Forever Love

Forever Love

The skies were dark, the sun hidden by the dark storm clouds. Even the birds and the other creatures seemed to be hiding. The air was cold, and not one sound could be heard. The playgrounds abandoned, streets bare, coffe shops and stores were empty. There was one person looking around the abandoned town in complete awe and despair.

He felt depressed and alone, as if he was destined to stay that way. He walked silently his shoes not even making a sound leaving a trail of footprints in the dusted streets.

He looked into a coffee shop and saw cups of coffee sitting on a table as if they were just placed there waiting to be drunk by the customers.

He looked across the street and saw the sad playground and was getting depressed as the wind moved the creaking swings back and forth.

He moved to the small men's suit store where there was unfinished altering on the mannequins. Two suits, one black and one white that looked to be just about completed.

The man wasn't sure but it was as if those three places told a story, a story of significance, but no matter how long he looked or how much he thought about it, it wouldn't come to him.

A gust of wind startled him making him shiver and he turned around gave the town another look. He felt as if his soul was leaving him, abandoning him leaving him as everyone had left this small town.

His feet started moving, taking him to where he didn't know. He didn 't question anything just let them do their own thing. Suddenly he felt snow touch his pale white skin. He looked back up at the sky and closed his eyes as the cold continued to surround him and the white flakes fell on his face. He suddenly felt different, didn't know what this feeling was. It was as if someone was there looking at him. He felt goosebumps crawl over his arms and he no longer felt alone

He didn't feel scared just uncomfortable. He opened his eyes and they were blurry for a moment adjusting to his surroundings. He looked around in the dark and in the distant he saw a figure standing there. He couldn't tell if it was a man or woman, just a figure. They didn't move, nothing, just stood there.

The man looked curiously for several moments and moved his feet slowly to this person, wanting to know more. Wanting to know what he was doing there with him, when there was no other sign of life in this small deserted town. The man looked curiously at the lone figure feeling even more alone and a little frustrated. When he took a step forward the person took a step back. When the man took a step back the figure took a step forward.

It was like a mirror everything the man did the figure did the same thing, but the opposite. He wanted to see this figure, and he didn't know why he felt so curious. It was something that was out of reach, and he didn't like that feeling. He couldn't take his eyes off of the figure he was mesmerized. The man took a step forward and slipped on some ice that had formed on the road from the still falling snow and fell face first.

He spit out the snow of his mouth and he got on his knees and kneeled. He slowly got back to his feet and looked down at his pants and looked at it curiously wondering why his pants weren't wet. He looked up suddenly remembering the figure that had caught his attention and he looked ahead of him and saw nothing. He frantically looked around him wanting to see that stranger not knowing exactly why. He felt panic set in and he felt his heart beating wildly.

He started to run and thought he saw a shadow turn the corner. He felt as if his life depended on him seeing the stranger. He ran down the street and as he got to the end to turn the corner he stopped and was right back where he started. He saw the light post and the coffee shop he had just looked in moments before the stranger appeared.

Confused he started running again and moments later he was right where he had started. He couldn't let the stranger get away, and didn't want to believe that he'd never see them again. After several times had passed and he was right back to where he started and he was now out of breath, he felt sweat dripping down his face and he realized that it was no longer chilly.

The snow was gone along with the dark clouds and the sun was shining down on him with clouds moving around as if they wanted to hide the sun again. The street was still bare, the shops were still empty, but he no longer had that empty feeling.

He felt alive again and he looked around hoping to see that stranger. His heart started beating wildly as he turned and came face to face with the stranger. It was a man, and he had beautiful pale white skin, and black hair that covered his eyes. The man tilted his head feeling something strange and familiar as if he should know this man. He felt something in his heart, and it hurt. He stepped forward and the figure didn't move back or mirror what he was doing.

He opened his mouth for the first time since arriving in this strange town. "Do I know you?" He asked still uncertain of all he was feeling and experiencing.

"Junsu." The stranger said and the man squinted his eyes and they widened as he realized he didn't even know who he was.

'Am I Junsu?' The man asked himself, and suddenly he know this man as Yoochun, the love of his life and tears collected in his eyes.

"Junsu, you're here." Yoochun's voice cracked and he nodded his head furiously.

