


There was an accident; a horrible accident; two people were in the black and luxurious car; the first one was driving and singing for the love of his life; the other one, a blond and pretty boy, was humming the song too; so stunned by his boyfriend singing and focusing in the road at the same time.
It was winter already; it was Christmas; the loving couple was going to visit their parents in a far away country. Even when they were having the time of their lives; the driver was making sure they were safe; because he couldn’t risk his beloved like that.
The brown haired man that was driving had a huge smile in his face; he quietly slid his hand to the pocket of his coat and smiled wider when he found a small box there; it had a ring inside it. He quickly returned his hand to the steering wheel and focused on driving.

The brown haired man was going to ask the blond one to marry him;
It was his Christmas gift.

“It’s still so far away…” The blond boy whined while stretching his arms in the small space he had in the car.
“Do you want me to stop and have a break?” The brown haired man that was driving smiled softly and asked not taking his eyes out of the road.
“Just if you’re tired.” The blond one said sweetly. “If not, let’s keep going and eat some kilometers ahead.”
The driver nodded and smiled.

They wouldn’t arrive even to the next kilometer

The day soon filled with blood; the white snow was stained with red; police came but they found just the blond boy’s body; nobody knew what happened to the brown haired man; they assumed the boy was already dead; calcined by the explosion the car did after being hit hardly.

A rich and successful business man.
The heir of the biggest modeling company.
A couple that was living happily together.

The brown haired man tried to avoid the drunk driver of the truck in the opposite direction; he panicked but he managed to slow down and go to the side of the road as much as he could; he didn’t want his boyfriend to be hurt; the latter was fast asleep, oblivious to the scene outside.
But even like that; the drunk man in the truck lost control and hit the black car directly; the driver of the black car saw that coming; and he could do nothing more than taking out his boyfriend’s safe belt and throw him outside the still running car; opening the door rather clumsily while the time was passing so fast; he had already no control of his own car.
“W-What-?!” The pretty and blond boy exclaimed confused and panicked; he was being forced out of the car while his eyes were glued to the huge truck that was about to hit them hardly.
“I love you; never forget about it.” And the blond boy was thrown outside the car; hitting his head with a tree that was just by the side.

If the brown haired man hadn’t thrown his boyfriend outside the car; 
the other wouldn’t have survived to the severe accident.

The man driving the black car didn’t have enough time to take his belt out from him; but he was definitely calmer; he saw how the truck crushed by the side where his boyfriend was; he saw his life pass by his eyes; he could see the glass breaking, the car making itself narrowed and the safe belt stuck; the grip that man had in the steering wheel was so strong his fingers were white.
The air bag hit his face making him close his eyes; he couldn’t breathe anymore; he could just feel the sharp pain in his body as the glass pierced his skin.
There was a strange smell in the air and the young man then felt his body lose; he felt how the car he was going in, opened and he flew away too; hitting his body in the cold and full of broken glass road.
Everything went blank; there was pain; pain all around his body; he saw his car under the huge trunk; he imagined himself inside it; his tears started going out from his eyes when he pictured his smiling boyfriend in his mind. The young man asked why but he never got an answer; he didn’t know if he wanted to have it anyway.
He couldn’t move his body; his sight was blurry; he was so far from the accident; he could barely hear the alarm of the car sounding scandalously; there was blood all over him; he could feel it.

His boyfriend’s body lying in the side of the road; so far from where he was; 
the body wasn’t moving but he knew he was fine; 
the love of his life’s body wasn’t stained with blood like his; 
he imagined his boyfriend had a peaceful expression.

He closed his eyes; the tears going down his eyes as the last thing he saw, was the love of his life. He thought about nothing; the pain didn’t allow him to. 
The couple was so far away; both of them unconscious.
There was an old man that lived by his own up in the mountains; he rescued the brown haired man and treated him; the same man died a month later; leaving him knowing nothing and just possessing old clothes and a shining ring in a small box in his pocket; a ring that he didn’t dare to sell or give in his entire lifetime.


It was cold.
Of course it’s cold; it’s winter already.
He was lonely.
That’s something we can’t fix.
He was empty.
That’s right.
There was a ring.
But we don’t know who the owner is.
Kyuhyun sat down on that place full of life; he wondered why then; he wasn’t feeling as happy as them; why wasn’t he smiling loudly and enjoying his time being there?

