i want to hear your melody

i want to hear your melody
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It had been drizzling that morning and while in the past Yoongi would love to take a nap in this kind of weather, he had already taken three short naps during the day and it was only two thirty in the afternoon. He'd had enough naps by now. 

Yoongi was tired of this bed even though he hadn't felt physically tired in weeks. He was mentally exhausted. He was exhausted of sleeping, he was exhausted of resting, and he was exhausted of laying down. Yoongi had the deepest and flaming desire to get up and do something, wanted to get up and go to work, wanted to walk down to the convenience store that was two blocks away, wanted to walk to the bus stop to go visit Taehyung and Seokjin and their cat, but he couldn't. Not when the smallest thing, the tiniest action put his baby girl at a huge risk. He couldn't even entertain that thought in the slightest. 

Yoongi had initially been excited about being put on bed rest after being told he had a high-risk pregnancy. It had taken thirty-two weeks of pregnancy before his high blood pressure got even higher than it should have been and his doctor demanded he go on bed rest for the remainder of the trimester. Preeclampsia was dangerous for both the mother and the baby and with the threat of premature labor at eight months, no one could risk that. Lung maturity was important and with a month knocked off of his daughter's development, it would mean more time spent in the hospital, and less time in Yoongi and Namjoon's arms. That sounded like a nightmare watching his baby in an incubator and he was going to do everything in his power not to let that happen. 

Doesn't mean he liked it. Yoongi's hobby was to leisure in bed and sleep when he could, but that was before he got heavily pregnant and he can only sleep so much. He never thought he would ever say that, but he had officially slept too much. He had slept enough for a few months and if he wanted he could probably stay awake for a few days without feeling tired at all. All he did all day was eat, lay down, and watch tv when he did take the time to waddle to the living room and sit down on the couch. Which sadly wasn't very often due to how swollen he was. Preeclampsia tended to make mothers swell up like balloons and he was no exception. His feet, legs, arms, and hands received the worst of it since he had to move them the most. His bump was swollen too, but it had been swollen since he started showing, small and round. He was just extra large now, belly larger than life. Even without moving, Yoongi was still sore all the time. 

Yoongi snuggled further into the pregnancy pillow that Namjoon had bought him soon after he was getting too big for comfort to ensure he had the utmost comfort. It was the only good part about this whole bed rest thing, the way it supported him entirely and kept pressure off his belly. It was almost like he was holding onto a person all day and mostly he liked to imagine he was cuddling with Namjoon while he was away and Yoongi was stuck at home. Yoongi grabbed another, smaller pillow and it placed it between his knees while the pregnancy pillow sat between his thighs. Along with the pregnancy pillow, Namjoon bought a bunch of other pillows to keep Yoongi well cushioned throughout the day. Yoongi didn't need this many pillows but he had them if he needed them. He appreciated the thought a lot. 

Having just finished yet another nap that lasted maybe half an hour, Yoongi reached over to the nightstand and grabbed his phone to look on social media or news outlets or whatever was going to entertain him as he laid there. A wide smile split his lips as a notification flashed on the screen from Namjoon from ten minutes ago. Namjoon always made sure to check in on him when he had breaks during work and every text he sent was patterned with multicolor emojis and emoticons. Yoongi was quite the opposite and while he didn't use emojis, he did use pictures and gifs that were a feature on his smartphone. This time around, Namjoon's text started off with a plethora and superfluous amount of hearts before any words showed up. 

'Hellllooooooo, Yoongiiii! I hope you're resting well and not missing me too much. I miss you heaps! Take it easy today, you deserve it! I love you lots and I'll be home a little early today! See you at 4!' 

So many emojis and colors were woven into the sentences that it was a bit overwhelming but still so sweet and just like Namjoon. Yoongi was excited to have his husband home a little early today so he could spend some time with him, but he also found himself sighing as a hint of dread crept up his throat and through his nose. 

Yoongi loved Namjoon dearly, he really did, but the younger was just a bit overbearing. Bed rest had rules, but even those regulations had a little lee-way so the mother wouldn't suffer through weeks of not moving more than a few steps, not purely restricted to the bed. Yoongi was not allowed any heavy lifting or vigorous activity, but he was still allowed to walk around and move from room to room. Walking for long periods of time was not allowed, but he was allowed to still walk. Yoongi was still allowed to do a lot, but he and Namjoon had very different definitions of bed rest. 

