CONCEPTS. the story behind the group is that each girl represents a celestial body within the galaxy, most being planets while three of them representing the moon, the sun and a comet. the first three girls are called the "empaths" and an empath is someone who senses things beyond the general realm of the moment. 

the moon is the first girl "awakened" (her solo is first story wise) and the cause behind her being woken up is that she begins to feel odd out of no where, like something or someone is calling out to her. she can't quite explain but she feels the urge to chase after it, sending herself on a journey to find whatever is calling out to her.  in her journey, she comes to find out that the feeling she picked up on was being emitted by the sun girl who has just been awakened. (which would be the next month and the sun girl's introduction) in her awakening, she goes into a trance like state, seduced by the call that she hears being made. she cannot explain where or why she hears it but knows that she has to go to it and when the moon girl shows up, the two discover that they both felt something urging them to keep searching.  from there, the duo set out to find the last empath, the comet whom is running around freely, without concern. she hasn't felt something calling out to her, though she has odd headaches at times that she can't explain. it isn't until she accidentally roams into an odd place that she comes across two strange girls that say they were looking for her.  (the comet girl's introduction and the first sub-unit release the same month, a week apart.)  with the trio together and their journey over, they must now begin to bridge the inner and outer planets together to align them for the (debut). 

this is when your characters come in! i want you guys to be creative with your intro song choices and the concept behind each planet. i'll link them together, don't worry, but for reference, here's a general idea of each "sub-unit".

INTRO SONG. i don't mind which song you pick, but try to have it lyrically or aesthetically match your concept, also the song MUST have an MV. 

inner planets (mercury, venus, earth, mars and jupiter) :: in the older range of the age range, preferably (1995 to 1998) but theyre story is the next batch that would be introduced after the empath trio begins bridging them together. don't worry about them coming across each other, i'll put together a story for them when the sub-unit releases alongside jupiter's intro month, just focus on the individual concept of the girl.  in general though, these five are the closest planets, the easiest ones to find and bridge together. honestly these girls have the most creative freedom, concept wise. if you need help, i have base concepts for the planets made out in case no one applied for the part and if you need some inspiration, just ask! 

outer planets (saturn, uranus, neptune and pluto) :: the younger members, hence the age range on the plotline page. three of the four have pretty creatively free concepts, though i would like neptune to have outcast vibes? (to go along with the sub-unit debut song). once again, be creative! and if you need help or want to brainstorm with me, pm me <3

tl;dr :: the girls are aligning to debut, but sm put a cool backstory to it lmao

PERSONA  old school style, everyone knows that sm entertainment likes to give idols "characters" to play for fans and while onstage (vlives and such won't be as serious though) so try to come up with a cool one for your girl. i would suggest looking into greek/roman mythology and astrology for inspiration for your concepts and persona's. i was watchign loona and watching a greek mythology documentary when i had the idea for this fic afterall lololol 

stage names are optional, but if the character has one, make sure it makes sense. 

   CHEATSHEAT . . . 

AGE RANGE.  for the most part, the age range (unless stated) is generally 1995 to 2002, though i would like the inner planets to have the older end of the range, just because when the do have sub-unit specials, they'll have more varity whereas the outer planets are going to be more cute/girly in their concept. pssw_rd  is a fan color for your character linked to a sub-unit song idea (for the one they're in) the comet plotline and sun plotline can be any age in the age range,they're the most free in that regards. 

FACELCAIM.  no sm faceclaims and try to steer clear of loona, if possible. (it makes matching them up for the songs easier and less confusing) 

ETHNICITY.  only one plotline has to be foreign, but i'm open to any ethnicity, but keep in mind it's sm entertainment. i don't mind race bending in the case of you wanting to make a half korean half chinese character type of situation and you want to you kyulkyung to represent her, but i would prefer if you have a half white half asian character that you used a faceclaim that is at least half white. i hope that makes sense, but like i'm cool with it so long as it's within reason and makes sense? (also rip pristin, amirite?) i would like koreans in the group though, so give them some love, too. 

nationality wise, it's cool if your girl was born in canada/britain/literally whereever and moved to korea for idol stuff, too. sm has foreign swaggers all over the place. 

   the idol side of things . . .

TALENT TWINS.  all of the girls are good dancers, tis a requirement so feel free to use lead and main dancers for the dance twin. 

i went through and updated the positions on the plotline page so just follow those to the bes tof your abilities, you know the drill. loona talent twins are okay! no sm talent twins, though. 

any other twins (variety, etc) is fine, it's just not required!

TRAINING.  all the girls were in the smrookie program so that must be mentioned and how long they were in it and any years trained prior to joining the program be it at sm as a regular trainee or elsewhere and they switched over. 

for reference :: smrookies started in 2013 and for the most part they get to make special videos or model kids stuff or go run around the disney channel korea stages with disney song covers and such. they would be close to the smrookie boys and current and old smrookie girls such as red velvet or lami and herin, etc. 

LOVE INTERESTS.  hey i love a good love story ( or a bad one/sad one-) so feel free to get creative but within reason with it, should you chose to have one. also i thought it would be fun to have a love triangle with my girl and taeyong and another girl so like if you're interested, hit me up and lets make our girls suffer <3 

i've not written much girl/girl before, but i'll try my best because love is lovely <3 with that said though, love interests can be boys or girls but keep in mind that korean idols and being lgbtq+ openly isn't common quite yet. no dating within the group, though, that would be awkward if they broke up lmao could you imagine

sm entertainment "bans" dating for two years (but low key just be sneaky) and they encourage dating in the company, but you don't have to have an sm love interest by any means. 



o  collabs are welcome, both in general and for love interests <3

o  if you need help with anything, please pm me and i'll be happy to brainstorm with you

o  you can apply a max of 4 times

o  if you have questions, let me know <3


o  rena of pristin for fc , jinsoul as all over talent twin

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14 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hi sorry, for the Mars plotline, can I submit a girl that isn’t one of the usual nationalities for kpop idols (not Chinese, Japanese, Thai or half white)?
Because I’m already planning a Japanese girl for one of the other plotlines
Probably a dumb question, but do the solo songs absolutely HAVE to be Loona?
14 streak #3
Chapter 1: For the Mars plotline, do foreigners include Koreans that were born and raised overseas?
14 streak #4
Chapter 2: Yay it’s open
I’ll try to submit a girl or a few for you! I love Loona inspired stories!