❥ STARSHIPPED  / LOVE FINDS A WAY   dispatch reporters unleashed!

We're going to be writing the story from the perspectives of a handful of characters and their love interests on different walks of the idol/celebrity path! We really want to get a good variety of different kinds of idol, from trainees to nugus to young chart toppers to industry veterans! Every walk of the flower road will have a totally different experience with love and dating or pining and everything that comes with it, be creative and think about the kind of love story you'd want to read about!

Not all of the lovers will end up together, just as it is in real life some people are total end game and some people just break apart. Join us on an emotional rollercoaster of love and hate and happiness and sadness and all the good stuff!!

Oh an please tag your app with starshippedfic so it's easy to find them all!


Your main character can be male or female and the minimum age is 15. There's no real maximum, if you want to give me a 30-year-old veteran go for it! If you go for an underage character please don't make their love interest a lot older than them that's kinda creepy, like stick to the same kinda age please! Kpop is a colorful place so any realistic kpop ethnicities is fine! 

Faceclaims should be idols because this fic will probably be graphic heavy and not having enough pics to work with will make your authors cry, sorry about that! No racebending either please! 


While this fic is about romance that doesn't mean the characters won't get explored! The best rom coms and kdramas have full arcs for their characters after all and you should create balanced characters with flaws and virtues! You can format this as you like, the rest is pretty self explanatory, right?

Since this will deal with fame a lot you can also elaborate on how your character is when they're in celeb-mode and when they're on their own. Are they super friendly and outgoing for the fans but are they melancholic and quiet when the cameras are off? Or are they more cautious in front of the camera and more freespirited when they're alone? There's so much possible here! (But it's not like mandatory or anything you can have someone who acts the same too).

The background can be as long or short as you like, if they're a 15 year old trainee they obviously won't have a lot of life experience yet probably but if they're a 25 year old idol veteran they'd have a lot more to tell! You should mention what made them want to get into the idol industry for sure. 


Okay so here I have to explain a bit! So your character is going to have a group or soloist twin! That means that whatever group their twin is, they'll have the discography of that group. You can mess with it a bit for sure, like if you wanna have Blackpink as a twin but, like everyone else, you think it's nuts how they have had like 5 comebacks in 5 years, you can make them a 2 year group and release the songs over 2 years but the releases you pick have to come from the same group! This way things will be consistent and there should be minimal overlap! (If you want your character to be in a group but also have a solo you can have both a group and a soloist twin and they don't have to be from the same group)

The idol life is for telling us what their life as an idol was like. If they struggled a lot and then blew up or if they were from a really big company and how your character felt about debut, that sort of thing! Do match some of it with the group though like how Blackpink have super glam MVs so they obviously have never been nugu! So here is where you give us an idea of where your character is in the idol life right now and how they feel about it. Can be as much or little as you want!

The extra section is for us to tell us whatever else you think will be important, and also serves as a Lifestyle section of sorts: how your character lives right now, do they live in a dorm or have they moved out, are there any daily/weekly schedules that they always do. You don't have to write a lot here or be super specific, we're not like looking for a room by room exploration of their apartent, just generally wanna know where they live and if there's anything noteworthy they do.

(If your character is a trainee you can ignore this and talk about their trainee life instead)

Hit us up if you have any questions!


Here we want you to put their fellow group members for sure if they're in a group! They don't have to all get along or be super close, or maybe they are cause they spent so much time together. Also add anyone who is regularly in their life and who might be a part of their love story. Collabs are also super appreciated here, since the idol industry isn't that big your characters can totally know each other if you want them to!


First of all the app kind of assumes your LI is an idol but they don't have to be! That's just because the idol stuff has extra info (and we figure most people will want that) but if your LI is someone totally different just edit it and give us whatever info you think is relevant!

The love interest can be male or female too! We're totally fine with writing gay characters, just make sure you do it realistically within Korean culture okay? We'll probably only accept one or two gay pairings to keep variety cause there won't be a lot of couples so keep that in mind! For this fic you should treat your love interest as a second main character!

Because there are going to be so many like idol group twins around and stuff we thought it would be best to treat the love interest as an OC always! So if they're idols then they're gonna have an idol twin too just like your main character. That way you'll really get your creative juices flowing too and make sure the love interest is a fully formed character!

That being said, they don't have to be idols, they don't even have to be in the idol industry they could be someone totally idol unrelated and totally ordinary! Maybe they're really into their hairdresser or there's a fellow student at university who gives them a taste of normalcy they crave, that can happen!

So I know that most apps have a love story section where you can detail their whole romance but we're not going to do that! We want you to tell us exactly where they are at the start of the story (have they just met? Have they been dating but just got caught? Are they bitter exes?) and you can tell us about some of the journey but we're going to decide how their love story is formed and how it ends! That way you'll be as in the dark as everyone else and the story will be a total surprise for you too! 

Love interest collabs are super super welcome too! If you want to collab with someone on a couple, please do! That would be amazing!!!

Between Star and Bonny there are so many stanned groups, we don't want to have any brownie points for faces! Use whoever your heart desires, we'll swoon over the story regardless!!

Pretty apps are a bonus though!

Collabs, big or small! Who do they know? Are they friends or enemies or distant acquatainces? Varied relationships with other applications!

The password is: under what name are they saved in each other's phone


- The first timers! Idols don't get a whole lot of opportunity to experiment with dating, first timers might be super cute and awkward about it! The quintessential they meet and fall in love story!

- The bitter exes who still have feelings for each other! Why did they break up and how do they act around each other now? Does the temperature drop when the other walks into the room?

- The Dispatch new year's reveal: they've been dating in secret but oops they're out now! How do they deal with the new stress on their relationship and careers!

- The young trainees risking their debut! Or maybe one of them has debuted and they broke up but oh how they still pine for each other.

- The lonely career-oriented veteran who has never known what love is.

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Thank you!
❥ SS: I really crave a height difference pairing where the girl is taller than the boy. Give me those Jinhos and Aishas and what have you!!


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Chapter 4: hello, i was just wondering if this story was still active?
looking forward to any updates if the story is still ongoing
and hope everything is ok on your ends!
Chapter 5: hello, big news, I am still stuck on my app lol. school and inktober is just taking so much of my time
12 streak #3
Okay the last time I said I finally decided I lied but now I'm serious
Expect my app in the next few days!
just to give you an update, I'm making progress on my app, but I've been having busy days so it's going slower than expected. I'm almost done with the first half of the pair though so I guess my app will be out in a few days.

Also you asked for a height difference couple with a taller girl but how about a height difference couple where the girl reaches up to the guy's s? (and can pinch them blindly)
12 streak #5
Chapter 4: I’ve finally decided who I want to use as a love interest, so, expect an app from me soon!
I'm not super far on my app yet because I've been busy D:
Updated the application, let me know if there's anything you want added.
Chapter 5: HELLO!! Thank you for the review! for idol twin I wanted to use g-idle, but I was already so deep into my GFriend writing that I thought maybe it could be kept? you can change it to g-idle if you do see fit, though!!! Also I meant to write both of them met during SMTM6!!! Sorry!
Chapter 5: Hey guys, I'll revise the app with more details on my day off but until then, thank you guys for the compliments. Seriously. You two are always so nice to me. ♥