Namjoon is super strict with him and his bed rest. When the younger is home, he doesn't allow Yoongi out of bed for very long, one minute at best. And when he does let him move further distances, he only lets him sit on the couch when he's out of his room, doesn't even let him sit at the dining room table for fear that it would be too uncomfortable for Yoongi to sit that. If he gets up to go to the bathroom, Namjoon is right by his side to guide him every step of the way and waits outside the door until he finishes because Yoongi won't let him into the bathroom with him, then leading him right back to the couch to sit or the bed to lay down. If Yoongi wants something from the kitchen, Namjoon immediately jumps up to get it for him so he doesn't have to. If Yoongi wants to grab something from downstairs, Namjoon runs and gets it. Yoongi hasn't done laundry or more than two dishes in weeks because Namjoon thinks taking the laundry in and out of the washer and dryer is too rigorous. Same for the dishes. Namjoon does both when Yoongi is asleep so he never even has the chance. Yoongi was sure Namjoon would wipe his if he thought it was too tiring for Yoongi to do. 

His life has become boringly stagnant and it's almost painful, but that's also when Namjoon is home. When he isn't, Yoongi walks around the house when he can and when his feet are sore from lack of use. Not too fast, no sharp turns, and not rigorous because even then he starts huffing at how slow he's walking. It's freeing, let's him feel like he has some control over his life even when he doesn't have any control over any other aspect. All of his decisions are made for him by Namjoon and he has no room to talk. He makes sure to be careful because his baby girl always comes first and he would be damned if he lets his daughter get hurt due to his impatience, but he's just so bored and he has needs, too. And what he needs is exercise even if it is just waddling around the house with bare feet. His socks were getting too tight, which is something he never thought would happen. 

Yoongi had already had lunch before his nap and wasn't feeling hungry but he did want to walk around to try and alleviate the pain he was feeling in his ankles. They hadn't had the chance to stretch or move around much since yesterday, having felt ill all day. Namjoon had been plastered to his side and made sure he didn't get up for any reason unless he had to pee. He was aching to move around and that's what he was going to do with all the power he had in his body. 

Yoongi pushed the pregnancy pillow away and propped his heavy body up with his arms until he was sitting up. The pressure on his hips was a little painful so he quickly shuffled his legs off the side of the bed. This was the hardest part, actually getting off the bed. He had to rock himself a few times to gain momentum before he was able to stand on his feet, the popping of his ankles sounding in his ears satisfyingly. They already felt so much better. 

He felt his daughter kick a few times as she shifted about, not too used to standing up anymore. She wiggled and stretched just as Yoongi was doing and he felt a pride in his heart that was reserved just for his daughter. She was sluggish like he was and he could already identify such an adorable personality she had. Yoongi cupped his belly with both hands and looked down, smile melting into a frown, sad to see how far and thin he had stretched the t-shirt he was wearing. It was one of Namjoon's sleep shirts and even that had gotten too small for him. He looked just about two weeks overdue when really he was right on schedule, he was more baby than Yoongi at this point. He could give birth any day in reality, but she hadn't even dropped yet. There was not going to be a baby very soon, but Yoongi wanted her here now. 

He rubbed his belly, groaning as he felt the material slide up due to his ministrations, "I'm sorry, love, but you know the drill," he reminded her as he started to waddle towards the hallway, "Ten minutes, at least ten minutes. Can you give me that much?" he asked his daughter. He often found himself talking to her as though she could understand, but she was one of the only people he could talk to so early in the day. His friends were all at work still and although his parents were retired, calling them during the day often led to tears on his mother's behalf. Watching your son suffer so much was indeed emotional and Yoongi was always close to follow in tears. His hormones were through the roof and he had done enough crying until now. He didn't want more tears to ruin his already sour mood, "I'll feed you afterward, okay? I'll get you whatever you want, I promise it's not as long as it seems." 

It really wasn't. Ten minutes of walking was barely exercising, but it was enough and ten minutes on his feet was the longest he would be standing in weeks. He usually walked for five minutes, but his goal was to go a full ten minutes. He wasn't going to push himself, if he felt any discomfort, he was going to sit instantly and not do anymore. He wasn't going to hurt his baby, there was no way.

And so he walked. Down the hall and into the living room where he circled the couch a few times, holding on the edge to make sure he wouldn't fall over. He waddled, hips bumping into the walls and furniture when he got too close and hand holding onto something for leverage and to keep his balance. His baby was heavy and she was weighing him down, making walking that much harder, but he was stir-crazy and was contracting cabin fever from staring at these same walls all day long. Walking was making him happy, making him feel like he wasn't living a pointless existence. His history of depression was rather extensive and he hadn't any episodes for a few years, but depression was like an old friend taking a visit as he felt the familiarity of it creep into his system. Yoongi hadn't brought it up to Namjoon or his doctor for fear of more

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aanyaa #1
Chapter 1: This was so good! I loved it. Poor Yoongi and Namjoon was the best. I love your writing so much. It was beautiful.