This is Your Story

Don't Be Afraid

6 Months Ago


“I understand you, the people, were told that the former King Hyunmin’s son disappeared years ago. Running away was a choice I made to become a stronger person, so that by the time I took the throne I would be a man instead of a boy. I did not experience the life of a noble boy, soon to be royal. I lived among you as a common person, worked and earned a living with my own blood, sweat and tears. And with the help of my friends, I was able to find and save the children who have been missing over the past year.


Unfortunately, I returned to King Hyunmin’s side too late. It is his time before this tragic heart attack that we will remember, and the future before us that we will look towards. As your king, I will do my best to provide for all people. Nobles, country folk, mages, working men. Our new kingdom begins today.”


Taemin had spoken before a selected amount of people in the castle hall after being given the crown. His words were scribed, spoken by messengers to the rest of the capital, then delivered to each surrounding town or village until the entire kingdom knew of their newly appointed king.


It felt wrong, speaking the words Jinki had written. Especially when most of them were lies or sounded as if he were taking credit for something he wouldn’t have done without his friends.


King Hyunmin was mourned, with nobody discovering the truth of his evil. King Taemin rose to the throne, pretending he’d known all along that this was where he’d be.




He watches the figure as it rests, so far unaware of his presence. He’s been watching it for at least two minutes and has now finally decided to make his attack. He creeps out of the shadows with practiced steps, manoeuvring between tables and chairs. Closer now, he can recognise the object he desires that lays beneath the dozing creature’s arms. Slowly, quietly, until he’s near enough to reach out. His fingers brush the object, he only needs to grip it when…


In a movement as quick as lightning, the creature grabs his wrist!


“What are you doing?” Kibum lifts his head from his pillowed arm, blinking tiredly.


Jinki grins, his gaze flickering to the desired book still in the mage’s grasp. “I was just taking that, since you’re not reading it.”


“I am reading it.” A smile tugs at Kibum’s lips as he lets go of his wrist, leaning back in his chair. “I was just taking a break.”


“A break?” he looks over the mage’s work desk, which is currently covered in books and sheets and empty potion bottles. For someone who is usually so tidy, he certainly does make a mess while working. “Kibum, it’s past midnight. If you’re tired, go to bed.”


The mage scrunches his nose, shakes his head. He’s never liked being told what to do.


“I’m n-not--” just as he prepares his rebuttal, a yawn escapes him. It’s cute. “I’m not tired.”


Jinki stares. Kibum crosses his arms and stares back at him with whatever remaining stubbornness he has.


“... Fine.” Kibum concedes with a quiet huff. His voice then turns soft. “Join me?”


Jinki’s room is only a floor above Kibum’s, but as time has passed they’ve been spending more time in each other’s beds together than alone in their own. He can’t say no, honestly. And Kibum knows it’s a yes before he’s even asked. Still, he nods.


The mage yawns a second time, not bothering to cover his mouth. “Mm... Go ahead, I have to clean up this mess.”


As the royal physician, Kibum’s workspace consists of an entire room dedicated to potion making and healing of those who need urgent care. Even on its messiest days there’s a logical organisation of bookcases and potion cabinets by category and value. It’s a well-deserved upgrade from the tiny kitchen table he’d used at Minho’s old house. Jinki leaves the mage at his desk and moves towards the door at the back of the room, which leads into Kibum’s bedroom.


Enveloped in the familiar warmth, Jinki leaves his shoes by the door and takes off his jacket to drop it on the closest cabinet. Candlelight magically fills each corner of the room.


Taemin’s first goal as King had been to appoint his council, and he’d originally asked Kibum to be the new captain of the mages. Kibum had his own reasons at the time to decline, instead becoming the royal physician where he can practice his craft to heal rather than attack. Jinki had been surprised at the time but looking back it felt like the right choice for his boyfriend.


His boyfriend. Jinki still smiles foolishly to himself at the thought, taking a seat at the edge of the bed. A candle on the bedside table flickers firelight over a small wooden horse, and a potion bottle. He doesn’t need to inspect the bottle to know Kibum has had to make a refill of his sleep remedy. Jinki frowns, knowing now that if Kibum takes too much of the potion it drains on his magic. He wishes there was something he could do to make the bad dreams stop.


