...Baby Battles


A few minutes later of awkward silence, walking, closed and blocked eyelids, stripping and filled bathtub, Johnny was finally facing his trials.

Luckily, the suds and bubbles were hiding Taeil's fragile body, only his chest was showing but Johnny didn't mind that. Taeil had a cute chest.

Taeil sat in the tub, knees pulled up to his chest as he hugged it. He looked down, as per usual, not moving and just blinking and Johnny didn't know what to do.

What was he to wash first? His fluffy hair? Can he even wet his hair? Won't that cause head trauma? His back? Won't that make him get a cold? What if the moment Johnny made him go in the water was the sealing deal that he seriously ed up?


Johnny breathed, arms lying flat on his thighs as he sat on the stool in the bathroom adjacent to the bathtub composing of a tiny teen baby and soapy water.

"If you want to play with the bubbles, play with it." Johnny addressed Taeil, the younger still looking into the suds without an ounce of care of what's around him. Johnny was almost sure Taeil forgot he existed.

Taeil flinched when he heard Johnny's voice and that just goes to prove his point. Johnny chuckled, reaching for Taeil's bath items from his princess pouch and pulling out a pink bath sponge. When placing the bag to where he took it up from, his eyes caught side of yellow.

The rubber duckies.

Johnny forgot them. No wonder he just sat there not doing anything. He didn't have anything to play with in the water.

"Oh, I'm sorry Taeil. I didn't remember to put your ducks in," He apologized, taking out about three duckies and throwing them into the water and Taeil's face lit up. 

Taeil released his legs from his captive and grabbed two of the plastic ducks with a tiny smile on his lips. He dipped them under the suddy water and they popped up back and tinies giggle escaped from his lips.

Johnny stared wide eyed at him for a while. That was really unexpected. It wasn't a huge chortling laugh of enjoyment, it was small and almost unnoticeable but that was the first time he heard him giggle. 

Johnny barely got Taeil 24 hour ago and he is already warping Johnny's brain to actually care for the matter. Sometimes he cursed his low tolerance to cute things and ultimately, cute people. If only Taeil wasn't innocently clumsy and small.. and cute.

While Taeil was distracted, as well as himself, he dipped the sponge into the soapy water, brought some up and wet Taeil's back with it. Taeil shuddered but his attention was still at the yellow floaters.

The tall male continued the process, dipping up the water and cover his body with the bubble gum scent. After satisfied with what he was trying to achieve, he squirted some of the liquid soap out on the sponge, squished to form the suds, then he lathered it against Taeil's back.

Taeil had let his legs lie flat in the tub as he played with the duckies, his tiny giggles filling the bathroom and Johnny couldn't help but smile. He washed his back, his chest and soft tummy, his arms -- though he was reluctant to let go of the duckies -- and his face.

Johnny, however, was having problems with washing his legs. That was the hardest part to clean and he had to slap aside his mental resistance and build up his courage when he washed his legs. Anywhere else, Taeil washed it and Johnny really didn't have time to think if he did it properly.

Johnny wouldn't say it was a complete success but, at least he made it through the major parts.

After washing Taeil's hair, rinsing off his entire body, along with his hair, he proceeded to dry him off. Well, he attempted to dry him off.

After the whole tiring process, bathtub drained, rubber duckies washed off and placed to dry, Taeil dressed in fresh clothing, Johnny could finally take a breather.

Currently, they were sitting around the dining table, Taeil eating his froot loops with milk. Taeil didn't have the spoon between his fingers like how persons usually use it, he held it with a tight fist as he scooped it up in his mouth. Of course milk splashed onto the table but at least Taeil looked content as he kicked his feet in his bunny slippers, munching away.

Johnny had sorted out Taeil's stuff from his luggage and had placed the empty bag in storage. There was still two bags left, two small pouches that Johnny didn't check, he just left them in the smaller's closet. 

Johnny had also feed Periwinkle and the fat cat is nowhere to be seen now.

"Johnny hyung, Taeil finish.." Taeil says barely audible, still munching on the colored loops as he pushed his plate away from his reach. The milk was still in the bowl, shifting from side to side as it slipped across the table.

