
Her favorite pillow

Harley's day ended just like every day before it. She tidied up her studio apartment, packed her lunch for work (leftover chicken from dinner and a container of salad to go with it. She was trying to diet yet again.),and set out her work clothes for the next day. A quick shower (and even quicker skin care routine), hair done up in pigtails so it would be somewhat manageable the next morning and standard brushing and flossing. She slipped into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt before crawling into bed.

“Goodnight, JunJin”, Harley said to the full body pillow of a handsome man stretched out, forever handsome. He didn't reply (of course not, he was made of printed cotton and polyfill) and she sighed as she snuggled him close and closed her eyes. Her alarm was set and she drifted off to sleep, just like every night before.


When her alarm went off, blaring loud enough to wake the dead, Harley opened her eyes and yawned. Then immediately screamed.

The face in front of her, usually screenprinted on the cotton that made up the pillow, looked more real than ever and instead of the handsome smirk that it usually had, was relaxed in sleep, eyes closed and full lips pouty.


“D-dreaming….. must be….dreaming”, she muttered to herself and closed her eyes tightly, counted to ten under her breath before she opened them again.

The face was the same and she screamed again. This time the man woke up and he screamed too, his voice raspy with sleep.


“Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!”, their screams of terror harmonized and they both sat up and stared at the other.

“What are you doing in my bed?”, Harley questioned him as she pulled the covers up to her chin and stared at him warily.

“I'd like to know the same thing! I was getting ready to go into an interview and suddenly I showed up here”, JunJin snapped as he looked around her bedroom.

“My pillow…... you're supposed to be my pillow”, she stuttered as she realized how close she was too the ultimate object of her affection.

His thick eyebrows furrowed as he tried to make sense of what she'd said.

“Pillow….. I'm supposed to be your pillow?”, he parroted back at her.

“Yes! My pillow!”, Harley said, exasperated and started to dig through her blankets, looking for the pillow that was supposed to be there. No….it wasn't there. And in it's place…..was a living breathing man.

“I have….had the body pillow you did as fan goods….”, Harley said a little sheepishly.

“Your pillow”, JunJin said slowly as he remembered. “But what does that have to do with me ending up in your bed?”

“I have no idea…..”,Harley whispered as she closed her eyes again, only yo be startled by her alarm going off again. She really needed to get out of bed and get ready for work but…. This situation…… yeah, she was going to call into work.

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Chapter 1: btw, did you manage to buy that body pillow?
Chapter 1: Ha ha, every fan girl dream come true. Where can I get a pillow like that.