"Yes Chunnie I'm right here!" Junsu yelled out waving his hand in front of his face, wondering why Yoochun was not responding to him. "Don't you see me? I'm right here. Yoochun please say something! "Junsu choked on his own tears and could taste the salty liquid on his lips. "Chunnie please look at me! I'm right here! "Junsu fell to his knees reaching out to his love not knowing why he couldn't see or hear him.

"I love you Su-ah, I'm missing you so much!" Yoochun was then silent as waves of emotion wracked his body and he shivered.

"What do you mean you miss me? I'm right here! Right in front of you Chunnie! "Junsu continued to cry as Yoochun's tears mixed with the falling rain.

Junsu stood up trying to touch Yoochun wanting to hold him and kiss him. "What's going on? Why can't you see me? Chunnie why can't I hold you? Why can't you hear me? "Junsu was starting to panic even more as all of his memories suddenly started to come back to him.

... "Park Yoochun, will you go out with me?" A shy seventeen year old burst out in the middle of the coffee shop where the said teenager sat with his other two friends. Yoochun sat there as the cute boy stood there nervously asking him out and his two best friends Yunho and JaeJoong sat there trying hard not to laugh.

"I'm sorry, I'll just go." Junsu said and with red cheeks turned around to head out when a hand wrapped around his wrist.

"Please don't go, join us." The elder man said ...

... "Junsu, will you marry me?" Junsu sat on the swing and stopped pumping his legs as Yoochun kneeled in front of him. The swing stopped and he got up on shaky legs and walked slowly to the love of his life.

"Junsu you're scaring me, please will you marry me?" Junsu laughed at Yoochun's discomfort and launched at him his arms wrapping around him and both of them falling to the sand.

"Of course I'll marry you!" Junsu said, and while on top of the elder man he leaned his head down and captured his lips into a sweet kiss ...

... "You sure you like this one?" Junsu asked unsure as he looked at himself in the mirror wearing the white tuxedo. He kept turning around at the different angles making sure that his didn't look that big. "I think this one makes my look big." Yoochun smirked at his fiancée and quickly stole a kiss from him.

"Why do you think I like it so much?" He asked with a big smirk and Junsu playfully smacked him in the arm. He tried to act like he was mad, but he couldn't be any happier. He looked at Yoochun and smiled even bigger knowing they were getting married in two days ...

The two men didn't say a word, the only sounds were their sniffles that only Junsu could hear. Junsu's memories came back, but he still didn't know why Yoochun couldn't see or hear him.

"Su, I'll always love you." Yoochun whispered. "I don't want to let you go."

"Then you don't have to let me go! I'm here, just look at me please! "Junsu wiped at his tears and he had a bad feeling at his lover's voice and it scared him and he shivered.

"Junsu, I can feel you here today. I know you're here. "Yoochun chuckled slightly as if he was nervous. "I haven't felt your presence in over a year."

That statement bothered Junsu, but he didn't have a chance to think about it when Yoochun continued.

"Jae hyung and Yunho hyung say it's time for me to move on, to start dating again. They tell me I've been depressed and lonely for too long. They tell me you want me to be happy even if it's with someone else. I know they are right, but at the same time I wish it was you beside me. "Yoochun stopped talking as the slight rain turned into a downpour. Thunder boomed loudly and lightening lit up the darkening sky. Yoochun's heart hurt knowing that his Junsu was crying and hurt over his words.

"NO! I can't let you leave me. How could you say I'd be happy if you were with someone else? What about me Yoochun? I'm nothing without you! Chunnie don't you love me? Why do you want to leave me? "Junsu wailed as he fell back to his knees begging for Yoochun to hear his desperate pleas, then another memory suddenly appeared.

... Junsu felt weak and tired. His body hurt, and he couldn't move his arms or legs. He suddenly heard his name being said weakly and he recognized it as Yoochun's but his eyes wouldn't open.

"Junsu? Do you hear me? Come on Su baby, you need to tell me you're going to be okay. "Yoochun kneeled next to the bloody man who was thrown from the car when it was hit just moments ago. Junsu felt something wet and he opened his eyes to see his tearful fiancé kneeling above him. He wanted to reach out to him and wipe his tears but his body wasn't listening to his head.

