number one

a little jealousy in the gym entertainment.

Kihyun was sitting comfortably on the couch when music entered his ears, which prevented him from reading his book normally. He was getting up from the couch to see who had dared to put that loud music into the training room while Kihyun was reading a book in the next room.
A muscular back, muscular legs, two large arms and a dark skin color leaving the contracted muscles of the leader of Monsta X. Leader who bore the name of young father to the members, except for Kihyun. He didn't bear the name of father for Kihyun but the name of husband earlier ... Kihyun was actually the mother of the group because he always did his best to cover his little ones.
Kihyun stood for a few seconds in the room watching his favorite member dance in all his splendor, but he was forced to push the pause button to make Shownu react that he was no longer alone in this room. to train alone in his corner.
Shownu had his back turned to face the one who dared to mute the radio.
-You could have told me that you planned to dance at this late hour, don't you think?
-I don't have to invert anyone, I'm free to do what I want, don't you think?
Kihyun crossed his arms to his chest and lifted his head to the ceiling to show that he was tired.
-Seriously, I don't want to fight with you hyung yet.
-So don't start doing manners like you're doing!

Kihyun was vexed by the brutal vocabulary of his elder brother. He released his arms along the body and pushed back on the play button for the song to resume or she stopped. Kihyun left the room entertainment with a sad face. Before he can leave, two arms are wrapped around his back and waist to hold him.
-I'm sorry to have talked to you like that Kihyun-ah, I didn't think so. After all, you do what you want and I do what I want.
Kihyun didn't agree. He stood out from the leader's arms to cut the music again, which was always too loud to be able to speak without having to scream to be heard.
-I'm angry now Shownu-hyung! You talk to me with cold words and then you apologize for talking like that and you didn't think it! I'm sorry but I don't understand you. What did I do wrong to talk to you so coldly?
Shownu was stamping his foot on the ground. He didn't want to say it. Was he ready to tell him?
-Kihyun, listen, it's not what you think but it's happening to me but-
-Did just what you have to say to me!
-Very well! When I see you with Minhyuk, it makes me annoy the way he approaches and sticks to you as you were in a relationship! I have nothing against Minhyuk but it's just that I hate to see him stuck to you as you belonged to him and inversely!

Kihyun was confused. He didn't know why Shownu was acting like that, he was targeting who? Kihyun or Minhyuk?
-You are jealous of me just because Minhyuk is very close to me right now? But I leave it to you willingly, it irritates me to speak all the time and to tell me his little life apart from our training! And to be honest with you about Minhyuk, last night at the hotel, I insisted as soon as I found myself alone with the manager for me and Minhyuk to be separated because I can't stand it any more to talk to me even when I'm sleeping in a deep sleep!
Kihyun confessed everything to Shownu to show him how unbearable Minhyuk was when Kihyun was alone with him! Kihyun didn't know why at the moment but he felt his throat tighten and his heart beat a little faster. He felt angry, sad and useless to Shownu. So Shownu was angry at Kihyun just because he was jealous of him because Minhyuk was still stuck to Yoo Kihyun?
-You know what? You don't have to talk to me so badly because you're jealous of me, to satisfy you I'm going to get Minhyuk and that way, he'll have a new person to tell his miserable life and it will make me long vacation! I'll get it and like that, maybe you'll leave me alone! I don't want to be involved in your love quarrels anymore!

Shownu grabbed Kihyun's forearm with greater force than he dared to imagine. He kept him on the spot and Shownu took a deep breath before speaking loudly, making sure to look closely into Kihyun's to show his sincerity.
-Yoo Kihyun! You are too pessimistic to realize that it is you from the beginning that it is! It's not about you that I'm jealous, but about Minhyuk! It is he who shares his room with you! It is he who can tell you his life even outside of workouts or cameras! It is he who is always stuck to you and not the opposite! All my attention is focused on anyone other than you! I even quoted him in a fanmeeting that it was you that I wanted to stay closest and that I wanted to cuddle you because it is you who is the smallest! I always choose you because you are the one with whom I get along best, in front of cameras as well as cameras!
Kihyun was dizzy. From the beginning it was him and it was only now that he had understood it. It was stupid! He was an idiot!

-Kihyun, if I've been angry with you for a few days already it's because I miss you ... It's because I'm jealous of the other members who monopolize you whereas I, I try to be discreet to take the time to chat with you. I'm angry at you because I feel you don't notice me ... I'd like to stop arguing because of our kind of unreal son that our fans call them..
Kihyun had his hands that had become very cold because of the stress over the duration of the confession of his favorite leader. He wanted to throw himself into his arms and take care of him forever.
-Shownu-hyung! I have the impression that you have studied all that you have confessed to me ... I have never left you aside, I have always loved you and appreciate but with the fans, our busy schedule and our unreal sons as you just mentioned ... We have less time for us ... So I was wondering if you would like to go eat sushi tonight with me? You know, that will allow us to make up for lost time because of all this ..?
Shownu wore his biggest smile on his lips. He was now slipping his hand into Kihyun's, pulling it to his lips and kissing the top of his hand.
-With pleasure! I will accompany you wherever you want to go to Kihyunie. I love you very much.
-I don't want to argue with you anymore. I love you too Nunu-hyung ... If you don't mind, I'd like you to take a shower before we go eat! I don't want girls to enjoy the sight of your muscles Nunu with broad shoulders!!

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