My Prince Charming

My Prince Charming

Finally finished it actually XD hahaha thought I'd just finish and get it over with cause I won't have time next week >.<

I'm really sorry if it's a waste of your time…I know fluff just isn’t my specialty…I’ll stick with next time…U_U I may write the one cause this one is so fail >.<

And so I realized a lot of the lines “ride with me” “let’s release together” sound erted…hahah

I'm really sorry if the story doesn't make wasn't supposed to be like this but I don't know how to write fluff!?!?!?

Didn't want to use Ricky so I used Sungjong XD

3280 words...of pure stupidness...


CAP was rambling about something that I had lost interest in 10 minutes ago. He just won't stop talking about it. What was it again? Guys' locker room happened what? I really don't want to care.

Sometimes, I wonder if he actually cares about me. He never even asks me how my day was or anything of the sort that normal drama couples would do. How I wish I had a drama boyfriend!

I sighed, kicking pebbles as I walked, sticking both my hands in my jacket pockets. My hands are cold; I want someone to hold them.

"Is something wrong Channie?" CAP stopped his rambling and asked me.

Wah~ he noticed!

I quickly shook my head with a smile though, trying to act cute. But then he just continued on with his story.

My smile dropped and formed a pout. Ugh I can't follow a thing he's talking about!

I shivered when a chill ran down my spine from a gust of cold wind. I should have brought a heavier jacket with me.

Couldn’t he at least pretend to care? I know he does but just doesn't know how to show it least try? There's no use in talking to him about it though, he'd only ask me if I disliked him or whatever he rants about.

Don't get me wrong, I do like him, we’ve been dating for almost 3 months. I'm not cheating on him or anything like that. Although I really wish there would be a prince charming who would sweep me off my feet with his gentleman like manners. Sigh, only in my dreams.

I wonder where CAP's taking me though. He said it's better to walk there so we can have time to talk. But it's freezing cold at 5 in the evening and I have the attention span of a squirrel when he starts to talk about boys' sports or whatever he's talking about right now, especially when my fingers are going numb already. Are we there yet?

"Channie Channie!!"

I snapped out of my thoughts when CAP called me.

"We're here!"


I looked up and I was amazed. I couldn't believe my eyes. It’s the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, I swear. There were colored lights everywhere, balloons, banners and such. The entrance had a big sign "Princes&Princesses." It’s like a whole fantasy world. My jaw dropped and I had to blink a couple of times before turning back to CAP.

"I know right? My mom told me about a new one in town so I thought I'd bring you here! I know how much you like amusement parks and this one’s magic themed."

"This is the best!!!" I jumped up and hugged him giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you." I whispered. I must have misjudged him, I know he's trying hard to show his affection.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you like it."

"I love it. You should have told me earlier and not have me wondering this whole time."

"I wanted it to be a surprise."

He smiled at me and I felt the same butterflies in my stomach as the first time he asked me out.

"Channie let's go to that first!" He said suddenly pointing in a direction.

I nod excitedly. "Ok I—"


Startled, both CAP and I turned to the incoming voice.

All I needed to see was a flying entourage of hair in my face and I knew who it was.

"Niel!" CAP exclaimed. "You're here too?"

"Hi CAP hyung~ and yeah thought I'd come since I was sooo bored at home. I didn't know you guys were here on a date!"

He turned to me. "Hey Chanhee hyung."

"Hey Niel." I said rather unenthusiastically. This hadn't been the first time he had accidentally showed up at our date locations. Yeah, so how does he explain that, huh?

All I can say is this is going to be another typical boring date. Whenever Niel's present, CAP seems to forget about me. How is it even called a date when a third wheel's here and acts as if he's the actual boyfriend?

I gave up trying to get CAP's attention a while ago. Let me tell you it doesn't work. Nothing does.


So if you thought I was going to be talking about my date with CAP, you're 100% wrong. Nothing ever goes right whenever I’m on a date with CAP.


I dragged my feet after those two, while Niel hanged onto CAP's arm like a leech. Huffing a puff of air out, I dug my hands deeper into my pockets. The cold feeling had once again taken over my body.

CAP turned around and gave me a look of apology, like he always does whenever Niel's here.

I waved it off with a smile.

"We'll have alone time later," he mouthed to me.