The bedroom door clicks open, and he abandons the thoughts in favor of greeting his boyfriend as he enters the room.


“What’s wrong?” Kibum closes the door behind him, kicking off his shoes. He has quick eyes.


“I missed you.” Jinki replies easily, his smile growing as the mage steps towards him.


“Really.” Kibum chuckles as he takes off his jacket, tossing it on top of Jinki’s. “I didn’t see much of you today.”


He hums, reaching out his hands for the mage to take. “We had a long day.” with their fingers locked, Jinki tugs the mage closer until he willingly climbs into his lap. “I only just got out, but something tells me Taemin’s still hovering over those letters.”


“Right, the letters.” Kibum seems to have already lost interest, now snaking his arms around Jinki’s neck. Jinki watches him patiently, holding his waist.


If someone had told him six months ago he’d be here in the castle, with Kibum sitting so naturally in his lap, Jinki might’ve scoffed in disbelief. While he’d always believed in Taemin achieving his journey to the throne, there’d been some hesitation in hopes for his own happiness. Yet, here they are. Surrounded by candlelight, wrapped in each other.


Kibum leans down and their lips meet, Jinki humming gently in agreement, he holds the mage against him. They stay like this for a few minutes, content in the still of the night, kissing gently. When they pull apart their noses brush, breaths mix, two hands cup Jinki’s cheeks before he’s guided into a deeper kiss, one that whispers Kibum missed him too.


His slides his hands underneath Kibum’s shirt, the skin shivering at his touch. Words that can’t be said, words than can be, expressed through the way their bodies blend together. Kibum is strong but he’s soft to touch, from the skin beneath Jinki’s fingers to the lips pressed against his. Kibum is beautiful. Kibum is the man he loves.


Knock, knock, knock.


They jump at the sound, pulling back to look towards the door.


“I-I’m sorry for intruding, Kibum sir.” a small voice sounds from behind the wood. “Is sir Jinki with you? King Taemin wishes to see him.”


Kibum sighs, tired eyes shifting to drone into Jinki’s. “Really?”


Jinki smiles, apologetically. “Thank you, Joohyuk.” he calls out to the servant boy. “Tell the king I’ll be there soon.”


“Okay, th-thank you.” the boy replies, then his footsteps are heard drifting away from the bedroom door.


“I’m not moving.” Kibum declares from his spot in Jinki’s lap. “Royal advisor or not, you have a right to undisturbed time with your boyfriend.”


The mage is truly so breathtaking, even when annoyed with their king.


“I’m sure Taemin wouldn’t call for me if it wasn’t important.” he reasons, pressing a light kiss to the man’s neck. A smile plays on his lips. “You’re welcome to come with me.”


Kibum groans, and steps out of his lap. The mage glares at him, arms crossed, very unimpressed. “That kid sees your kindness and makes the most of it. Nobody else would be at his beck and call so late at night.”


“Minho, maybe.” the advisor suggests, standing from the bed and stepping in to peck Kibum’s cheek. “I love you. Don’t wait up.”


The mage’s lips twitch. “I love you, too.”



It’s all he needs to hear. Jinki picks up a jacket and slips his shoes back on before leaving the royal physician’s room. With it now being the last month of winter, the castle corridors are freezing at night. He picks up his pace as he reaches the stairs and is puffing out chilly smoke by the time he reaches the king’s bedroom. When he’d left him thirty minutes ago Taemin had moved from his office to his room, and sure enough that’s where he is now.


“Taemin.” he speaks casually with the door closed. “It does you no good to be stressing this late.”


The young king sits at his private dining table, two parchments laid out before him with numerous other sheets of paper. There are heavy bags under his eyes, his hair sticking in different directions. Jinki understands, as much as he doesn't want to see his friend so caught in his thoughts.


“I know, sorry.” Taemin meets his concern with a lopsided grin, making an effort to stay sane. “I just… I wanted to make sure this is the right thing to do.”