He didn’t have an idea of what was his purpose in life

He looked at the ring in the small box again; he does that every time he has a chance; because there’s something there that tells him that ring isn’t his; that he had to give it to someone else. But… Who? Why?
Kyuhyun didn’t know what it was; he didn’t know what that ring meant.
The breeze blew in the park where he was currently sitting; his hair got a little messy; but he couldn’t care less about it; there were just a few kids in that place; it was so cold the ones playing seemed to be balls from all the clothes they got in their tiny bodies; there were laughing; screaming; but Kyuhyun could only hear the lonely and frustrated heartbeat of his own body.
What could he feel?
Everything; he could feel the cold material of the bench in which he was sitting down; he could feel the cold weather against his pale skin; he could feel the movement around him; everything was so quiet; so quiet he liked it.
Kyuhyun slid his hand into his pocket and held the small box there; just as if checking the ring was still inside and he didn’t lose it.
A blond boy sat down by his side; it was like that every day; he wondered why; still; it wasn’t as if he would ask; he wasn’t that interested. Kyuhyun was just curious about it.
They both said nothing; the blond boy just sat down there and watched the kids play; stealing glances of the boy by his side that seemed to be in his own world all the time. The blond boy thought that the brown haired was so fascinating; he enjoyed it much; he was trying to find out what the latter was thinking.

Kyuhyun was thinking about the blond boy too.

Kyuhyun saw how the last leaves of the trees were falling down; no words were spoken; Kyuhyun didn’t mind, he liked it like that. Kyuhyun’s surroundings were full with a strange warmth and he wished to know why was that.
Kyuhyun closed his eyes and waited; minutes passed; maybe hours; he didn’t care; it wasn’t as if someone was waiting for him at home. Was it home anyway? Was that house enough as to be called ‘home’? Kyuhyun didn’t know; nor did he care about it.
He would think about it every day; he would spend the whole afternoon after his boring job as a waiter in that luxurious café in the center of the town. The blond boy that was now smiling softly at the nothingness was one of the things that Kyuhyun would find amazing and fascinating. Why you ask? He didn’t know either; but in the bottom of his soul; Kyuhyun enjoyed the blond boy presence as much as he loved quietness.
When Kyuhyun opened his eyes again it was already dark; the sun hid and there was a blue color reflected in the snow; Kyuhyun admired the view while he waited; he didn’t know what he was waiting; he didn’t care either.

An accident occurred almost five years before that moment.

Kyuhyun counted in his mind.
And the blond boy stood up; it was exactly at the same time everyday; it was a strict routine they both shared together. Kyuhyun looked at the blond boy’s back as the other walked away from the park; it was late; it was cold; Kyuhyun wasn’t a good company.
Kyuhyun too, stood up; but he didn’t walked away until he could no longer see the blond boy in the distance; he looked down and watched the snow carefully; he then looked up again; a snowflake fell down on the palm of his hand and he watched how it melted because of the heat of his hand.
After some more seconds; Kyuhyun decided to go to that dark and lonely place he used to call ‘home’. He walked slowly, enjoying once again the cold in the air; oh how much he loved it; his fingers were freezing, his lips were almost blue, his body shaking lightly. Why did he enjoy it so much?

Kyuhyun liked to believe there was something colder than himself.

Snowflakes fell down melting in his thick jacket; kids went out smiling brightly and laughing when their mothers came out too scolding them about being cold outside and them to wear more clothes on.
They don’t like being cold. Kyuhyun though.
He felt lonelier then.


Just like winter; Kyuhyun was cold; strange enough, the customers in the café liked him that way. Kyuhyun never once tried to understand them; because there were so many things he couldn’t figure out and yet; his life was peaceful. That was what he wanted to believe all the time.
One again the blond boy; he sat down by Kyuhyun’s side and said nothing; he just enjoyed being there and Kyuhyun discovered that Wednesday of December, that he liked being there with the blond boy; saying nothing. They didn’t have to pretend, because none of them were there to judge the other.
Kyuhyun wondered; what did the blond boy felt? What did he think about him? Kyuhyun never got his answers because he never got to talk to the blond boy.

1) The blond boy was feeling calm and happy being there.
2) He thought Kyuhyun was a hallucination made out from his crazy and sleepless mind.