I nod pretending to be fine. With Niel hanging onto his right arm, he slowly reaches to grab my right hand and I smile at the touch.

My eyes swept across the whole scene in front of me and something caught my eye.

"CAP! I wanna go on that!" I pointed.

"Su—" before he could agree Niel had to interrupt.

"But CAP hyung! You said we'd go on that first!!"

"Ah that well—"

"Pleaseeee??? You said!!" Niel continued to whine.

Looking from me to Niel he gives a confused look.

Slipping my hand away from CAP's grasp, "It’s ok. I know merry go rounds are too childish for you guys, I can go alone."

"But Chan—"

"I'm ok. I'm too scared of that anyways," pointing at the ride they were about to go on, "It'll be better for me to just wait for you guys here."

"I don't want to leave you alone here."

"I'm 18 CAP I can take care of myself you know?"

He gave me a questioning look.

"I promise. I won't go anywhere else." I gave him my puppy dog eyes.

Scratching his head, "Fine..."

"Yayyyy~ ok let's go CAP hyung!" Niel excitedly dragged him away while CAP gave me another last look which I responded to with a smile.

I stood in front of the merry go round, don't laugh at me, I told you I imagine prince charming on horses. I love amusement parks and, well, fairy tales also. Stepping closer to the merry go round, still mesmerized by the magnificent architecture and all, I bumped into someone.

"Ouch." I closed my eyes from the impact, backing off to rub my head.

"I'm so sorry." The person said, his hands on my shoulders.

I opened my eyes and it was as if I was in a drama you know? Time stops and music pauses. But I’m not lying, time really stopped and the music really did pause.

Although the male was only wearing a pair of ripped jeans and an old jacket, he gave off an aura that made my heart pound.

"Hey beautiful, all alone?" He said out of the blue.

I bet I was blushing by now. Omg what did he just call me?? I found myself nodding though.

He looked at the merry go round before turning back to me with a smile. “Wanna go ride that with me?”

My eyes widened as I stared at him, wondering if he was kidding me or not.

“I’m not kidding.” He smiles again.

I nod excitedly, a smile forming on my lips. I can’t believe I fell for a complete stranger that easily.

Suddenly grabbing my hand without warning me, he quickly pulled me after the diminishing line at the merry go round. Just about seated on a horse, it started turning.

I love merry go roundsssssss!! Then I suddenly realized something: I was sitting on the same horse as the stranger and he has just wrapped his arms around me.

My heart started pounding really fast again as his scent filled my nose. I was rigid the rest of the ride and all I could see was a swirl of people who were watching their kids on the merry go round. But to me, it felt like their eyes were on me and I had to blush imagining the stranger and me as a couple. I don’t know what has gotten into me.

“Sorry for suddenly forcing you to ride the merry go round with me. I’m really sorry.” The stranger said as we walked out from the exit.

“No, it’s ok, I was planning on going on it anyways.” I waved my hands and shook my head.

“That’s not really what I meant…”

I gave him a confused look.

“I…I just ditched my boyfriend and I wanted to get away from him.” He rubbed his neck. “I bumped into you when I was “running” away from him and I just dragged you into riding the merry go round with me…”

I stared at him with disbelief. This is too coincidental. I smiled to myself.

“What?” He asked.


“Tell me.” He gave me the look.

“Just, I was ditched by my boyfriend and you ditched yours. I find that pretty coincidental.”

“Do you know what that means?” He said in a serious tone, his face closer to mine.

“What?” I asked, very curious as I leaned forward towards him.

“Our boyfriends must .”

“Yah!” I lightly hit him on the shoulder and pouted. He started laughing and I laughed with him.

“But you know what it really means?” He was suddenly all serious again.

“Don’t say something ridiculous.” I warned rolling my eyes.

“No, what I really wanted to say was, this is fate that we met because we are meant to be together.”

I froze as his face was practically centimeters from mine. I could feel his heavy breathing as I stared at his lips before locking gazes with his eyes.

A stranger I hardly know and what is this feeling? Why is my heart pounding so fast? I’m suddenly getting butterflies in my stomach. This feeling….I’ve never experienced anything like this before. Maybe once or twice with CAP, but this was so much more intense than before. I feel like I can’t breathe; as if all the oxygen turned to nitrogen and I could die any minute.