It was during a council meeting two weeks ago that Taemin suggested requesting for a meeting with the leaders of their neighbouring kingdoms. The proposal was met with shock, then hesitation, and a firm decline from Kibum in particular. Jinki didn’t see Queen Seohyun or King Kyein himself, but he’s heard enough from his boyfriend since to know that Kyein is nowhere near the kind of king he’d want anyone to associate with.


“Well… You said it yourself, Taemin.” Jinki began, taking the chair opposite his king. “You want to revaluate the way the country is divided, and bring an end to the hostility. And you can’t do that with only two thirds of the country.”


“Yeah...” the king sighs, leaning heavily on his elbows. “Minho’s chosen one of his top knights to deliver the letters, someone who can drop it and get out should things become dangerous.”


Jinki hates being reminded of the pain both his king and lover went through under that man’s control.


“Kyein proved to be fine when the crown was returned to him.” he recalls the worry then, and how it was all okay in the end.


“That was six months ago.” Taemin shakes his head. “I can’t help feeling like he’s still a threat.”


Jinki hesitates, his gaze dropping to the two letters. They’d spent all day drafting and redrafting them, ensuring the wording was welcoming yet strong. Eloquent without sounding like someone other than Taemin wrote them.


“Follow your gut, Taemin.” Jinki advises, wanting to encourage his friend. “You have something you want to achieve, and you have the power to attempt it. Besides, like we discussed earlier, if Kyein were to find out you’d arranged a meeting with Seohyun and not him, he would likely see it as a plot against him and his kingdom.”


“I know. And you’re right.” Taemin still looks unconvinced, despite his words. “I’m not asking them to abandon their own ways for us, but it’s been so many years since the rulers met up that the laws between us are… Ancient.” the king pauses. “You should’ve seen Seohyun’s kingdom, Jinki. Their food, their culture, even just how they looked was so different. But gooddifferent.”


“You think we could share our ways with them?”


Taemin shrugs. “There’s only an invisible line dividing us.”


The young king then straightens in his chair and rolls up the letters. Jinki watches quietly as he stamps each one, wrapping a green string around the first and a red string around the second. So, it seems he’s decided. He only looks up when he’s done, eyes round. The advisor smiles, and finally gets a real one in return.


“Will it still be okay for me to take that week off?” he asks after another beat of silence.


Taemin blinks, and his mind catches up. “Oh, yeah. It’s about time you went back to Taebaek.”


It’s kind of funny, how Jinki had come to the capital intending to stay no longer than a month. Almost nine months have passed since the day he found Kibum in that empty potions store, and so much has happened it’s sometimes hard to remember there’s still a home awaiting his return in Taebaek.


“It has been a while.” he agrees, understating it. “I’ll write to Kyunghee and let her know I’m coming.”


“Aren’t you taking Kibum with you?”


“Kibum…” Jinki thinks over his words, now reminded of the mage alone in bed. “Taebaek doesn’t have many happy memories for him. I’ve asked him to come, he just isn’t… sure.”


Taemin stifles a yawn. “Kibum doesn’t have many happy memories anywhere.”


“He does here.” he insists. “I know he turned down your offer to be captain, but he does look happy as the physician. I think he enjoys working by himself, without the pressure of dealing with people the way the royal knights and mages do.”


“I get that.” the king does yawn this time, stretching out his long arms and legs. “You should go to bed. I’ll see both of you at the meeting tomorrow.”


“Ah, right.” Jinki pushes his chair back and stands, feeling the day’s exhaustion settling into his bones.


“Oh, and--” Taemin grins, looking him up and down. “Give your boyfriend’s jacket back, would you? It’s too obvious when I saw you only an hour ago.”


Jinki startles, and upon inspection of his sleeves he realises he must’ve picked up Kibum’s jacket instead of his own. A soft blush creeps up his cheeks, though there’s no reason to be embarrassed.


He chuckles. “Okay. Goodnight, your highness.”


By the time he’s navigated through the castle corridors, crossed Kibum’s study, and entered the bedroom the mage is already under the sheets, seemingly asleep. Jinki takes off the jacket and shoes, and pads quietly across the floor to the bed. Kibum’s eyes are closed. He joins him, laying by his side.


“What disaster did you save the kingdom from this time?”