That day: when Kyuhyun closed his eyes to enjoy the moment; he felt how the blond boy stood up before the hour he had to; Kyuhyun felt a light weight inside his chest and opened his eyes; he looked at the boy and he discovered he was looking at him with a soft smile.
“I’m Hyukjae.” The blond boy said as he smiled brightly; Kyuhyun liked that smile.
And just like that; after almost a year of sitting there meaningless; in the old bench of an almost abandoned park; stealing glances from each other; enjoying the quietness even when their surroundings were noisy; after a year of being together… Kyuhyun finally knew the name of the blond boy who would always come and sit by his side; making him feel less lonely and actually have a reason to stay there and spend his afternoon making some sense..
Hyukjae. That name sounded so beautiful to Kyuhyun’s mind; so nostalgic.
“I’ll leave early today.” Hyukjae said as he kept smiling; Kyuhyun didn’t want him to leave; but there was nothing he could do; because Hyukjae was already far away from him.
Kyuhyun frowned; it was the first time he actually made an expression and he didn’t care to keep his poker face; he never did. The next day was the same; Hyukjae had to go earlier and Kyuhyun found himself different; he didn’t know what it was; he never felt it before; Kyuhyun was clueless.
Was he happy? Was he mad? Was he worried? Was he angry?
He didn’t know; because he might not even felt those kind of sensations in his whole life. How could he do to determine them? Wasn’t he supposed to know it right away?

He felt sad and panicked their time together was up so soon.

Hyukjae didn’t talk the next days; he would just leave earlier; sometimes too earlier, sometimes a little bit later; but he never spoke again; he still had that soft smile looking at the nowhere and only stealing glances at Kyuhyun from time to time.
Still; Kyuhyun could feel something strange going on in his body; his chest had a strange weight every time Hyukjae looked at him and smiled; ready to leave the place Kyuhyun learnt to love so much.
Why are you leaving? Is it because of me? Is it because I’m cold? 
…Because your smile is making me warm inside Hyukjae...
Kyuhyun only looked at Hyukjae; he tried hard to tell him to stay by his side; because he knew he was going to miss Hyukjae even when they never actually talked about anything. But Kyuhyun’s voice didn’t work when he opened his mouth.
“I’ll see you here tomorrow I guess…” Hyukjae said with a shy smile and a light blush in his pale skin.
Kyuhyun was now charmed; Hyukjae’s voice sounded so smooth, so clear, so honest; so warm. Kyuhyun wanted to hear it more; he wanted to hear that every second of his life.
“I-I’ll see you then…” Hyukjae cleared his throat and looked away; his cheeks turning even redder and he was biting his lower lip with the hope of calming his racing heart.
Hyukjae didn’t say a thing after that; he just walked quickly away; his heart racing and his face red; contrasting so much with his usually pale skin.

He thought Kyuhyun was so handsome 
and his eyes were so deep that he could see through his soul.

Kyuhyun stood up quickly, cursing at himself because he couldn’t react in a better way; he couldn’t run after Hyukjae and he couldn’t say a thing.
Would you like to have a coffee with me? Kyuhyun wanted to ask; though it was already late
He ran after the direction Hyukjae ran. Why was he so lame? He could have introduced himself when the other did. He felt so stupid.
Kyuhyun sat down once again in that usual bench; there was snow everywhere; there were no more kids because it was late and it was cold. Kyuhyun didn’t care about that; because the cold weather made him feel calmer; he closed his eyes again; he counted every snowflake that started going down to his hand; it was snowing again over him; he liked it even more. The snowflakes melted in his hand and he smiled in his mind; it was so while; just like Hyukjae’s pale skin.
Kyuhyun didn’t scold himself because he would think about Hyukjae all the time; he didn’t need to; he was honest with himself. His eyes were craving to get Hyukjae’s sight; but still… Kyuhyun, as cold as he was, lived in the present, not the future.
Living in the future would mean he would just think what to do when they see each other; and Kyuhyun didn’t like that; he wanted to live now and leave the next second to whatever super-natural being that controlled destiny.
That afternoon; when Kyuhyun sat down on the bench; Hyukjae was already there; he wondered why and he did nothing but sit down in his usual spot; he frowned when he looked at Hyukjae; there was no smile this time. Why?
Hyukjae’s eyes were lost in the nothingness; he wasn’t even looking shyly at Kyuhyun as he used to; Kyuhyun felt a string in his chest; he didn’t know why; but he felt bad; there was a knot in his throat and he could say nothing even when he wanted.
Why did he have the urge to hug the fragile figure sitting by his side; with lost eyes and no smile in his face?

