...Baby Night Light


That night, Johnny brought Taeil to his room, got his sleeping beauty nightgown and snow white toothbrush along with his princess toothpaste from the small luggage and brought him to the bathroom to wash up. And by wash up, Johnny meant clean the places where the juice splashed on. 

He made Taeil change out of his stained frilled pink top and shorts, allowing him to keep his socks on. All while Taeil changed, he didn't have a ounces of care in the world as he just stripped in front Johnny and the tall male couldn't help but gaze.

Taeil's skin was so pretty and unblemished, hairless and porcelain to the look. There were a few tiny moles here and there on his tummy and chest. His legs looked so fragile as he stood before him, waiting on Johnny.

Taeil's a baby.

That's what Johnny concluded. He got his head stuck in his frilled shirt, almost tripped when taking off his shorts, his hair was way too soft and curly and not to mention how his hand felt softer than cotton.

Taeil's a nineteen year old baby, and a cute one at that.

Taeil brushed his teeth after Johnny got a white rag and wiped the areas that the juice caught and, it wasn't as hard as he thought it would be. Johnny didn't know if Taeil brushed his teeth properly but then again, he didn't check, mesmerized by Taeil's gentle attire. He was wearing his nightgown, face washed, teeth brushed and by the looks of Taeil's droopy eyes, it was now bedtime.

They walked back hand in hand to Taeil's room, the younger male basically sleep walking as Johnny led him. Periwinkle was downstairs crying for attention and Johnny just figured the damn cat was too lazy to climb the stairs so he was waiting for assistance, one in which he didn't intend on giving. Well, until Taeil softly whispered, "want Periwinkle.." and he caved.

Now, Taeil was tucked in, Periwinkle lifted and placed right beside him on the bed as he closed his eyes to fall asleep. Johnny closed his bag and place it to the corner of the room, ensured Taeil was comfy before he left the room, closing the door behind him.

He went back downstair to put the rest of the food into the refrigerator, his appetite plummeting after waiting so long to eat. He ended up going with his earlier option of drinking a beer and went back to his office to continue his work.

All while he went downstairs, took up the food from the table and placing it in the refrigerator, getting a bottle of beer and walking back to his office, he couldn't shake the faint feeling that he was forgetting something. Probably something important.

But, maybe it wasn't so important if he couldn't remember it. 


Johnny ended up staying in his office and working on the project pass four when he called it quits and fell asleep in his chair. He later on regretted it when he woke up at 7:35 am with the strongest pain in his back, shoulders and now his legs. Great.

At least he was somewhere in making the remodel of the landscape on his computer.

Today, Sunday, he decided that he'll continue the remodel later that day, using the time to get acquainted with Taeil and pack his things into his draws, albeit, there weren't much to put away, and give him a bath. Now, Johnny needed to drink a beer for that one.

Johnny did his regular routine first. He got up, stretched, washed his face and brushed his teeth, change into his gym clothes and made his protein shake. After he gathered everything, he went to Taeil's room to check if he was awake and it seemed he wasn't being that the cover was thrown over his head, so he assumed he was still in dreamland. With all the crying he did yesterday, he's not even surprised.

Usually, Johnny would work out for an hour but, seeing that he left Taeil alone with no supervision, he only did half that and went back up to his penthouse. He placed his empty bottle in the sink, cooled off then took a shower and changed into his usual home attire before he went back to Taeil's room.

It was roughly eight something now, so Taeil got more than enough sleep. When he got inside his room, Taeil was still stuffed under the cover and for a second, Johnny wondered if he wasn't cold seeing that the cover were so thin. How did Johnny not see that last night?

"Taeil?" He called, "it's time to wake up now and eat breakfast." 

The closer Johnny got, the more he realised Taeil was shuddering and Periwinkle was on edge. "Taeil?" he called again, now worried that something terrible was happening to Taeil.

Did he forget something last night? He made sure Taeil took his medication and he was calm before going to bed. So, what's wrong?

