Chapter 3

Tragedy and Chocolate


Jonghyun's POV~

Key, I never forgot about you. Since the day you left to today. No I wasn't joking when I said I didn't know you last time... that time when i woke up in a hospital bed. But Kibum... why'd you have to leave? I would've been there supporting you all along... I don't care what other people thought... I wouldn't care if you were dying. I could've helped you Kibum! We could've have been together till the end. But now it's all over, I guess. We'll be parting between life and death...

I just... I can't leave... you can't leave. But what can we do now? Will we have to go our separate ways just because you have leukemia? I should have been there for you, Kibum. I should've noticed the pain you were going through. But now it's too late isn't it? We can't be together anymore. Maybe... maybe not? I can't help but stare at your pale skin. I can't help but your prominent features. I can't help but love you, Kibum. Why did it have to end this way?

I was losing my mind thinking about it. I looked him up and down and sighed. What I was about to do... would it be for the better? Over the past few months since we've been reunited, you've changed. Your expressions have grown softer, you've become kinder... you've become to fragile. I could break you like a toothpick if I wanted to... but I would never do that to him. I stared at him for, what I think, was the last time...

The doctors and nurses began to file into the room, each bringing the needed supplies for his surgery. Yes. My Kibummie was going to live.

"Come in. Come in." The doctor smiled, patting the seat in front of him. It was the day Key and I had different appointments.

"Hello doctor. What did you need to see me for?" I asked, limping into the room. My crutches made clacking noises each time they hit the floor. His eyes crinkled again as he smiled. "I have good news... I think. It may not be perfect, but it's better than nothing."

What could be good news? I wondered. I sighed and slowly took my seat. "Yes?"

"Your bone marrow... matches our patient Kim Kibum's."

I gulped. Had I heard it correctly? He stared at me intensely, all evidence of a smile gone. His face had become almost stoic> What the hell was this man thinking?

He cleared his throat. "Yes. But the only thing is... you'll be risking your life. You are in very unstable conditions and I wouldn't find it likely you'll survive. I only told you this because I know you love this Kim Kibum. I know... I've been working on his for years now. He would wail your name in his room when he thought everyone was sleeping. I found it... tragic." he said this slowly, almost like he wanted to force the effect on me. 

I let out a heavy sigh and stared at him. "Are you sure? Will this absolutely save Kibum?"

"Yes. But you have to consider your own condi-"

"I don't care. Will he live?" I said, arrogantly cutting him off.

"With your bone marrow, yes. The surgery will most likely be successful, so I am quite sure."

"Most likely?" I almost screamed. "What about 100% SURE?"

"Well, we never know. Mistakes happen and we can't always do the job right... though we try out best to. Our hospital is top of the line and-"

"I don't ing care about this hospital or its ratings. I care about Key. Will he live?" I was almost standing now, my eyes burning holes into his poor skull.

Are you referring to Kim Kibum? Is that what you call him? Key?" he seemed a bit curious about the meaning of that name.

"ARGHHH!" I screamed. "I agree with all the ... just let Kibum live. And if he doesn't and I’m still alive, you'll pay, doctor."

I walked out the door, still grumbling. "Wait! Then you have to sign these papers!"

I turned back and frowned. Why was society so difficult? He handed me a packet of documents with a pen. I placed myself in a comfortable position on a stool and began to write. As long as Kibum was alive...

Now I was here... waiting. Another doctor sent me into a room and placed a needle into my arm. I hated needles. And the thought that Kibum hated needles made me worry even more. "Goodbye Kibum." I said to myself, and allowed myself to become enveloped in sleep.


Key’s POV~

I woke up, still wondering why they had injected me with that whatever it was before. I tried to sit up, but it seemed even more difficult than usual. I lied back down.

Where was Jonghyun? I shook my head. He was always here. I haven’t seen him all day. Huh. Strange. Maybe he’s coming right now.

