Love's Way

Chocolate Chip Stories {One Shot Request Shoppe/ Review Shoppe} [HIRING STAFF] ((OPEN FOR ANY RANDOM ONESHOT REQUEST! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TOO ;D ))

You might want to listen to this song while you guys are reading this. I tried my best in making the meaning of the song cohesive with the plot line :3

Love's Way by SHINee


Camille’s POV


                I looked out the café window, staring at the raindrops as it slowly hit the glass. Once again my misted over and I looked down to try and stop my tears from coming.

I stared intently at the steam my untouched coffee was giving. I stared at it so hard until I felt the mist in my eyes were gone…

My hands shakily lifted the coffee mug up to my lips in slow motion…

I don’t know how our relationship ended like this…  

My eyes started to mist over once again but I couldn’t stop it anymore. And slowly, as much as I didn’t want it to, the first tear slipped from my eyes.

I quickly rubbed at that offending tear, trying to cover up the fact that I cried in public.

I walked into the coffee shop where I was supposed to meet Chunji. I scanned the crowd for his blond hair and saw him seated on the other side of the café.

It looked like he didn’t notice me coming in. Well, since his back WAS facing the entrance. My face broke up into a devious smile as I planned to give him a shock.

With that smile still on, I stealthy skipped my way to his side when I noticed he was talking to one of the waitress.

What could I say? That waitress had s the size of Mt. Fiji in Japan….. But times two! I stealthily hid behind one pillar near Chunji’s seat.  I wasn’t thinking that he’s cheating or anything but sometimes Chunji does get a little flirty when he’s being cocky.

Waitress puts down the coffee clearly in a flirty manner. Chunji chuckled noticing how the waitress added an extra flirt too how she moved (Camille: That bish! I’m going to skin you alive (>_<)).

“What?” the waitress asked, acting innocent (C: Seriously? Can this bish even act? I don’t think so -_-).

“Oh nothing,” Chunji cockily said, picking up his coffee and sipping some of it with a smirk. (C: Chunji! Don’t you dare entertain that bish .___.)

The girl crossed her arms over her chest, making her s seem like Mt. Everest (-___-). Chunji’s smirk grew bigger as he raised his eyebrows at the woman.

“I know you like what you see…” the girl said, still keeping up with her innocent face. I was little to pouncing out from behind this post and go all lion on that girl. She deserved the beating I’d give her. Later.

“Oh really? Do I?” Chunji said, raising his eyebrows again. Okay, I’ll kill Chunji after I bury that bish.

“Yeah. I know you do,” the girl said, ever so slightly leaning a bit forward to show Chunji a bit more of her HUGE cleavage. What shocked me most was Chunji’s head didn’t even lean away! Like, that girl’s cleavage was THIS close to his face.

“I don’t think so…” Chunji said, smiling cockily. I could say I knew what was coming next. If I don’t stop this DIRTY conversation, that woman would bend over to give Chunji the front seat view of her twin towers AND I was not about to let that happen!

I slid out from behind the wall, arms crossed. “Would you mind getting your s out of my boyfriend’s face?!” I said crabbily, crossing my arms over my own chest.

The woman immediately straightened up and crossed her arms over her chest to try and hide it.

“Yeah. So, would you please get your face and you “twin towers” out of my line of sight unless you want to be dragged over broken glass, face first.” I snorted, planting my hands on either side of my hips.

I guess the girl also knows how to feel embarrassment since she just looked down and walked away without any other words.

Ok, now that person was done, time for the second person to face my inevitable wrath. I slowly turned my heels around to face Chunji.

MOTHER OF MOTHBALLS! Chunji was just lazing around in his chair and acting like he didn’t take part in what just happened a minute ago.

“Yah!,” I hissed, hitting the backside of his head to try and snap him out of his cocky attitude.

“What did you do that for?” Chunji hissed back obviously annoyed.

“Why did you do that?” I hissed angrily at him.

“I did nothing!” Chunji defensively retorted.  I narrowed my eyes at this statement.

“You did nothing?? You DID NOTHING? Chunji! You allowed that girl too shove her load at your face!” I hissed, trying to keep my voice down while a jabbed my finger at his side.

“Psh, I wouldn’t even look twice a girl like that,” Chunji said cockily, crossing his arms over his chest.

That statement set me off! WHO DID HE THINK HE WAS? THAT GIRL WAS FREAKING PRETTY! NOT TO MENTION SHE HAD THOSE “TWIN TOWERS” TO BACK HER UP! I’m irritated at that girl, I truly am but I can’t stand hearing Chunji say “a girl like that”. A girl like what?

“Can you please, just for a moment, stop being so cocky!” I screamed, I didn’t care if people were looking at me.

“I’m never cocky,” Chunji said, rolling his eyes.

“See! That’s what I’m talking about! As much as I love you, I hate the fact that you are SO cocky!”

Chunji rolled his eyes, “Camille, keep your temper down. You’re embarrassing me!” Chunji whispered, looking around.


I was pissed (-_-).

