Chapter Three

Being Careful

Hope you peeps enjoyed Yongguk's & Zelo's role playing with each other smileyThis chapter shall be in Zelo's Point of View.

The role playing with Yongguk had been fun and if it was made into a movie..The title would be A Twist Of Fate..

"Hyung, If our role playing from last night became a movie...What title would you give it?"  

"Claiming My Adorable Teacher. What about you?"

"A Twist Of Fate." I informed him and he nodded his head.

"We could call it. A Twist Of Fate: Claiming My Adorable Teacher."

"That sounds pretty good." I said calmly, a smile on my lips, and he kissed my right cheek.

"We could write a book, Zelo. Of course not using our names or anything. The teacher and cheerleader would be female in the book." Yongguk whispered into my left ear and his arms are around my upper back. "Think it would sell or not?"

"I want a cherry tomato." I muttered into his right ear.

"You are really cute, Maknae. I'll feed you some cherry tomato's." He told me and I smiled brightly at him.

"And I'll feed you something too. Not sure what I'll feed you, Hyung." I commented cheerfully. "So what do you want Yongguk hyung?" 

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LittleSwaggah #1
That's pretty cute even though I would have prefered longer chapters. I liked reading it ^^
"You want to eat my hyung ?!" Rofl
Daebak~! That was so cute!
winterflowr #4
What if others...oh well~
Moar XD
Lol a banana and 2 cherry tomatoes ?? ....when I heard that I was laughing hard
What if they find out!
winterflowr #8