Boarding to Seoul

The Lovable Forgotten Memories


The Next day in Germany


                “Lani…..Lani……” She thought that there was a boy calling her….It looked like she meet this guy before but couldn’t remember who. “LANI!!” Her mom yelled. “IT’S TIME TO GO OUR FLIGHT LEAVES IN A FEW! HURRY AND PACK UP!” Lani rose from her bed and ran to the closet to get her luggage and ran back to her room to her closet. She got out all the trendy clothes she can find and her pajamas, she packed up all her supporting supplies and she was done. She changed her clothes and fixed her hair and then she was ready to leave. Then she said “Seoul, here I come…” with a smile on her face. They all went in the car with all their luggage and drove to the airport. While Lani’s dad drove, her mom looked at the invitation meeting. Her eyes widened and weakly said “Lani…..Honey….Did u bring anything formal in your luggage?” Lani answered “No? Why?” Lani’s dad said “Yeah. Why Honey?” She spoke in fright saying “Well….It says that we have to wear something formal to the meeting... and it’s not just a normal meeting is a ball meeting…” Lani tried to stand up and angrily said “WHAT?!?! MOM COULDN’T YOU READ THIS WHEN WE WERE STILL HOME?!?! OH MY GOSH! THIS IS RIDICULOUS!” Her dad said “It’s fine Lani, we can just go back home and get our formal clothes.” Her mom said “Well it’s kind of too late now… Our flight leaves in an hour and it will take forever to get home.” Lani was upset looking at the car window angry. She thought that going to Seoul was going to be perfect, going to her dream place where she can finally see Super Junior. Now all her dreams crashed and burned and only little pieces sank in her heart.

                While they drove there was silence. No one talked no one even moved, the only thing you can hear is the GPS telling the directions to the airport. It was like they were not a family anymore; it was like…they were strangers.  Until they got to the airport the only had a little talk. There were no more fights, only apologizes. While they were heading to their flight she saw a vision of this boy leaving. Her head started hurting and she fell on the floor in pain. Lani didn’t collapse or anything her head just had pain. Her parents ran towards her yelling “LANI! LANI! ARE YOU OKAY SWEETY?!?!” She stood up sweeping her pants and shirt and answered “Yeah…I’m fine…” but she wondered what happened back there. Was it a vision that it was going to happen? Did it happen? Who’s that boy? Does she know him? She couldn’t understand. While they walked into the airplane she thought and thought until she fell asleep waiting for the next day.

Next day (Boarding: Seoul)

                “Lani…Lani…” the boy was calling her again. She woke up and rubbed her eyes. It was really her mom and dad telling her to get up and to get off the plane. They arrived, Seoul the main of South Korea. When she got off the plane she saw a big difference to Seoul and Germany. There were more Asian people then Germans it was like she was the only foreigner there. Lani’s mom said “Lani, can you wait here  while me and your dad get the luggage." Lani answered "Ne~!" She said practicing her korean. She looked for a seat around the airport. When she sat she looked into her purse and took out this old notebook to keep the memories shes going to make in Seoul. She opened it then saw a little letter. Her mom yelled "YEA~! Lani~! lets go tal (daughter)" winking at her also practicing her korean too. She was about to open the letter but then closed it then put the notebook in her purse. Then she ran over to her umma and gave her a hugged her so happy that she got to go to Seoul and happy that he mom was enjoying learning korean. 


Yeoboseyo~! Sorry to interupt but i stopped at the luggage part and started to continue now i started using korean because now i just baught a pocket korean dictionary because i am planning to learn korean so this is great practice! Also i will stop here and now a days the chapters will get shorter so i am srry hope you enjoy :)

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hai der...well im writting the end...and i wrote it on a notebook but it ends out i already had some parts of it placed already xD so its coming up todayortom.


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Loved it!!! Sequel!!! <3<3