
    god tier.
GOG : 001
I, like many others loved to play a game by the name of GLORY OF GODS. It was a popular MMO game that originated in Japan by one independent dev who had too much free time on his hands. It wasn't always the coolest game around, to be honest at first it was pretty . A lot of lag, the map not loading in correctly and so many people were able to cheat, hack or exploit the game functions but once the developer actually got a team working behind him thing's changed. The game got better, way better than it was before and after that more and more people began to play. GLORY OF GODS was an adventure-esque game with classes, races and lot's of lore ― pretty much your run of the mill MMO that was easy to get addicted to...
And I was, or I guess, I did get addicted to it.  I spent money and time, blood, sweat and tears on this game; I spent five years of my life on this game and then suddenly without a real good explanation they announced that the game would be closing. Rumors circled the forum on what caused the dev to want to shut the game down but no one could really pin a good enough theory down. I was disappointed. Everyone I came to know and love, everything I wasted my savings on and time that could've went into more productive things would be truly lost when the game came to an end and I didn't know what to do. GLORY OF GODS was my life, the only thing I was actually good at- It was an escape from the hardship of work and judgemental people in the real world, it was my little slice of heaven and it'd be gone.
When the closing day finally came, there was a timer on the screen ― ticking away, almost mockingly and I hated it. It was like torture, a bitter sweet end to something so important to me and when the timer ran out something appeared in it's place.
Game will begin in 10 seconds, are you ready?
Then darkness, a feeling of empty nothingness ― I was falling, up..? Down?...I was falling and then I wasn't.
only gods among men carry power
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🤡 i'm back


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i know how 2 code if u still need that help!!!
Chapter 1: GAMERS ARE RISING !!! IVE RISEN ! !!!
14 streak #3
Chapter 1: YEAH