"D ... don'tc ... cry Chunnie." Junsu was finally able to choke out and he felt Yoochun's hands on his head, and Yoochun hushed his words.

"You don't need to speak Junsu you need to save your energy." Junsu nodded his head slightly and started to close his eyes again. He felt so tired, and he just wanted to sleep. "No baby, please don't close your eyes. You need to be okay. We're supposed to be getting married in thirty minutes, but if we postpone it, that's ok. Just tell me that you'll be mine forever. "Yoochun yelled out as Junsu nodded his head not able to talk very much.

There were sirens wailing as Yoochun pleaded with Junsu to just hold on long enough to get medical attention. Junsu could feel his consciousness slipping and knew it was the end for him. It took his last bit of strength to open his eyes one last time and look at his forever love.

"Chunnie, please find someone else to make you happy." Junsu choked out and Yoochun shook his head violently, almost making him dizzy.

"Su, don't say things like that. I could never be happy without you! "He yelled at and Junsu continued to breathe heavily.

"Ch ... Chun ... please be happy ... Just remember ... I ... I ..." Junsu swallowed his words and tried to say the last two that was in his mouth and heart, but he couldn't get them out.

"You what? You what? Junsu please don't close your eyes. Please don't leave me! "Yoochun closed his eyes and sobbed as Junsu's hand went limp in his ...

"Su, I'm sorry I couldn't save you from the car. I love you yet I hurt you and now you're crying. You know I can't stand it when you cry. "Junsu sniffed and wiped his tears and the rain lessened a bit. "Even though your body is not here I know your soul is, and you're my number one priority, and if it hurts you to know I'll be with someone else, then I won't." Junsu shook his head at Yoochun's words even though he couldn't be seen.

Junsu couldn't believe how selfish he was thinking that even though Yoochun would never be able to see him or hold him that he shouldn't find someone that could love him. Nobody could ever love Yoochun as much as he did, but he deserved happiness, even if it wasn't with him. He also knew he'd be even more angry at himself if he was the reason why Yoochun couldn't be truly happy again.

Junsu stood up facing Yoochun and he wanted to touch him and give him one last hug and kiss goodbye. His happiness was everything to him. He extended his hand and touched Yoochun's cheek. Yoochun brought his hand to his cheek and hovered over Junsu's invisible one. Junsu then leaned over and kissed Yoochun's cheek.

Yoochun felt a tingling on his cheek. "Su is that you? Su how I miss you! "Yoochun continued to cry and then he suddenly felt a peace surround him, but he could still feel Junsu's presence, knew he hadn't left yet, but knew it wasn't for long. He didn't know why he knew that Junsu was leaving, he just did.

The rain suddenly stopped and realized Junsu heard his pleas and that he was going to go so he could move on and he suddenly felt alone.

"Su! I'm sorry I said anything, I don't want you to leave me. "Yoochun wanted to grasp Junsu's soul and never let go.

Junsu felt his heart breaking as he was saying his goodbye. He place one last kiss on Yoochun's lips and he cried even more as Yoochun brought his fingers to his lips as if wanting to keep that kiss and the slight sensation that was there.

Junsu suddenly saw a bright light behind him and he quickly learned that it was meant for him to walk through and leave Yoochun behind until it was his time to follow him. He kissed Yoochun's lips one more time and leaned into him.

"I love you Park Yoochun, and remember you will be my forever love." Junsu whispered into Yoochun's ear, and the latter shivered as the wind swirled around him.

With one last look Junsu walked into the light leaving his lover behind him.


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karinokta #1
Chapter 1: too sad :((((( nooo su must be patient to wait for chun to be together
Chapter 1: sooooooooooooooooooo heart wrenching poor chunnie poor suie TT
Chapter 1: noooo... my heart breaking T.T
Sorrow5 #4
Can i translate it into Vietnamese please?????
I reALLY love it
Promise that I'll take out with full credit for you ^^
Looking forward to your reply
Crap... This is so sad D: My tears ><
just one of the best.. i SWEAAAAAR... love you
-Nyaa- #7
Gosh... I look like nothing right now with my swollen eyes and wet face T^T /sobbingforever
This fic is so sad and so beautifully written ;_;