“You’re embarrassing me?! YOU’RE EMBARRASSING ME?! That’s it! I can’t take your freaking attitude anymore! I had enough Chunji, you hear me? I. HAD. ENOUGH.” I said, throwing the “couple” ring he gave me before at his cocky face.

I my heels and stormed off, but I wasn’t fast enough not to hear his snarky comment.

“Aigoo, I hate it when she goes all Terminator.”

I stopped for a moment as tears clouded my eyes.

Good bye, Chunji.

As I remembered that moment that happened yesterday, I couldn’t help but stop the tears from flowing. This wasn’t me, crying in public wasn’t me. I tried so hard to build up my strong persona but Chunji just broke it all.

But what was more unacceptable was that he didn’t even try to stop me from leaving.

Was I really that “embarrassing” to him? Was I that embarrassing to be with, with my hyper and childish behavior?

As more questions similar to those popped up in my head, my tears started to fall faster. I swallowed back my sniffles so that I could hide from the public that I, Lee Camille, was crying in a public café without shame.

I stared down at the floor as my sniffles won over me. My shoulders shook as I cried silently, trying to keep as low profile as I could.

And that’s when I felt someone wrap its arms around me.

I bit my lip to control my sobbing as I looked up at the person who decided to comfort me. I was looking at a certain blond hair person who was squatting beside me with his head buried in my side.

He probably felt that I was looking at him because he lifted his head from my side to look at me straight in the eye. I saw the sadness and longing in his eyes as he stared back and I just couldn’t help but hug him.

He was obviously shocked, not expecting me to hug him so suddenly. At first, it was me who was holding on, burying my face in the crook of his neck as my sobs and sniffles started to go wild. And then as the reality of the situation sunk in, he wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

“I’m so sorry Camille for making you cry,” Chunji whispered to me, his voice cracking a bit.

I hugged him tighter.

“I’m sorry for embarrassing you too,” I sobbed. I felt Chunji sigh.

“Camille, don’t ever say sorry for embarrassing me because you’ll never be able to embarrass me,” he pulled away from the hug so he can get a better look at my red and crying face.

I looked down in embarrassment to only find his hand under my chin to raise my face up to look at him directly.

“I love you, Camille. And I would never be embarrassed to be with you, okay? I said that out of frustration and I regret saying that,” Chunji said, his face was sad and comforting but I could hear his voice breaking. A sign that he wanted to cry…. Even if it was just a bit…

“Camille, I’m sorry for what I said and would you be my girlfriend… again?” Chunji asked, holding up the couple ring I threw at his face yesterday.

I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time, but this moment was to special to laugh at so I could only shake my head “yes” as I hugged Chunji tight.

“I LOVE YOU CHUNJI!” I said loudly.

And then wild cheering filled the room. Chunji and I looked at where the cheering come from to see all the staff and costumers of the café where we were staying standing up and clapping their hands.

“Atta boy!”

“Yieee, that’s so sweet! I wish my boyfriend would do that when we fight”

“I envy this couple! Hmmp!”

Those were the words we could hear coming from the crowds. I could only laugh along with Chunji and how utterly silly this moment was.


Here you go prettyangel25. Sorry if I couldn't show the other personality traits of Camille in the story. I just had a hard time to think up a plot where I could show all of her personality trait in one chapter.

I hope you still liked it though. XD. I'll just go look for a super hot picture of Chunji for you so you'll forgive me if ever you are disappointed XD. LOL, I had fun watching this and I loved the song! Hehehehe, I loved the meaning and all :D

Love Always,

Orange Carnival


^^ Is love XD

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loveYM's request is half done. I'll post it tomorrow. School started so yeah. But tomorrow for sure.


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i know this is very late but i've read my story way way years ago XD and I'm very thankful !!!! i so love it and i haven't visited aff for a while now XD do you still write stories?
thank you~~~ ^_^ this is really fluffy... i like it.. <3 thank you for feeding my hanmi feel... keke..
privatecookie228 #3
Chapter 20: Lol, the ending! I've always imagined Emily around Henry's age, so it's a bit weird to read Kyu callin her noona.
Thank you :)
still waiting :3 hehehe good luck!
JeonunJen_Imnida #5
Chapter 16: Yeeey ;~; Omg. Thank you. I loved it. I almost forgot that I put Chunji as the cheater boyfriend so I was kinda surprised when I saw his name there. Anyways, the 'Tell oppa everything,' line really got me. *u* omg. byunghun feels. Thaaaaanks <3 *massive bear hug*
orange_carnival #7
@Prettyangel25 Aigoooo~ You don't know how your comment made my day!!!
don't worry about the fact that your weren't able to get all of her personality traits in the oneshot, it was so beautiful and those pictures of Chunji *dies from happiness overload* ^^
OMG you don't even know how happy I am right now XD
Like it very much^^
~omo~ this story is soooooo irresistibly cute too^^
p/s: just love yo seob's pic thehehehe
Thank you so much for the lovely oneshots!!!!
I cant believe TaeMin would say those y words! hahaha
You made my day, i liked the oneshot! :)