The First One who Gave up

So Near yet so Far

Chapter 3

“You know, Heechul is popular in imitating singers including Kyunghoon.” Hodong said it proudly, one of the cast members of Knowing Brothers, as he looked at their other cast mates. Heechul look back to his older cast member as soon as he heard that. Everyone was excited to see it even though they have seen it for a thousand times. They stared at him with anticipation.

“Oh come on. You never been this shy whenever you wanted to imitate him!” he added. They all laughed even harder. Heechul hesitated as he gazed at Kyunghoon for a second.

“Okay, the real Kyunghoon should be the judge whether I imitated him well.” Heechul replied. Kyunghoon smiled quietly. It’s his first time to see Heechul imitating him personally. Kyunghoon doesn’t like people imitating him because for him they made fun of how he sings and he thinks that they exaggerated it too much. Heechul always teases him. Whenever Kyunghoon will sing, Heechul will interrupt him and then imitate him – it’s like his punchline. Even how much he dislikes it, he got used to it.

He lowered his voice and then exaggerated his vibrato. He put his hand above his head pretending that it’s his microphone. Everyone stopped walking as they laughed hysterically, they always love to see it and it never fails to amaze them.

“Kyunghoon did I do great?” Kyunghoon nodded while smiling.

Heechul admired him in his early years in the entertainment industry. When he heard him for the first time singing live, he immediately bought Buzz’s albums. And every night, he’ll play their songs until he’ll fall asleep. They are in the same entertainment industry, both of their bands will perform in the same program or music festival but somehow they never had a chance to meet formally. Either Kyunghoon will leave early or Heechul isn’t available because of his other schedule. He only met him once in Sunghee’s housewarming party but he never had a chance to have longer conversation with him and it seems like Kyunghoon doesn’t remember it all.

When his band is becoming popular outside the country, he experience what Sunghee’s telling him before. He got busier. They will perform all around the world and they’re going to stop in Korea every three months. He was also discovered to be a talented MC, a witty comedian and an actor, so he received a lot of offers from different networks so when he’s in Korea, he’ll do TV shows and then immediately flew to their next destination for their concert. So he was late to receive news that Buzz is disbanding. His chances in meeting him went even lower when Kyunghoon went on hiatus so he was glad that they end up in the same show.

They’re walking for a few minutes now and they finally arrived in the small house. They were given a short break before resuming the rest of the segment. Youngchul, Sangmin and Janghoon stayed inside the house while chatting and others went outside. Soogeun called his wife to ask how her day was. Hodong also called his wife and his son. Meanwhile Heechul is sitting on a bench in the back of the house while searching for signal. He needed to text his manager about his next day’s schedule. Kyunghoon move toward him while holding two hot chocolates. He sat beside him and gave the other one to Heechul.

“Thank you.“ Heechul replied as he smiled at him.

“You should get inside, it’s getting cold.” Heechul sighed.

“There’s no reception inside the house and I need it because I’m waiting for my manager’s reply.”

“You look exhausted.” Heechul chuckled and drank his hot chocolate.

“I was in a fan meeting yesterday and it ended late. I only slept for five hours and immediately went here for our shoot.”

“You shouldn’t overdo it.” Heechul looked at his phone again but there’s no message at all.

“You should go inside, I’ll handle it. I’ll wait it for you.” Kyunghoon added.

“No, it’s okay. It’s fine!”

“I insist. You should go inside and take a break. Besides, I wanted to stay here.” Heechul gave his phone to Kyunghoon and went inside.

An hour later, they needed to go inside and resume their shooting. Kyunghoon went inside and he saw Heechul quietly sleeping.

“Heechul, wake up.” Janghoon, one of the cast member, said it gently. Heechul woke up and saw Kyunghoon. He gave his phone and said, “He already responded.” Heechul thanked him as he rubbed his right eye.

For this segment, each cast was asked what they wanted to do. One said that he wanted to experience to be in a military because he was excused not to be enlisted because of an accident, other one suggested that he wanted to try different cuisine and lastly, Heechul said, “nothing.” The producer did invite a military officer; he trained Janghoon, Hodong and Soogeun. Every time someone will make a mistake, Soogeun will be punished. Then after that, they ate their favorite cuisine inside the house except Janghoon and Hodong because Hodong suggested that he wanted to eat in a boat. The staff set a ball pit outside with a small boat on it. Then because of Heechul’s suggestion, they didn’t do anything for an hour. It was boring so they just talked about random things.