He fell in love with the pretty and blond boy 
that used to sit next to him in that lonely and cold park time before he knew him.

Kyuhyun searched in his mind and tried hard to find Hyukjae not smiling; it was impossible, because every time Kyuhyun had looked at the other; the latter was smiling; it could be just weakly or softly to the nothingness; or the times when Hyukjae barely talked to him. But he was always smiling; looking at him now; Kyuhyun thought he was dreaming; that the person by his side wasn’t really the one he liked to be; the one who made him feel a little warmer.
Kyuhyun became frustrated; because he wanted to comfort Hyukjae; but he didn’t know how to do it. He wanted to take off that poker face and draw a smile. How could he do that? How could he make Hyukjae smile?
There were no words; Kyuhyun just sat down looking at nothing in particular; this time thinking deeply in what should he do instead of enjoying the cold weather; it was almost Christmas; the snow was beautiful; though Kyuhyun didn’t know if he liked to see the snow more than he enjoyed looking at Hyukjae’s smile.
He took out a small notebook he used to get orders and his useful pencil; he started writing something and he knew Hyukjae didn’t notice him doing so.
Hyukjae is not happy.
It was obvious.
He was lost.
Just like Kyuhyun was.
Hyukjae wasn’t smiling.
That’s not right.
Kyuhyun stood up desperate and frustrated; he didn’t like it; he decided that even when he really didn’t know what ‘hate’ really meant; he was sure he hated the fact Hyukjae wasn’t smiling.
Hyukjae jumped a little after Kyuhyun stood up annoyed; Kyuhyun noticed this. “W-What’s wrong?” Hyukjae asked weakly because he was so scared by Kyuhyun’s frown.

He wasn’t scared; 
he was fascinated because he finally got to see Kyuhyun’s expressions.

Hyukjae didn’t get an answer to his question; because Kyuhyun grabbed his hand and obligated him to stand up. What was going on? Not even Kyuhyun knew about it; the only thing he thought of was how nice it felt to touch Hyukjae; to grab his hand.
Kyuhyun forgot completely what he was meant to do; his frown disappeared as soon as he saw Hyukjae so close to him. Time stopped; after months of knowing and recognizing the presence of the other; they finally could look at their eyes so close.
Hyukjae’s blond hair was falling in his forehead; and Kyuhyun didn’t know why his hand moved by its own and took that hair away from that pretty face. Both of them were shocked; but they were comfortable like that.
Kyuhyun never touched someone; he couldn’t recall even a physical contact with another human being; but this was so natural; grabbing Hyukjae’s bare hand was so smooth; so easy to do.

‘He’s so perfect.’

Kyuhyun’s heart started beating so fast he couldn’t believe it; still; it didn’t stop him from reaching Hyukjae’ cheek with his cold hand; it didn’t stop him from caressing that same pink cheek with his thump.
Yes; Kyuhyun’s body was yelling he was crazy; but it was so joyful too; Kyuhyun didn’t dare to stop. Hyukjae closed his eyes and smiled softly; he was enjoying Kyuhyun’s caressing; he felt loved; Hyukjae felt secured; and he loved that sensation.
Kyuhyun saw carefully how Hyukjae’s smile was formed in those pink and plumped lips; he wanted to smile too; but it was so cold and he was so unused to it that he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

The gold ring in his pocket.

Hyukjae opened his eyes and locked them with Kyuhyun’s. He didn’t get mad because Kyuhyun seemed to have the same poker face he always did; he knew his eyes couldn’t lie and what he saw in that very moment was that Kyuhyun was worried about him; he saw that Kyuhyun was smiling at him with his eyes. Hyukjae’s smile went wider.
“Thanks.” Hyukjae murmured placing his hand over Kyuhyun’s in his cheek and pressing it towards him. “Thank you a lot.” He said again while squeezing the hand beneath him.
Kyuhyun looked at Hyukjae; there was an unknown feeling in his body; his throat seemed to have something there he couldn’t gulp; he felt sick in the stomach; he felt weak. Was that normal?

It was normal; at least from that moment on when he was with Hyukjae.

