her hands, begging her not to leave me.

"It'll just be best if we forget about each other...If you forget about me, Jiyong." She said and when she spoke my name, my heart shattered into pieces.

"Haru, please stay with me!"

 Maybe she was right, maybe I should just forget about her...I look at the ring and put it back into my pocket. I should just go home. In ten minutes everyone's going to be kissing each other, and what if I run into Haru? What if I see her kissing another man? I shove by people on the busy streets of Seoul, South Korea trying to get her out of my head. I start running, shoving people out of my way, just running and running. I was running so fast that I couldn't even breathe anymore. I finally stop at a store to catch my breath. I turn around to notice this is the store where we first met, where she first took my breath away. I put my hand in my pocket to pull out my ring but all I pulled out was lint from my pocket. Panic struck me as I shoved my hand in my other pocket and then my pants pockets.

"My ring!" I yelled and drop to my knees and look all over the ground to see if I dropped it. I lay my head against the store's brick wall. It figures that the place where I met her would be the place where I realized that I lost her for good.

"It'll just be best if we forget about each other...If you forget about me, Jiyong."  I feel a tear fall from my eye and land on the ground. I watch the color of the pavement turn into a darker shade from where the tear had landed. Before I could stop myself that one tear was soon accompanied by many others. I felt like such a failure. I lost the love of my life on New Year's Night, then I lost the ring I got for her at the place we first crossed paths, and now I'm crying like a baby in public. Is this how I'm ending 2011 and starting 2012?

 I immediately stopped crying when I noticed a pair of feet in front of me. I quickly wipe all the tears away and try my best to make it seem like I haven't been crying, but I don't know how long he's been standing there. I slowly look  up to see a young man looking down at me. , it looks like he's seen the whole thing. I think I'll lie and tell him my mother died that way it doesn't look as sad that I was crying about some girl...though she wasn't just some girl...

"Are you okay?" He asked looking down at me. Why is there so much concern in those big brown eyes?

"Yea...I'm fine." I lied but I wasn't about to open up to a stranger and tell him all my problems. He crouches down in front of me to where we are eye level now. He digs his hand into his pocket and holds out the ring in front of me.

"Ahh, I saw you running and this fell out of your pocket. I think you have a hole. You should get it fixed so you don't lose something that's so expensive looking." He said as I took the ring shocked.

"Thank you...but I don't need it anymore." I said putting it in my pocket.

"Ahh, is that why you were crying?" He questioned me and I felt myself redden.

"Excuse me, but I don't even know your name." I said then got redder when  he chuckled. "And I was not crying!" I quickly added.

"Seungri." He chuckled and looked me in the eyes. "What's your name?"

"Jiyong." I said reluctantly and broke the gaze with his brown eyes.

"Well, Jiyong, I certainly know when someone's been crying, and you were crying." He said as more people gathered around since the streets were getting very busy. He stands up and stretches out his hand. "Let's go somewhere more private." I took his hand. It's not because I liked him, but I wanted to get my mind off Haru and I think he was the only person who could help right now. Plus he'll be like a therapist because I can tell him my problem and never have to deal with him again.

 He brings me to an empty alley and he leans against the brick wall. This isn't really what I was expecting...I look around and see garbage bags laying on the damp brick ground. If I see a rat, I will scream like a little girl. "Why here?" I asked and look at the brick wall closely before leaning on it. I don't mud getting all over my jacket.

"Do you see anywhere else that's quiet?" He asked raising an eye brow at me. "Ahh, now what happened to you?" I feel myself redden and I look at my sneakers.

"My girlfriend decided she wanted someone else and the ring you found was her engagement ring." I said and felt myself blush. This was so lame. I've never met him so why am I telling him this? "I've always had trouble with girls." Again with the confessions. I need to shut myself up.

"Have you ever considered a boyfriend then?" He asked eyeing me as I raised an eye brow.

"Wait, what?" I asked as he walked over to me, and soon our noses were touching.

"I'm pretty sure you heard me, but I'll repeat myself." He whispered and I blushed as I felt his warm breath hit my face. "Have you ever considered having a  boyfriend?" He asked me again. A boyfriend? Has this guy gone insane? We just met and I'm pretty sure he's hitting on me.

"Aniyo." I whispered back and his eyes met mine. Why am I feeling such a connection to this man? Why is my heart beating faster? Why out of the ten million people that surrounded me on the streets did I meet him? Why out of ten million people did he happen to be a man? Why out of ten million people...am I falling for him? "Aniyo, I haven't had a boyfriend. I don't think I really want one." I whispered but I'm lying. Wait, aniyo, I'm not lying! I do NOT want a boyfriend! I'm not gay, I like women. Women I love, women I do adore, not men I adore! >.< I think Seungri can read me like an open book because he's grinning like a fool right now.

"It's not nice to lie, Jiyong." He smiled and with that, our lips met. My eyes widened a bit but I soon closed my eyes and accepted the kiss willingly and happily. He nibbles on my bottom lip for permission and I let him in. His tounge explores every inch of my mouth as mine does the same with his. After a few minutes of tounge wrestling we break apart and I'm breathing heavily.

"Are you still sure you don't want a boyfriend?" He asked me smiling and I feel myself blush heavily. He just chuckles and kisses me again softly and quickly. He looks down at my pocket then back at me. "So what are you going to do with the ring now?" He asked and I grab his hand and smile.

"You'll see." I smiled and brought him back over to the busy streets and walked back over the fountain where I was sitting earlier. I pull out the ring and look at it for a little while. Ahh, maybe forgetting about you wouldn't be that hard, Haru. I drop the ring in the fountain and watch it sink to the bottom of it. Seungri reads my facial expression and smiles relieved. He was about to say something when everyone started counting down to the New Year.


I smile at Seungri and hold him close to my body.


The people in the streets only get louder with each passing second.


 Seungri looks up at me and smiles sweetly as he rubs his nose with mine.


All the couples are getting ready for the New Year's kiss.


Confetti goes flying into the air as fireworks go off and I kiss Seungri softly and he kisses me back. Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad. After all, they do say the one you share a kiss with one New Year's Night is the person you'll be with for the rest of your life, and for once, I had a good feeling about my relationship.

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Chapter 1: Aww Jiyong fell in love with Seungri within 10 minutes..looks like he didn't love his ex-girlfriend that much hahahah. Anyway it's so sweet(^^)
Chapter 1: This is so sweet!!!
ilikekpop #3
Thank u!
ilikekpop #4
Thank u!^^
ilikekpop #5
It is one shot(: And i might tomorrow morning because i am working on another story and i'm also co authoring(;
aieru_amie #6
when are u going to post it up? is it one shot or chaptered? cant really wait!!
ilikekpop #7
Thx! The idea came to me when I was listening to You and Me by Lifehouse XD