Right Time and the Right Place

Chocolate Chip Stories {One Shot Request Shoppe/ Review Shoppe} [HIRING STAFF] ((OPEN FOR ANY RANDOM ONESHOT REQUEST! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TOO ;D ))


“Yes, oppa?”


Arissa laughed at the obvious aegyo Soo Hyuk was doing. She could just imagine him doing a heart sign with his hands above his head and puffing out his cheeks to look cute.

Wahihihihihihihihi <- Arissa’s fangirl laugh.

“Aigoooo~ Oppa! I love you too,” Arissa cooed into the phone.

“Hahaha, I know that my little Cho-bear! Hey, I got to go now... Gimme a kiss?” Soo Hyuk asked childishly.

Arissa laughed at how childish and cute Soo Hyuk was acting. “MWAH! Okay, bye now!” Arissa laughed.

“Bye” Soo Hyuk said before hanging up.

Arissa listened to the phone tone for a few more seconds before closing her phone shut. It was always like this. With him shooting his TV show, Arissa and Soo Hyuk can rarely see each other anymore.

Yeah, they lived in the same apartment but whenever Soo Hyuk came home, Arissa would be asleep. And whenever Soo Hyuk wakes up and leaves, Arissa is still asleep.

Stupid shooting schedule.... (=___=).

Sighing, Arissa stood up from her position on the couch to get ready for another night of sleep alone. But she didn’t actually sleeps alone, Soo Hyuk sleeps besides her. But she’ll be already asleep by that time, so it still feels like she is sleeping alone...


You get it.



It was 9:30 PM and Arissa was still at the kitchen table finishing up her take-home workload for the day. Pushing the fake glasses she wear to appear smarter up her nose, Arissa sighed as she finished the first page of the manuscript.

Then suddenly....

The door rang!

Arissa’s head shot up. It couldn’t possibly be Soo Hyuk. It was waaaa~aaay to early for him to have finished shooting.

Standing up, Arissa remembered that she ordered pizza earlier and it was about time that pizza arrives. Stretching a little bit while walking down the super-long hallway. When she opened the door, another surprise was waiting for her.

It wasn’t the pizza delivery guy. No, not at all. But it was Soo Hyuk!

Arissa started to say “Why are you home so early?”, but before she could even utter the word “why” she was pushed against the wall.

Soo Hyuk pressed his body against Arissa to get as much contact from each other as possible.

Arissa stared deep into Soo Hyuk’s eyes and noticed some not-so-foreign emotion in them. Blushing deep scarlet, Arissa looked down.

“Not here, oppa...” Arissa said with a small voice.

“Why? I haven’t seen you for a week now, Cho-bear. I missed you,” he said in his uber husky *cough*y*cough* voice.  Soo hyuk then put both of his hands besides  Arissa’s head to trap her head.

“I missed you too,” Arissa said with a smile, putting her hand against Soo Hyuk’s cheeks.

“Then show me,” Soo Hyuk growled ily before diving  towards her lips for a hot and passionate kiss.

In the middle of that hot passionate kiss, they heard a forgein gasp.

Automatically pulling away from each other, Arissa wiped her lips free of saliva. Damn, how could they forget to freaking close the freaking front door!

Arissa and Soo Hyuk stared at the now frozen pizza delivery girl with her eyes and mouth wide open. Shooting a quick glance at each other, the two grabbed the pizza delivery girl and dragged her into the house, making sure to close the door.


-In the Interogation Room A.K.A Le Kitchen-

The pizza delivery girl was still in shock while sitting on the kitchen table, across from her was a shifty-eyed Arissa and standing behind Arissa was the cold-looking Soo Hyuk.

The girl shook her head, finally coming into her senses and opened . Arissa thought that she was going to say sorry or something but what came out was a totally different thing..


The girls shouted jumping around their kitchen while waving her Hello Kitty phone in the air. Arissa and Soo Hyuk was shocked at the girls reaction but quickly snapped out if it when the girl flipped open Hello Kitty’s head.