“Let’s talk about reactions – your reaction when you heard someone will join in this variety show.” Youngchul suggested as he pointed his finger to Soogeun.

“My first reaction when I heard Soogeun will join I was shocked because I thought that he's still on hiatus because of his controversy.” Heechul said it jokingly and then everyone laughed.

“What is this? Are we going to roast each other?" Soogeun asked while lauging.

“To be honest when I saw Heechul, I really thought  that he’s a girl. He’s really beautiful.” Janghoon said. Heechul laughed hysterically while others chuckled and agreed with him.

"I never met Heechul in person. I only hear his name and his band so when I saw him in person - I was like, there's a woman as cast member?" Soogeun added. They continued to laugh.

"My reaction when I heard Heechul joining, I was kinda nervous. I always hear rumors that he knows everything. A celebrity who has a sharp tongue, he'll say whatever come to his mind. And they're right!" Hodong said.

"He's savage." Youngchul also replied. 

"How about you Kyunghoon?" Sangmin asked. Heechul quickly looked at Kyunghoon and he somehow curious on what he's going to say.

"Well, I agree with Janghoon. I find him really pretty. My first impression, I really thought that he's cold and we won't getting along but actually he's one of the nicest person I've ever met. He knows that I'm a rookie when it comes to variety shows but he took care and motivated me to do well." Heechul was flattered and he smiled throughout the shoot.

After the shoot, the producer made them choose whether they wanted to stay and sleep there or leave. Heechul choose to leave as well as Kyunghoon. They both waited outside to fetch them up.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Heechul asked when he moved closer to Kyunghoon.

"My manager. You?"

"My assistant. I need to go back in Seoul tomorrow because apparently I was scheduled for a photoshoot." He then took a deep breath then checked his phone if he received a text message.

"By the way, I really appreciate what you've said earlier." He continued. Kyunghoon stared at him with confused face.

"That I'm the nicest person you've ever met! It's been a long time since I heard that compliment so thank you." Kyunghoon laughed. 

"You are." Heechul then raised his eyebrow when he heard it from him.

"I'm complimenting you because it's true. I'm thankful that you supported me. You know how I feel when it comes to variety shows; it's not my forté until now I feel uncomfortable. I still doubt if I'm funny to be in a variety-" Kyunghoon paused as Heechul put his hand to his shoulder.

"Kyunghoon. Believe me, you're funny without even trying." Heechul laughed.

"See? You're good at motivating me." Heechul heard a ringtone from his phone. He opened the text message from his manager saying that he already there.

"My assistant is here. See you next week." Heechul smiled. He moved closer to Kyunghoon and suddenly kissed him in the cheeks. Heechul immediately went o

"Kyunghoon. Believe me, you're funny without even trying." Heechul laughed.

"See? You're good at motivating me." Heechul heard a ringtone from his phone. He opened the text message from his manager saying that he already there.

"My assistant is here. See you next week." Heechul smiled. He moved closer to Kyunghoon and suddenly kissed him in the cheeks. Heechul immediately went on the back of the driver's seat

"I told you, don't exhaust yourself." Hankyung said while he walked toward him. Heechul appeared to be paler than usual and his eyes sunken. He tried to move his head to see Hankyung sat beside him.

"Kyungie, I'm getting tired of going in and out here in the hospital." Heechul replied with a weak voice.

"Well I keep on reminding you to not overwork."

"You know I don't have a choice.. Hankyung, I'm tired. I'm getting sick of doing this. And, I'm not even sure if I could make it." Heechul cried. Hankyung hold his hand and said,

"Heechul, you're one of the braviest person I've ever met. Not because you aren't afraid with other's opinion but because you still smile even when you're already hurt and I admire you for that. Heechul if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here. You're the only one who stand out for me. You guided me and you cared for me - so please, I don't want to hear those words from you okay? Whatever happens, I'll be here for you."


All of the cast members were called for a meeting. They all gathered in JTBC building to discuss their variety show. Apparently, it wasn't successful as they wanted to be. As the show progress, the ratings start to decline so they asked the cast members if they wanted to continue the program or not.