“I’ll take my leave now.” Hyukjae announced with a bright smiled and Kyuhyun barely nod; he didn’t like it when Hyukjae let go of his hand and gave a step back. “I guess I’ll see you here tomorrow.” He said waving goodbye with a bright smile and turning around.
Kyuhyun couldn’t take it; he grabbed Hyukjae’s hand again and embraced the latter with his two strong arms; Hyukjae’s head was in Kyuhyun’s neck and it felt right; even when Hyukjae was shocked because of this; he still relaxed in a few seconds and closed his eyes enjoying the warmth going out from the other man who had now his arms around him.
Kyuhyun then noticed; Hyukjae was cold too; because he was shaking lightly and his could hear Hyukjae’s heavy respiration.
Reluctantly; almost regretting; Kyuhyun broke the hug and took his jacket off; he didn’t even ask when he placed it Hyukjae’s shoulders and he ignored Hyukjae’s protests.
“You’ll get sick!” Hyukjae said to him; but Kyuhyun by then was already hugging him again; searching Hyukjae’s hand and placing the small note that he wrote before in that fragile hand he was holding. He felt relieved when Hyukjae took the note and clenched his fist with it inside.
Why was that? Why wasn’t Kyuhyun cold even when he hadn’t the jacket on? Was it because he was hugging someone else? Was it because that someone else was Hyukjae?
Minutes after Hyukjae broke the hug and smiled softly and warmly at Kyuhyun; the latter wanted to smile; but he wasn’t sure if he could actually do it. “See you tomorrow.” Hyukjae said giving a few steps back; backing off as he kept his front facing Kyuhyun; he didn’t want to stay there all night and make Kyuhyun sick.
Kyuhyun stood there until Hyukjae decided it was time to turn around and go; he didn’t notice that it was snowing; even when he arrived there it was; he looked at Hyukjae’s back; he could see his black and huge jacket hanging on that small and fragile body.

It was the best day of his entire life.

Kyuhyun extended his hands again to the air; his heart was still racing; and he knew his body was hotter because the snowflakes melted faster; he felt something good in his body; even when it was all unusual; it didn’t scare him; it was exciting. He looked up again and started walking towards his house; the day wasn’t as cold as usual. 
Or was it that Kyuhyun wasn’t as cold as he was before? Kyuhyun then looked careful at the small box he had now in his hands; he opened it for the nth time and looked at it. “Did I find you?” He asked softly while looking at the shining ring. “Did I find the owner?”

The small flame called ‘love’ growing inside of him was getting bigger.

Kyuhyun didn’t know if he wanted Hyukjae to read his note; because maybe it was too much. But then; why was Kyuhyun worrying? He already did so; and he wasn’t scared; because he never expected something from the very beginning.
He was now in that small room he got; he was looking at the ceiling and thinking of Hyukjae’s fragile body; he had the wish to protect that small container of a huge soul. He was trying to figure it out how to do that; it had to be difficult, because maybe if he hugged Hyukjae too tight the latter would break into pieces. Kyuhyun couldn’t dare to do that and let that small mystery to disappear.

‘I don’t know what your smile has; 
is a mystery that gets me thrilled without the intention;
what do you have? It conquers me every second;
I would give everything to break up that mystery;
so keep smiling until I can finally do so;
keep being yourself until then;
and when that day comes please smile wider…’

Just like any other afternoon; Kyuhyun went to the park and sat down there; he was waiting; and his heart would beat faster when he knew the time was coming; he couldn’t seem to wait; was that being excited?
And Hyukjae finally came; he sat down on his usual place and both of them enjoyed the quietness; none of them said a thing; they didn’t need to; but Kyuhyun didn’t complained when Hyukjae pulled himself closer and rested his head in Kyuhyun’s shoulder.
It feels nice. Kyuhyun decided not moving an inch; he was contented with Hyukjae smiling softly again; with Hyukjae’s breathing in his neck; with Hyukjae’s hair tickling him and their heartbeat were synchronized in that very moment.
 “What’s your name?” Hyukjae finally asked; it was Christmas; there was white snow; and there they were; when everybody was having dinner; they were just sitting there and warming each other.
“Kyuhyun.” Kyuhyun answered after a little hesitation; his voice sounding shaky and weak. “That’s what they said…” He whispered the last part.
Hyukjae smiled but frowned after a few seconds. “How old are you?” He asked.
“They say I’m twenty eight.” Kyuhyun answered.
“Who are ‘they’?” Hyukjae asked.
“Everybody.” Kyuhyun answered.
“Who’s everybody?” Hyukjae asked again; so calm nobody would believe it.
“The people who found me.” Kyuhyun answered; he never spared a glance to the confused Hyukjae by his side.
“Why were you lost?” Hyukjae asked calmly.
“I’m a new mind in an old body.” Kyuhyun said. “I don’t know a lot of words; I don’t know concepts; I never learned about the feelings; I don’t know what I am supposed to do.”
Hyukjae closed his eyes and heart Kyuhyun’s respiration. “I’m a new mind too.” He admitted.