“You look so cute when you’re blushing.” He chuckles as he stands up straight sticking his hands into his pockets.

I pouted thinking he was only messing with me. “Not funny.” I said disappointed while turning away and walking in another direction.

“Hey! Don’t be like that. I wasn’t joking with you. I meant what I said.” He followed after me and I slowed my pace, unconsciously, letting him catch up to me.

The fate one or the compliment one? I wish it was both.

“I meant both of what I said.”

My mouth dropped. Did he just read my mind or something?

“I don’t read minds. It’s just a feeling I got that told me you’ll be thinking about that. I don’t know.”

He starts blushing a little when I start giggling.

“What?” He asked clearly embarrassed.

I stopped my giggling fit. “Nothing.”

This is the first time someone had said he could feel what someone was thinking. I thought that could only happen in stories. Someone who knows what you want without even asking.

“Um so…do you want to…”


“I didn’t even finish asking.”

“I knew what you were going to say.” I smiled.

“Alright then…” He rolled his eyes pretending I was a weirdo.


And I realized then that I didn’t even know his name yet.


“Let’s go on that roller coaster!” L.Joe exclaimed. I finally know his name.

I look at the one he was pointing to and I could have fainted. Is. He. Kidding. Me.

“Nope, not kidding.”

I swear he reads minds.

“Don’t worry, you won’t die up there if you’re thinking that.”

Fpr some reason, I was that easily convinced.

But I regretted it as soon as I sat on the roller coaster seat.

“I’m definitely making a mistake.” I mumbled.

I felt like he grinned but I didn’t have the time to look away from the approaching drop.


“What?” I said in a small whisper.

“Look at me.”


“Look at me.”

I slowly turned my head.

“It’s going to be ok.”

His smile made me forget all the fear I just had. He made me feel safe.

Suddenly he grabbed my hand and threw them up in the air along with his as the roller coaster dropped. This was my first roller coaster ride and I loved every bit of it. It wasn’t even as scary as I thought it’d be.

“Ah hahhahaha you should see your face!” L.Joe laughed holding his stomach.

I pout, half glaring at him. “Not fair, I wasn’t prepared!”

“Wahaahahaha yeah yeah whatever!!”

I looked at the picture in my hands of the two of us. We were holding hands and our hair was flying everywhere. I did look funny. This is sure embarrassing…

Snatching the picture out of my hands, “I won’t show it to anyone.” He said as he put it into his shirt pocket. “Promise.”


Walking passed a balloon man, I stopped and looked at all the different types of balloons he had.

“Do you want one?” L.Joe walked up to the man before I even replied. The man handed L.Joe two balloons as he quickly paid for them and presented it to me.

“They’re wish balloons. Thought you might want to make wishes out of them.”

I smiled. “Yes I did.”

I clasped my hands together and thought of the wish I wanted. Looking at L.Joe, “Did you think of one?”


“Let’s release it together! 1. 2. 3!”

On count of 3, both of our hands let go of the balloon string and watched it fly out of our reach into an unknown place we do not know about.

I watched the balloon disappear into the dark sky and sighed. I wish my wish will come true.


I turned to look at L.Joe but was greeted by a fluff of cotton candy.

“Wahhh cotton candy!” I eagerly grabbed it and ripped a piece off and placed it in my mouth. “Sugar sugar sugar~~” I squealed.

L.Joe laughed at my outburst as I blushed hitting my head a couple of times.

I quickly devoured the cotton candy by shoving it all in my mouth.

L.Joe stared at me and his hand reached for my face.


His thumb brushed over my lips then the corner. I stared at him. I wish my wish to come true.

“You have cotton candy all over your mouth.” He chuckled wiping my mouth for me.


Walking in the cold, I started to shiver again. I suddenly remember the light jacket I had on. I rubbed my hands together and blew hot air onto them. My fingers!!

“Are you cold?” L.Joe asked worried.

“No! I’m ok.” I assured him.

As if I didn’t answer him, he took off his jacket and placed it around my shoulders. Surprisingly, it felt warmer although I knew it wasn’t any heavier than the one I had on.

“I’m ok!”

“You don’t look ok.”

“But you’ll get cold.”

“It’s ok, you’re more important.”