Kibum opens his eyes after he speaks, eyes puffy as if he had fallen asleep. Jinki can’t help but scoot closer, curling an arm around his boyfriend’s waist. He feels apologetic for waking him, but a part of him is happy he’s awake.


“Taemin was just worried about the letters.” he presses a kiss to Kibum’s forehead, breathes him in. “I can’t blame him, it’s a big deal.”


Kibum hums, brows pulling together. “I still don’t think it’s right to contact Kyein. Even if it’s just an invitation.”


“If Kyein does come to the meeting, I’m going to keep him as far away from you as possible.” Jinki swears by it, hand slipping back under the mage’s shirt to pull him against him. “He won’t touch you or see you. I promise.”


“I’m not worried about me.” Kibum’s voice softens, lifting a hand to run through Jinki’s hair. They search each other’s eyes for a moment, the warm glow of candlelight still flickering around the room. “But fine, it’s done. I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”


There’s an unspoken trust between them, that should there be something that needs to be said it will be.


“What do you want to do, then?”


“Continue from where we left off.”


They share a smile and meet each other in the middle.



Staring at a roof has never been so interesting until now.


Taemin lays in bed, morning sun spilling through his window and the late winter chill daring him to get out from under the covers. Every part of his body begs him to stay in bed, to finally get the sleep he failed to get all night. He seriously considers it, when he remembers his talk with Jinki last night and has to curse himself for ordering a meeting in the damn morning.


There’s a creak of his bedroom door opening, and a prolonged click when it’s closed. Taemin stares hard at the roof before pushing himself to sit up, his movement startling the intruder.


“I told you, Seungwan.” the king tries to sound authoritative, but sleepiness escapes him. “You don’t have to greet me in the mornings.”


The female servant seems unfazed by his mood, bowing deeply in greeting. “Good morning, your highness. I understand you don’t want any servants in your room until you leave, but I thought you’d like to hear this first.”


He blinks warily. “What is it?”


“Sir Mandae has just left for his quest.” Seungwan announces. “He asked me to tell you he’ll be back as soon as possible.”


Right, Mandae. The knight who would be delivering the letters across the kingdoms. To visit Queen Seohyun, and King Kyein, standing against the law that claims a ruler can do whatever they wish with a trespassing outsider. Something uncomfortable stirs in his gut, but he wills it away.


“Would you like breakfast before or after the meeting, your highness?” Seungwan switches her weight between both feet, speaking after a long pause of silence.


“Uh…” Taemin blinks. “After. Yeah, after.”


The servant bows again, then makes a turn to leave.


“Oh-- Wait.” he swings his legs out of the sheets, biting back a curse when the cold hits him. “If you happen to run into him, ask Minho to come here. I have something to discuss with him before the meeting.”


Seungwan brightens at the order, bowing once more with a little more enthusiasm. “Yes, of course! I’ll meet you later with your breakfast, your highness.”


With the young woman finally out of his room, Taemin dresses and warms his fingertips with flickers of fire magic. He waits by the window, his now familiar view of the capital. The people are waking, the noise on the streets growing, a great white blanketing roofs and windowsills. The king sighs, and frosted smoke pours from his lips. Winter in the castle has been miraculously warmer than it ever was in that cave, even with Taemin’s magic. It must be how noblemen write of winter so poetically-- they’ve never experienced the reality of the cold.


Eventually his door creaks open again, and the young king turns to greet his captain of the royal knights.


“Hey.” Taemin says. How very articulated.


“Seungwan said you had an important matter to discuss.” Minho begins, closing the door behind him. “Are you making your loyal servants run around for no reason, again?”


“I told her only if she bumps into you, it wasn’t a real order.”


Minho stares. “But you knew she’d take it seriously.”


Taemin’s lip twitches. “Maybe. She was very eager.”


“You’re ridiculous.” and then Minho is laughing, with the casual ease of being behind closed doors. “And you look like a corpse. Did you sleep at all last night?”


The attack is uncalled for. Taemin scoffs, crossing the room. “Those of brilliant mind never sleep, Minho.”


“Really? Who says?”


“Only the most brilliant of them all.” he throws on his winter cloak, willingly drowning in it. “Me.”


“Ridiculous. Again.”


