
Solving Love

"And then he dumped me," Su Ji said, pouring herself another glass of wine. Feeling the stare of concern coming from the group, worried that she may go overboard with the wine. 

"Don't worry about it Su Ji, love is not an easy thing to learn" Jieun spoke distracting her from Sunmi plan to keep Su Ji and the wine apart from each other.

"But I'm near the stage where if I don't find someone suitable I'll be in an arranged process. With that do they turn out great, cause movies and dramas are a lie." Before taking another sip then zoning out. 

"Love is a lie, it is just overrated. You don't need a person to love you if you can't appreciate yourself, with the decisions you make." Sunmi said striking her hard in the heart to know she will never understand how love works. " You know who would've helped you more in this situation, Krystal. But she's been busy since we celebrated her passing the bar exam." 

"Ah, I miss Krystal. When is she ever coming back, I need someone else to be the mother of the group, not me" Jieun sulked remembering all the unwanted responsibilities given since then. 

"Excuse me, Ummm are you with the lady over there," the waiter asks, pointing to Su Ji who was laying on the ground all flushed red happily spilling wine. Sunmi immediately rushed over to the drunk, while Jieun constantly apologizes for the mess created before ordering a taxi.



Laying there mindlessly wondering where he went wrong, was it that he poured out too much or that he seemed too clingy. Everything that has happened Sehun made sure not to make the same mistake as before, but it keeps getting worse than before. It's been weeks since he requested the agency for a break, travelling back home to reset everything. 

"Hun! Can you come down here? I need your help!" Ms Oh called.

"Coming!" scrambling through his closet grabbing the nearest change of clothes around. Sehun entered the kitchen to be greeted by his mother who was carrying a tray of patisseries, making way to the outside garden "may you please bring the cups and pot along."

Outside in the garden he was greeted by Ms. Bae, visiting for their afternoon tea mostly a gossiping session.

"Hello Sehun, it's been a while, how is school and work?" Ms. Bae asked taking a sip

"All is fine, I am currently on a short break until I feel better" Sehun said

"Are you sure? Balancing school and your modeling career is difficult, even Su Ji had trouble with just school herself." Ms. Bae added, remembering all the late night calls she’ll get.

"No, everything is going well with the agency, they understand education is very important to me" Sehun smiled.

“Oh, how is Suzy? It has been a while since she had visited home, last time we talked she got hired by a really famous company in Seoul.” Ms. Oh's voice gradually turned into a whisper knowing others may tune into their conversation.

“Oh, you know how it is. But this time I think it was because of a heartbreak” Ms.Bae stated causing everyone's ears to perk and huddle closer. Even Sehun couldn’t resist this tea talk, “Well you see, she usually comes and visits once a month for a few days. But this time she is visiting for longer than usual, nearly a month!” 

Making Ms. Oh gasp in shock. “Her heart got broken! Or maybe a scandal in the office.” Creating any possible theories. As for Sehun, he felt as if he could relate to Suzy. Getting your heart shattered by the one who you’ve loved, trusted, and felt safe with. Completely feeling torn, and the only way to move on was surround yourself with those you love and heal. 

“It is a definate, but I can’t do anything about it. Unless she is willing to tell me, but this is all on her to figure out herself.”  Taking another sip of her tea, “But did you hear about Ms.Sheun having an affair.”

Returning to their original program, Sehun felt it was the right time to sneak out. Not before long a ring came from the door.

“I’ll get it “ Sehun cried, making it over, only to be greeted by a drunk Su Ji and her friend.  

“Hey Sehun, take care of her for us bye!” Jieun hurried, throwing Su Ji practically on Sehun and bolted for the taxi where Sunmi was waiting.

“Hehehe, bye bye Cuties. Hello Hunhun.” Su Ji waved, slumped over Sehun trying to use his weight to support her from falling.

“Ughh, Su Ji why.” Dragging her body upstairs to his room.

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Chapter 3: Oh love hunzy
Update soon
Chapter 2: I love the concept:D it's like two broken hearts coming together to form a full one<3 update soon, I'm waiting to see how they'll interact!!
Chapter 1: Finally another Hunzy story;p wonder who the guy is and how this break up leads to Hunzy<3 glad to be the first comment and I hope you update soon:D