When he was reaching for the covers, Periwinkle hissed at him and he back away for a second. Now he knew something was wrong. Everything has been going south since Taeil showed up and he can't help to think how much of a up he is. Taeil is one person. Why was this so hard?

"Listen.. cat. Stop hissing at me," Johnny grunted through his teeth, having a stare down with the fat cat. He reached forward again, paused and looked at the cat who still looked like it would attack, then he advanced when he thought it was safe.

"Taeil?" he proceeded with caution, touching his shoulder when Taeil flinched, backing away until his back hit the wall.

"M-monster.." He heard Taeil mumbled, then he heard the cat hissing again and moving towards the small male. 

Johnny wasn't quite sure what Taeil meant but he opened the curtain to his room to allow the light in and then took a seat on the bed. "Taeil, it's Johnny. Come out from the cover and talk to me. Tell me what's wrong, I'm worried." He asks softly, reaching to touch Taeil's covered leg and he flinched again.

Johnny sighed, turning around on the bed and grabbing the covers and pulling it off of Taeil's body. He heard Taeil gasp and then he saw him shoving his head under his pillow. "Come on Taeil, talk to me." Johnny coax. Taeil was being stubborn again.

Taeil was still shuddering, curling up to the wall with his face hidden. Was he playing with him?

"Taeil this isn't funny." Johnny says, unamused as he moved closer to grab the pillow when Periwinkle clawed at him, missing by a millimeter. He stared at the cat wide eyed and tamed everything in him to not ing claw the cat back.

Johnny groaned into his hands, his Sunday already ty, as he sought to calm himself. After five minutes passed in silence, Taeil still somewhat hiding from whoever, Periwinkle still by Taeil's side, he attempted to get Taeil to cooperate again.

"Baby, I'm really tired," he started, conditioning his mind to think of Taeil as a big baby, "I'm really tired and I'm worried. Please take to me." He finished with a sigh, looking back at Taeil who still didn't make any move from the pillow.

This time, he calmly reach for the pillow, ignoring the cat as he pulled it away to see a paled face Taeil and Johnny felt like . On a new day, Johnny Seo felt like utter .

He held the pillow in his hand, just staring at him as he had his eyes sealed shut, not letting a inch of sunlight in. He looked so fragile and scared and for the life of him, he couldn't tell why. Did Taeil really not want to stay with Johnny that bad? 

Johnny didn't know why he was letting this concern him because it wasn't like he was fond of the whole idea either. He didn't even remember that he signed up for the program in the first place. Either way, Johnny felt responsible.

Without thinking, he let the pillow fall to the ground and kneeled in the bed. He swiftly avoided the cat and slipped his hands under Taeil's curled up body and scooped him up in his arms. Surprising enough, Taeil wrapped his arms around Johnny's neck frantically, burying his head in the crook of the older male's neck, still shaking.

"S-scared," Taeil kept repeating, hot breath blowing against Johnny's skin as he held him in his arms. Johnny sat back on the bed with Taeil in his lap as he gently rocked him, hand soothingly rubbing the small male's back.

"Shhh.. don't be scared. I won't hurt you, I promise." Johnny murmurs. 

There were two things that ran through Johnny's mind and one was, Taeil hated him and was too tired last night to care. Two, he had an awful dream. But most of all, he couldn't help but blame himself.

The options didn't stop running through his mind as he look at Taeil in his arms, in his lap. Legs exposed and smooth, soft delicate skin on display as he shuddered in his arms thinking of the worst case scenario. Johnny felt like he could break Taeil with the touch of a finger.

By the time Johnny got him to calm down, he was sleeping again. By now, Johnny is wondering if he even got any sleep last night. Kun wasn't lying when he said he needed to keep constant eye on him.

For an hour, Johnny sat there with Taeil and in that hour, the tall male himself fell asleep. Breakfast could wait, right now the bed felt like heaven.

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Chapter 9: ahhh so cuuteee. i love johnil so much