"You don't want the milk?" Johnny asked, getting up from his seat with an empty mug of coffee as he took the bowl up, waiting on Taeil's response while looking at him.

Taeil shook his head no, looking down at the table, his curly hair falling on his forehead. Taeil had naturally curly hair and that actually surprised Johnny. 

Humming, he went into the kitchen and place the bowl into the sink with his mug and walked back to stand in front of the younger. He let him take his medication, which proved to be very difficult. So, the side effect of giving him his medication late was stubbornness. Duly noted.

"Swallow it," Johnny demanded sternly, stooping before a pouting Taeil who refused to look at him. He shook his head no and Johnny just held his chin and tipped it back to get him to swallow, and he did.

"Meanie," Taeil mumbled, folding his arms as his eyes glossed over in fresh tears. "Taeil want hyung.."

Johnny got up from his position, placing what was to be his morning dosage back into the bag it came in and placing it into the top cupboard where Taeil couldn't reach it. "Well, same here buddy." He replied, walking to Taeil and stretching his hand out for Taeil to take it.

"Let's watch cartoons, hm?" He suggested, curling his fingers in as a gesture for Taeil to go with him.

"No," Taeil said stubbornly, flopping his arms to add emphasis to his retaliation. He couldn't believe this was the shy Taeil that showed up in front of him two weeks ago.

So, never miss the time Taeil is to get his medication. Or was it even the medication?

"Fine, be that way." Johnny retorts, scuffing as he walked away to the sofa in the living room to watch tv. He sat down in his couch, reclining into the seat as soon as he turned the tv onto the station he wanted it on.

He knew he just had a mini fight with a mentally disabled male but Johnny didn't care. Let him sit there and be obstinate, although it was ultimately his fault why Taeil was reacting like that.

For twenty-five minutes, Johnny sat cosily and watched Avengers. He even almost fell asleep with how great he felt. That's until he heard rattling from the kitchen. Sitting up a bit and turning his head to the noise, he saw Taeil trying to open the draws.

"Woah! Shiny," Taeil squealed and Johnny's mind was just blown. Here he was thinking that watching Taeil wasn't as hard as he expected. What a freaking joke. "Oh! Why you no turn on?" 

Johnny didn't know what Taeil was referring to but he sat back and just watched him. Was he taking to the faucet?

"Taeil want splash splash. Why you no splash splash water?" Taeil spoke to the faucet like it was animated. What was he doing?

Taeil stretched, playing with the cylindrical channel to transfer clean water, turning it to seemingly get water out of it. His red Ariel shirt rode up his back as he brought both his hands forward to work the faucet but it was proving to be futile.

Taeil moaned in annoyance as he turns around facing the elder male. It didn't look like he was looking for him in particular but when he saw the elder looking at him, his eyes started to sparkle. "Johnny Hyung! Why shiny thingie no go s-splash splash?" Taeil asked with a tiny voice, huffing with pouty lips at Johnny.

For a second Johnny was thrown for a loop. He sat there and just looked at him as he stumped his bunny covered feet over to him, demanding he summoned the water from the shiny thing. "Johnny hyung," he whined, now standing before the taller, "p-please make water go splash splash."

Johnny looked up at Taeil who was now tugging at the sleeve of his robe with a sad, demanding face. His expressions were a burst of vibrants. He could literally see the color of Taeil's personality at the moment. It was a subtle purple moving toward a dark blue.

Frowning, Youngho asks, "why should I?" because, why should he? He was the one behaving hostile a couple of minutes ago so why should he make the faucet go splash spl-- okay, he needs to think adult.

With his bottom lip jutted out, Taeil thought for couple of seconds before he settled with, "'cause Taeil said please?" to Johnny, it was more of a question rather than a reply and he didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to say because Taeil was like that. He made Johnny speechless.

But his body knew what to do, and it did what it wanted to do. 

To make the water go splash splash, aka turn the faucet on. He didn't know why Taeil wanted it on but he'll know in a while.

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Chapter 9: ahhh so cuuteee. i love johnil so much