I looked away when he said that knowing I was blushing. The same feeling in my chest came back again and I closed my eyes trying to calm myself.

Not helping at all, L.Joe slipped his hand in my jacket pocket and held my hand as our fingers intertwined and then placed our hands inside his jacket pocket.


Without realizing it, we had already walked around the whole amusement park and arrived at our starting point.

“Hey didn’t we start here?” I asked pointing at the merry go round that was still open. The clock at the far corner showed 10:57. “Wow it’s been more than 5 hours since we left on our own!”

“Uh hum…”

“I still liked the merry go round the best.” I said excitedly jumping around giddily.

“Hey Channie.”

“Hm?” I asked without turning around following the bricks on the ground, jumping like I would in a hopscotch game.

He grabbed my hand and twirled me around, holding me by the waist.

I tensed not knowing what he was doing. He leaned in so quickly that I didn’t have time to react before his lips were on mine.

Two things dawned on me.

He’s kissing me.

I’m cheating on CAP.

But I couldn’t care anymore about the second one at the moment. I just let myself melt into the kiss. It was short as he broke it very quickly. Releasing me, he grabs hold of my hands.

“I had a great time. Especially when I could meet you.”

I got lost in his eyes as he let go of my hands stepping back.

“For you.”

 “Channie! There you are! We were looking for you everywhere! I was so worried!” CAP rushed forward and pulled me into his embrace.

“I’m sorry…” I apologized. I felt so bad making CAP worry like this while I was having fun.

“As long as you’re ok.” He rubs my back when I realized something. What was that on his neck? I look at Niel who was tapping his foot impatiently with his hands on his hips. Oh…

Releasing me, CAP finally notices L.Joe standing there.


I looked at L.Joe before looking back at him. “Uh…”


All four of us jumped from the loud screech as we turned to the high pitch voice.

“L.Joe! I finally found you! How could you just ditch me like that?? Huh?!?! How could youuu!?” The boy stomped his foot as L.Joe looked away scratching his head.

The boy shot me a menacing look before looking CAP up and down with a grin. “Hottie~” he directed at CAP giving him a growl.

That was weird.

“Um Sungjong, I think it’s about time we get back now. It’s late.”

“Aww but I wanna play longer.” Sungjong said, still not moving his eyes from CAP.

Niel shot him a glare while grabbing CAP’s arm and in turn received a scornful look from Sungjong.

“Yeah ok ok whatever. We better be going home now anyways. My umma’s going to be mad.” He huffed rolling his eyes.

L.Joe looked at me but that was all I needed to know what he was thinking about and he turned to leave.

“Channie, let’s go.”

“Huh? Oh, ok.” I watched L.Joe’s back as he walked out of view before I reluctantly tore my gaze away from the spot where he disappeared into the crowd.

“Channie?” CAP called.

“Wah, ah right. Sorry, I’m coming~.” I ran to catch up to them. Niel had already started another conversation with CAP but this time, I wasn’t so annoyed and I didn’t feel a bit left out. I just wanted to get home.

I opened my hand and smiled at what lay there. It was a small key chain that had a prince and princess doll attached to it. The two were kissing and there was a little piece of paper in the hand of the princess.

They say every girl deserves a fairytale ending. So what if I’m a guy, why can’t I?




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ILoveYou_Forever #1
Chapter 1: The end is suddenly missing though...
Chapter 1: Sequel .....
TwT i can't say anything lol cute~~~~~
OMG~! This is so cute~ When Sungjong came... Me: WTF? SUNGJONG? OMG~ *Dies because he is so adorable* Channie is cheating on C.A.P with L.Joe and so did L.Joe... I was watching their new MV (To You) and in the end I'm just like... Me: So this whole song is... About L.Joe breaking up with the girl to go with Chunji? AWESOME~ *ChunJoe fangirl mode* SEQUEL~
vik135 #5
Its SO SWEET!!!!!!!!! Please make a sequel about them getting together~!!!!
Wow this was really good!!!!!! I loovvveeeddd it!!!
I love this!!!! This was a cute story ^^
Niel is my bias but he's just a little brat in this one lol.
Im still curious to know what was in the little piece of paper xD.
The ending was sad though T.T I hope they get to see each other again and be couples!!
CAP was such a bad BF!