The Intruder

NO ONE (Songfiction based on "No One")
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. Chapter 1; The Intruder .


It had been 23 years since the princess live inside a castle with 27 floors. Not that old-styled castle, this castle already had its modernization with gold plated elevators in it—come on, it’s 2019. Her only friends were her maids, guards, smartphone, and also the castle’s wifi. That day, she was just in her room all day, scrolling on her Instagram account. She laughed at some funny cat videos, when a loud yell suddenly heard from the lobby.


Her room is on the highest floor, letting her to look through the outside from the window like the Tangled movie. But that yell was loud enough to be heard from the first floor, because there are microphones and speakers in every floor. So maybe that yell accidentally recorded by the microphone as it was loud enough. The princess got shocked that she almost dropped her phone. She got up from her bed and went to the control room one level below. That was a room with monitoring computer from CCTVs placed in every room in the castle. In that room, usually one of her guard buddy keep an eye on what’s happening throughout the castle. But that time, he was nowhere to be found. And the princess 100% sure, the loud yell was from her buddy’s. So she hurriedly took an elevator into the lobby.

Princess Hi catched up two guards who was dragging a young man to the outside.“What’s on?!” She shouted and scanned the boy from head to toe. He was wearing a uniform with a headphone clung on his neck, which she had never seen before.

One of the guard made a hand gesture to stop the princess from going near them. “STOP THERE! He is an intruder! He can be dangerous for you, Princess!”

The intruder then forcefully broke the guards grip on his hands. “Wait, what?! So you guys are dragging me harshly because you think I’m dangerous?!” That man paused a moment, making a death glare to that guards who were freezing also. He pointed his index finger towards the guards one by one. “YOU are the dangerous one with freaky swords behind your back! This is digital era, not fantasy stories like Disneys! Make your own movie into the cinema if you wanna make one!”

That man stomped out his foot and stormed out of the enormous door. But only few steps leaving, he turned around for the last time. “I can leave by my own without being dragged with some delusional people.” And before really leaving the castle, he stole a glance towards the princess.

The young guard shrugged. “What a freak intruder.” He left with the another one, but not with the princess.

She stood still in front of the door, looking at the figure who was walking away without looking back anymore. Well, that intruder did looked freak to her, but he wasn’t seem like a dangerous person. A curious feel suddenly came to her mind. That curiousity feels of knowing and making friends outside the castle. Only some of the guardians were her friends around the same age. It made her wanted to have more friends who were around the same age as her.

But the other guard came back near the door, passed the princess. He pushed a big red button sticked to the wall beside the door. He half-shouted, “Chanwoo-ya! What a careless kid! Don’t forget to close the door!” After the button pressed, the door closed slowly since it’s really big and heavy. All of things like walls, elevators, doors, even forks and spoons are all made of gold, diamond, platinum, ruby, or any other beautiful elements in the world. After the door completely closed, it was automatically locked with a face recognition lock system to open.

That guard bowed really low towards the princess. “I’m really sorry, Princess Hi. That must be Chanwoo forgetting to close the door after he took care of the garden. I know it’s a fatal mistake, it’s our bad.”

The princess just smiled instead of getting angry. “Why are you so formal, Guard Bobby? I’ve told you many times to take me as your bestfriend, not a princess. I want to have friends, not guards. You already know it, right? Don’t bow anymore to me. You’re one year older than me, anyway.”

That guard got up and stood up straight again just like the usual. If the princess didn’t tell him to get up, he would just bow all night long there. He replied her with a sincere smile. “You can go back to your room, Princess. Sorry for disturbing your rest.”

She smiled again before stepped her high heels towards the elevator. But then, she looked back again to see her guard still looking at her, smiling. “Hey, can I have some wish?”

He bowed a little. “Anything for you, Princess. Eh, sorry I forgot I just bowed again.”

Princess Hi chuckled. “What I wish is… don’t call me ‘Princess’ anymore. Just call me by real name, Hayi.”

“Hmm, okay.” He gave a thumbs up to her wish. “Anything

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Chapter 2: okay but that bobby/leehi/bi makes me go dawww. does jiwonnie like hayi? twas really cute tho aaah <333
I'm excited for this!