Minho walks towards him, the window’s light spilling through and flashing against the silver of his armour. It has always suited him well, like the knight’s chainmail is his skin and plate his ribs. Closer now, he’s reminded that Minho will always be that little bit taller than him. Not that Taemin has the fragile masculinity to be offended by this, obviously. It’s just a fact. Like, how even under all that armour he can notice the bulk of Minho’s muscles, his strength. That’s only an observation.


“Come on, we should get going.” Minho says, breaking whatever thought he’d been trailing towards.


But he wants to spend a little longer, together like this.


“Yeah, alright.”


The castle is large, and though the walls are thick it is unable to fully protect them from the winter’s chill. The corridors are long, stairs rising high and sinking low, it took Taemin a while to remember what was where. Now he can walk to these corridors with ease, and a strange sense of power. Guards bow as he walks pass, and stand attentive when he approaches them.


Seungwan had told him once that the servants revere his presence, that the castle had felt full of dark clouds and uncertainty until the day Hyunmin died. That with his becoming of king, the castle had filled with light. Taemin hadn’t understood at the time, and still doesn’t, how despite the general population’s opinion the servants had sensed Hyunmin’s evil. Why they thought Taemin would be any better at ruling. The corridors feel cold all the same.


The first to arrive, he lights the candles and takes his seat at the head of the table. The meeting hall consists only of a large table, and chairs. With no windows to ensure utmost privacy for conversations it looks more like a gloomy, oversized cave. Perfect. Just how he likes it.


He and Minho don’t have to wait long for the others to arrive. Joohyun enters, soon followed by Jinki and Kibum. A small council is all he needs to discuss any ideas for the kingdom, with people he can trust to keep it between them.


“Mandae left to deliver the letters this morning.” Taemin begins, feeling four sets of eyes on him. “He’ll hopefully return to us… Soon. And with good news.”


Kibum’s disapproval is obvious even when he isn’t trying to show it.


“He will.” Minho insists. “He’s a good knight, a loyal one.”


Okay, well. That was addressed. “So… What of the officers? The first lot went out over a month ago, right?”


Taemin’s original plan when taking the throne was to abolish the rule that only those of noble blood could become knights. Jinki had advised against it, as it would cause a protest from the noble families. In the end, even suggesting the alternative officers proved to be difficult. Taemin wants to keep everyone happy, but changes have to be made. So eventually men and women trained, albeit with less time and little glory compared to the noble knights, to become protectors of the rural towns.


It was the first thing he’d accomplished as King. The nobles kept their precious tradition, and the rural people were provided with protection.


“They have settled in, and there already seems to be a decrease in criminal offenses.” Minho confirms. “Officers have to work harder to earn respect, but I’ve seen them in action. They’re just as commanding as any knight.”


“There’s been fewer shadow attacks, as well.” Joohyun reports, her soft voice always surprising Taemin at first. “The usual sightings from travellers, but the only three known attacks in the last month came from hunters. They seem to be… Dwindling.”


Taemin pauses. “What was it like when Hyunmin ruled?”


“Once all knights were stationed in the capital, there were close to no serious attacks. But outside the capital… I’m not sure how many were reported, but I believe many towns were left vulnerable.”


Kibum looks to her. “Like the village Jinki and I passed through, they were being raided nightly but had no way of contacting the capital.”


“Most research on shadows is based on observation, or speculation.” Jinki speaks. “There aren’t any real answers as to why they appear, or how.”


“Okay, well…” Taemin stares at a candle for inspiration. “Even if those ers aren’t an issue to us now, they won’t lay around forever. If you can, find the time to research more about them.”


Joohyun nods.


“Of course.” Jinki, good Jinki, sweet Jinki, could never do any wrong Jinki, continues. “Onto another matter, about your involvement with the people. You’ve been confined up here so long, I suggest an… event, of sorts.”


The king grins. “What, a party?”


“A festival.” Kibum drones in, though there’s a smile in his gaze. “I told him about Queen Seohyun’s birthday celebration.”


“It’d be a good way to boost the morale of the people, get the excited about something.” his adviser says. “Help them see you in a more positive light.”


Taemin blinks. “Positive?”


