Goodnight :)


“Ey hyung, it was funny today,” Kyunghoon gave a little laugh as he laid back in bed, “When Soo Geun hyung said we should get Seok chun to officiate our wedding.”

“Yeah it was,” Heechul put down his phone to face the younger, “Perhaps we should consider that.”

“Hmm…” a smile graced Kyunghoon’s lips at the thought of their wedding, “Isn’t it too early to talk about it yet?”

“Yah, we’re almost 40, Hoonie,” Heechul pouted, “At least I am.”

Kyunghoon turned to his side so their faces were close, “You’re so old, hyung,” he giggled playfully, dimples showing.

“That’s unfair! You can’t say hurtful things with such a cute face,” Heechul moved as if to hit him on the head, but instead enveloped him in a hug.

“mhmm,” Kyunhoon basked in the older’s warmth. It was nice when it’s just the two of them and they could relax. Usually Heechul had too much going on, with all his schedules, and he would be too tired to properly spend time together.

“I’d like that though,” Heechul mused aloud.

“Like what?” Kyunghoon wriggled out of the older’s grasp to peer at his face.

“A wedding. And we can invite everyone we love.”

There was a brief silence in the room.

No one knew they were dating, not even the Suju members or his Buzz hyungs. Things were getting better for LGBT people in Korea, but it was still frightening to think they might be rejected by their close friends.

“Our hyungs would be happy though, I think,” Kyunghoon muttered sleepily.

“Yeah, I think so too,” Heechul laughed, picturing the rest of the Knowing Brother team, “Hodong hyung would probably scream at us for hiding it from them for so long.”

“You think? Sometimes I wonder if Jang Hoon hyung already knows, the way he talks about us.”

“Yeah, he seems really suspicious sometimes, but I think he’s secretly rooting for us.”

“We’ll be making his dreams come true if we come out to them,” giggled Kyunghoon, dimples showing again.

“Gosh, you’re so unfair,” Heechul pecked the younger’s cheek, “Those dimples are cheating.”

“You’re talking about me? I’m not the one who’s prettier than other girl idols,” Kyunghoon pouted, “With your pretty fingers and huge eyes and all.”

Heechul moved closer to the younger, “Me? My Kyunghoonie thinks I’m prettier than girl idols?”

“Of course, what are you talking about? I’ve never seen anyone prettier than Kim Heechul,” replied the younger man, not missing a beat.

“You and your sweet talking,” Heechul moved to kiss the younger on the lips.

Kyunghoon happily received and smiled, cuddling closer.

“Hyung, we should sleep soon, you have an early schedule tomorrow.”

“Aish, but I want to spend more time with my Hoonie.”

“Hyung, I’ll sing you a lullaby,” Kyunghoon the older’s hair, “Sleep well, my love.”

Heechul closed his eyes willingly, smiling to himself.

He didn’t mind falling asleep, because he knew he’d dream of his beloved anyway. He always dreams of Kyunghoon when the younger sings him to sleep.

“Good night, dearest.” Barely a whisper from Heechul as Kyunghoon started singing softly with his soothing voice.

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Chapter 1: Ahhh this sis so sweet. I wish it was a little longer.. author ssi.. loved this.. pl write more...
welcome to the kyungchul pit HAHAHAH :D I hope you'll write more kyungchul fics, i love this story :D