Time With You


Inspired by Time Spent Walking Through Memories by NELL <3 

What if you lose the only person who stayed, believed and loved you even after the whole world turned its back on you?


"I love you so much, Yeji. If you feel that the world has turned against you, remember that you have me. You have me, so don’t worry about anything else."

YeJi chuckled bitterly at the memory she revisited, how much she hated remembering all of it as if they only happened yesterday when in fact it's been 6 and a half years ago. And yet, she could not deny how it hurts her still, like a bullet piercing through her heart and everything she has built since then.

Funny how she crumbles down for her memories with her-- her words, her touches, her smiles, her love and to think six years had passed but the time was never enough to help her forget and heal from her wounds.

She still feels like the same person who had her heart broken years ago.

Because every day she still sees her, hears her, feels her in everywhere she goes and in everything that she does.

Maybe, even when she tried so hard to reject, the bitter truth was she is still so so in love with her.


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