“I’m afraid they don’t see you at all, your highness.” Joohyun doesn’t speak up often, but when she does it’s always to state a fact. It kind of stings. “Many respect you for saving the lost children, and some can see the good you’ve provided since. But you told them you’d be a king for all the people, then you took the throne and haven’t left it since.”


Alright. So, this meeting is an attack against him. He does admit to himself, however, that saying it’s too cold outside will only work so much longer.


What kind of king do you want to be?


Taemin remembers the question Jinki had asked him months ago, back when a large part of him had yet to accept his fate for the crown.


“We’re approaching the anniversary since the end of the last war. We should use that to revive the old peace festival.” Jinki says, and it’s another decision that’s been made for him.


The meeting closes sometime after, that fated memory sticking to the bottom of Taemin’s boot and haunting him out of the hall. Waiting by the door is a young girl, round eyes and drowning in a coat only her protective mother would have insisted on wrapping around her. Taemin doesn’t usually feel a great deal of affection for children, but this one’s an exception.


“Why hello, Eunbi.” the girl jumps at the sound of his voice, but grins upon recognising him.


“Your highness.” Eunbi courtesy’s, though it’s rushed and with little real politeness. She definitely didn’t learn that from Joohyun. “I’m waiting for mother, is she coming?”


Taemin forgets his duties for a minute or two. “She is. Are you spending the day with her?”


Eunbi shakes her head. “Nope. Mother is taking me to class, and then I’m visiting Kibum. He’s going to teach me more magic.”


Hearing the others approaching from the hall, he reaches out to ruffle her hair. “Study hard, and I’ll teach you a good spell to prank Kibum.”


“I heard that.”


Shoot. Kibum.


Taemin springs to his feet, waves to Eunbi and without looking back hurries down the corridor. Whilst Kibum is good at exacting revenge, the physician can never be bothered chasing him through the castle. Down a couple flights of stairs, along a few more corridors, cutting through the courtyard, and he finds himself at the front gate to the caste. The two knights guarding it step to either side, bowing deeply for their king.


“Your highness, let us you through the capital.” one guard says.


“No, I’ll be fine by myself.” Taemin shrugs off the pressure.


No big deal. He’s just walking out into crowds of people. He’s done it plenty of times before, this shouldn't be any different. Taemin won’t be a ruler who hides beneath his crown. At the reminder, he touches his head to make sure he isn’t wearing the damned thing. No, he’s good.


A beat later, and he realises the guards have already opened the gates for him.


It’s now or never.

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Chapter 6: Such an epic story... find your way back <3333333
Chapter 6: Ohoooo~~ Despite the fruitless journey they had, I loooove this chapter cuz we could see how their relationship goes by..
The funny things are, I always imagined the original Jinki is just like in this character..
He doesn't show so much expression,, being calm, throwing random confessions in random time and place.. awkward yet dumb and funny..
I love the way you describe their feeling and thinking so that it imply their character..
I'm not yet ready for the war and the "sacrifice", but for sure I'll wait for the update.. Thank you
AlmightyJinkibum #3
Chapter 5: Absolutely loving this! Cant wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 5: Oooooooooo..
With so much happening, unfortunately 2min need to keep their feeling for now..
But I'm glad they dont deny it..
I cant wait for the Onkey couple in their adventure, Bad things might happen but at least they are together..
And, the war is coming!!!
Chapter 4: I didn’t think it was possible for me to love this story even more but then this chapter happened!!! I was excited that Seulgi was even featured on Where Darkness Resides and you’re telling me she would be playing a huge role in this story asghjklsh.

It must have been harder to be without a beta but you’re still doing so well. I’m eagerly waiting for the next chapter! ?????
Chapter 3: I’m excited to read about how this story will unfold! (just please don’t make our onkey suffer so much ?)

And to reply to your reply to my previous comment:
I’m so glad that my comment has pushed you to write this sequel. I even almost messaged you on twitter (if that was even your account) because it was so important to me to let you know how much I adored your story (but I was too shy and I was afraid you would think I’m a creeper lmao)

You don’t have anything to be nervous about. You write so well and I’m sure others would also enjoy this story as much as I do.
Chapter 3: OMG!!!!! Now I'm really worried! Amaaaazing story.