“Nooooooo!” Arissa and Soo Hyuk screamed, jumping at the girl.

It was like one of those slo-mo parts in the movie where the two stars lounged at the girl in super slow motion with their mouthes shaped into an “o” signifiying that they were saying “noooooo~”.

Arissa grabbed the phone while Soo Hyuk held the girl back.

“KYA~ SOO HYUK-OPPA IS HUGGING MEEEEE!” the girl squeeled and shaked in his arms. Letting go, Soo Hyuk stared at the girl.

“Please! Please, I beg off you! Tell no one about this!!!” Arissa used her pleading voice.

“Okay... I won’t tell anyone,” the girl smiled sweetly.

Arissa and Soo Hyuk sighed in relief but...


“If? What if? No if!” Soo Hyuk said, with matching wide eyes.

The girl wagged her finger. “I won’t tell only IF! Soo Hyuk-oppa pecks me right here,” the girl winked while tapping her lips.

“HELL TO THE NO!!” Arissa said, her eyes flaming up in irritation.

“Okay, if you want me to tell my friends and the news so...” the girl said slyly.

“No!” Soo Hyuked sighed, “I’ll peck you. But only once! Only once! And it’s a peck, not a kiss.” Soo Hyuk said, knowing he would regret this later on.

Arissa was in too much shock to respond, she could only watch with her eyes wide open as Soo Hyuk took hold of the girl’s arm and gave her the peck she so much wanted.

“Kya! Soo Hyuk-oppa just kissed me!” the girl screamed, hugging Soo Hyuk.

“Yah! Yah! We only agreed to let you peck him, not hug him.” Arissa said with a pout, pulling the girl away from Soo Hyuk.


Finally, the girl leaved after much debate. The girl was obviously still giddy about the peck since she was practically skipping down the sidewalk with the money for the pizza on her right hand.

Arissa closed the door with a sigh.

“Finally, that girl is gone.” Arissa rolled her eyes.

“Now.... Where were we?” Soo Hyuk said playfully.

“ I think... We were at this part...” Arissa smiled, tracing small patterns on Soo Hyuk’s chest with her finger.

Laughing, Soo Hyuk picked up Arissa bridal style and they went off, on their way to the bedroom…


*stays in corner and cries with rain clous over my head*

This was so fun to write but it's soooooo touchy-feely XD.

I'm sorry if I messed this up JP_Bestie TT^TT.

Kill me after I finish all my requests XD.

BTW -> click

OMFG... Writing this made me y TT^TT


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loveYM's request is half done. I'll post it tomorrow. School started so yeah. But tomorrow for sure.


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i know this is very late but i've read my story way way years ago XD and I'm very thankful !!!! i so love it and i haven't visited aff for a while now XD do you still write stories?
thank you~~~ ^_^ this is really fluffy... i like it.. <3 thank you for feeding my hanmi feel... keke..
privatecookie228 #3
Chapter 20: Lol, the ending! I've always imagined Emily around Henry's age, so it's a bit weird to read Kyu callin her noona.
Thank you :)
still waiting :3 hehehe good luck!
JeonunJen_Imnida #5
Chapter 16: Yeeey ;~; Omg. Thank you. I loved it. I almost forgot that I put Chunji as the cheater boyfriend so I was kinda surprised when I saw his name there. Anyways, the 'Tell oppa everything,' line really got me. *u* omg. byunghun feels. Thaaaaanks <3 *massive bear hug*
orange_carnival #7
@Prettyangel25 Aigoooo~ You don't know how your comment made my day!!!
don't worry about the fact that your weren't able to get all of her personality traits in the oneshot, it was so beautiful and those pictures of Chunji *dies from happiness overload* ^^
OMG you don't even know how happy I am right now XD
Like it very much^^
~omo~ this story is soooooo irresistibly cute too^^
p/s: just love yo seob's pic thehehehe
Thank you so much for the lovely oneshots!!!!
I cant believe TaeMin would say those y words! hahaha
You made my day, i liked the oneshot! :)