I waited a couple minutes and groaned. He still wasn’t here. Was he teasing me? I decided to call through the hospital phone and asked the head nurse where Kim Jonghyun was.

“Kim Jonghyun…” she said, “is… momentarily in unstable condition. Please excuse me, Mr. Kim. I’ll get a doctor to further discuss this. Dr. Choi will meet up with you in a moment.”

She hung up.


I waited for about ten minutes, desperately clinging onto my sheets to keep from screaming. Was Jonghyun okay? How could that nurse not tell me? Is he really in that bad of a condition? I began sobbing when Dr. Choi arrived, smiling… as usual.

“Hello Kibum.” He said in that usual tone of his.

I just nodded my head, still covered by the white sheets. “What’s going on, doctor?”

“Jonghyun is currently in… a coma. We don’t know when he’ll wake up. But on the bright side, you may leave the hospital in a week!”

“WHAT?” I screamed. “What the… how did… why didn’t you tell about any of this? Is Jonghyun dying? What the f-“

“No Kibum. Jonghyun is in a coma. I didn’t want you to worry, so I never told you. Don’t worry. Jonghyun will be fine when he wakes up.”

“AND WHEN IS THAT?” I screeched.

“Like I said, we don’t know.” The doctor replied, rather annoyed by my loud outbursts.

I sighed, trying to calm down. Okay…okay.


*Four Years Later*


It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Since I’ve seen Jonghyun alive and well. I meet his sleeping body twice a week, talking about whatever that came into mind. Each time, crying and gripping onto his hand for dear life.

Today was one of those days. The day I would visit him. But I don’t know if I can… I just feel so-so… alone. I am walking towards the hospital that haunted my life for years. And there he was, still as lifeless as ever. His hair had grown. It was down to him shoulders now. I put on my best smile, as if he could see me, and kneeled beside his bed.

“Hi Jongie.” I say, his delicate features. “I-I miss you.” Tears were already beginning to form. I’m still smiling. “There really hasn’t been anything going on at work for the past couple days. It’s just a bit stressful.” I chuckle.

I try to remember the times when he would make funny facial expressions and stupid remarks. “I brought something for you.” I say, holding a wooden box. “It was the ring you tried to give me that one day… I know it’s not much, but it really took me a long time to find it in all those boxes of yours.

Still no response.

I’m burying my head in my hands now. “Please Jonghyun…just- just say something. Tell me you hate for leaving you and breaking your heart. Tell me you hate me because I made you this way. Just… please.”

My tears drop on his face. I try wiping them away, but they keep coming. “Jongie. I miss you.”

Suddenly, an arm flies and hits my face, causing me to tumble to the ground. “What the…”

Jonghyun’s eyes are widening as he begins to flex his muscles. He turns toward my direction. “Key?”


He helps me up and apologizes, assisting me in picking up my stuff. His hand and mine grab onto a box, and we both look at each other. He takes that box from my hand and opens it.

“Will you marry me?”




Done! I hope you enjoyed this short story and check out all my other ones as well! Don't forget to sign up for those roleplays and my tumblr (keyrainbowos)... and well, I was considering making this a super angsty, romeo and juliette. thing. But then I'm like... nah. I love happy endings. Don't you?

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Oh my God, I cried so goddamn much in this! ;_; Beautifully written <3
heyalyssa #2
GOSH~ i really thought it wouldn't be a happy ending and i almost cried because of your last remark in chapter 2 but yeah~ :D
i hate angst but this one is just too good and it got me hooked.
good writer is good~
luhans-vaqina #3
Does Jjong remember him? :O
It's about to end?
Aww~ too bad. It got me hooked...mainly because it's JongKey and a sad one in addition.
So Jonghyun remembers him?
luhans-vaqina #5
It's only the first chapter, yet it's already so beautiful. :O
You're an AMAZING writer. I'm gonna have to check out your other AFFs~<3
I guess, being forgotten by the one you love is one of the most painful thing that can happen to a person...
please get well soon and shine :)
(if I doupleposted im sorry my connection is a )