Retrograde Amnesia

“We can learn all those things together.” Hyukjae said and he felt how Kyuhyun’s chest and shoulder went up and down. “We have plenty of time.” He said as he opened his eyes and pulled himself up for looking at Kyuhyun’s eyes directly.
“We already did so.” Kyuhyun said as he caressed Hyukjae’s cheek again. “I love you Hyukkie.” He said while he leaned closer and gave a soft peck on Hyukjae’s lips.
Hyukjae’s eyes were teary. “I love you too Kyu…” Hyukjae smiled. “I thought I would never see you again.” There was a warm tear going down his pale skin.

1)     It was Christmas
2)     Kyuhyun and Hyukjae were traveling together
3)     They were a happy couple until a truck hit them making them forget their previous lives

“I finally found you Hyukkie.” Kyuhyun let his tears go down his cheek. “I finally got to be with you again.” He cried and hugged Hyukjae with all his might.
Hyukjae caressed Kyuhyun’s back. “You made me fall for you again Kyu…” He said softly as himself was crying too.
Why was everything so warm now? Why did the cold that Kyuhyun liked the most go away? Why was Kyuhyun craving for Hyukjae’s warmth instead of the cold winter that was hitting them?
Kyuhyun never knew; he didn’t really cared in finding out either.
Nothing was cold anymore; Kyuhyun felt his heart finally became complete; he remembered that old story he once told Hyukjae while he took the small box out of his pocket; taking out the gold ring and placing it in Hyukjae’s slender finger.

Greeks used to believe humanity started as a single creature that had one neck and one heart; but it had four legs; four arms, two heads and only one heart. The Gods were jealous because those beings could always take care of the other’s back; they were always together and they could reproduce by themselves; they were happy. Zeus; the God’s leader; decided to break that being in two and disperse both sides in the earth. Sometimes it didn’t matter if it was a male or a female; the soul was the same. Ever since then, the human kind goes wandering in life just to find their other half.
They always do; no matter how hard it was.

Now they were in Kyuhyun’s room; the place he used to call ‘home’ without being one. Hyukjae’s presence changed everything; it was so warm now; Kyuhyun found himself not minding the cold again; he was feeling finally in his place: Hyukjae’s heart.
They couldn’t believe what had happened; because they finally got their lives back; they didn’t have an idea of what should they do after that; but they were happy of being with each other.
“Merry Christmas Kyu.” Hyukjae mumbled as he cuddled himself in Kyuhyun’s chest; feeling the gold ring in his finger.
Kyuhyun smiled and hugged Hyukjae tighter. “Merry Christmas Hyukkie.”

He finally found the purpose of his life:
to love and being loved by Hyukjae

A/N: kekeke ^^'
I won a contest with this fic on Christmas!
The theme was supposed to be 'Christmas Gift' but I somehow didn't match that... ^^
It had to be a One-Shot so the story is kinda messy... (because I couldn't write longer)
I know it's a fail! I'm so sorry!
*runs away*

*comes back panting hard*

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Chapter 1: that was simply beautiful~
pillow4hyukjae #2
Chapter 1: merry christmas....hehe...eventhough its far from christmas now...just felt like wishing after reading this... :P
maedeh #3
it was confusing but fun
No other comments than great writing!!
renchop #5
Yep this is one of my favorite from your kyuhyuk fict, how they can complete each other and again you described beautifully <3
omg;-; as usual the best
i really love fics they are just so lovely~
leehyosonn #7
wow! this is so beautiful! u amazed me..
wow this was so beautiful
Kyu being so selfless to throw Hyukkie from the car before it was involved in the crash
both lost their memories but they eventually found each other again and remembered
Kyu you have a good purpose ^^
I can see why you won a contest with this
thanks for posting :)
as usual, i love it ><