"We should at least give it a chance." Hodong argued. The staff throws different suggestions to save the show but other cast members remained quiet. Heechul felt his phone vibrated so he quietly read the text under the desk.

Heechul, I'm currently here in Korea. Donghae and I bumped into each other in the café and he gave me your number.. so I'm just wondering if you wanted to hang out? I hope you'll reply soon. - Hankyung

His heart dropped. It's been years since he last saw him. He was spaced out thinking him when suddenly Hodong snapped him out by repeatedly calling his name.

"You should pay attention-"

"I'm sorry, somthing came out and I just need to call someone." Heechul excused himself and he went outside to call Donghae.

"What the hell? Why did you gave my number? Now he's asking me to hang out with him. It's been years-" Heechul exclaimed but he tried to lower his voice.

"Exactly. It's been years. You should at least talk to him before he goes back to China. I thought that you already moved on?" 

"I am but, I don't even know what to say if I'm going to meet him." Donghae sighed.

"Closure." Donghae immediately hang up the phone. He took a deep breath and he gathered all his strength to reply Hankyung's text.

I have a hectic sched for the whole week. I'm only free later. Is that okay? - Heechul

Sure. - Hankyung

He went back to the meeting.

"So it's decided then? One last format change then if it's still not working, we're going to cancel it?" The producer asked and everyone agreed. The casts decided to go home except Janghoon who wanted to eat before going home. He asked Kyunghoon to come and he agreed. 

"How about you Heechul?" Janghoon asked.  Heechul didn't answer, he was spaced out while walking. 

"You sure you're okay? You're not your usual self." He added.

"I'm fine." He answered softly. He said as he walked faster to exit the building.

When he entered the restaurant where they are supposed to meet, it slowly brings back memories he spent with Hankyung back in the day. Hankyung always insists to eat there because it reminds him of his hometown - the atmosphere and the smell of noodles coming from the kitchen. After work, they even separate with their other band members to eat there. It was their special place. He saw Hankyung sitting in the corner while looking at the restaurant's menu.

"It-it's been a while." Heechul greeted him. Hankyung quickly stood up and hugged him. 

"How are you?" He added and then he sat in front of him.

"I got piled up with projects in China. I'm here in Korea to shoot a scene. Luckily I sneaked out to find you."

"Hankyung, I'm going to straight to the point why I agreed to meet you." Hankyung nodded.

"This is a bit awkward for me. I haven't heard you for years and you know how hard I tried to contact you? Because we never had a chance to finish our conversation before you left." Heechul controlled his voice then bit his lips.

"I know, it's been years and I believe that both of us already moved on but we should at least make some closure." He continued.

Heechul loudly knocked on Hankyung's door, he opened it up and Heechul immediately went inside his house.

"You're leaving the band and you didn't even ing tell me?" Heechul said angrily. He saw his clothes on the floor with his luggage right beside it. Hankyung didn't answer and rushed to put the clothes on the luggage.

"Where the are you going?"

"Going home because I don't want to be in this band anymore." Heechul was puzzled because he knows that he's lying. 

"I know you love our band. And I was the one who wanted to leave remember? But you stopped me because you said that you'll be here for me no matter what."

Hankyung rolled his eyes and rushly zipped his luggage.

"Well I lied." Heechul frowned as he moved closely to him.

"Is there something wrong? Because it feels like you're hiding something from me."

No respond.

"How about your bandmates? You told us that we're your family and all we've through? You're going to throw that all away? How about me? Everything you said to me were all bull?"

"You know it's wrong." He paused. Heechul's eyes slowly wet with tears.

"And we should stop it before everyone finds out. You know what will happen if we continue this." He added with a cold voice.

"And you're okay with that? Leaving everything behind? Leaving without even telling me is the only solution?"

Hankyung hesitated.

"We should forget whatever happened between us... we should forget how we feel for each other."


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simbasheart #1
Chapter 10: oh my gosh this is so good!! this made me so emotional!! I can't stop smiling at first and then teared up at the end. Even if the last part broke my heart it was still worth reading because it's such a good story!! hope you write more kyungchul please!!
Chapter 10: Their love is beautiful,I m sad that they have to separate
Chapter 5: This is actually getting better i wonder what will happen next wohoho
Chapter 1: Please update its a good story!!! Fighting