Night at Sunggyus' place


I ring the doorbell about 1500s times and no one comes. I sigh and dig in the vase next to the door where sunggyu keeps his spare keys when one of his s come over. I open the door with a loud bang and walk in as if its my own house.


*No one's here...WHERE THE DID THEY GO?!?* I scream in my head.

I look through all the rooms. Empty. Bored and tired, I go into the refridgerator, grab a beer and the last slice of cheesecake and sit down. I'm watching my favorite drama peacefully until


I jump and look towards where the sound came from.

*Back room* I think to myself.

*Do I save myself and the cheesecake and get the hell out of here? Or do I try to fight off whoever it is and protect Sunggyu's home?*

The first option seems better so I grab my stuff and the cheesecake and start to run.


Sunggyu comes out of the room slowly holding a plastic knife.

"Baby.." he says slowly "Why didn't you try to find out where the sound came from? Didn't you think it would be better to try to fight off the person for the sake of my house?"

"Umm...Hell no. My life and these really yummy cheesecake was more important to me. I knew you idiots were up to something *not really* so I wasn't going to do anything."

The rest of Infinite come out of the room slowly.

"Well since that stupid idiotic foolish plan didn't work, how about we eat some pizza?" L says as he pulls a box of pizza out of the oven.


"Yeah." They all say in unison except for L and Sungyeol.

*I really need new friends* I think to myself as I grab a slice.

We all decide to watch a movie and play a few games. As it gets darker and later, Dongwoo suggests we tell some ghost stories.

We all go and its now my turn.

"Late at night on a night just like tonight, in a room just like this room, a group of dumb teenage boys and one pretty smart girl, a group just like this one decided to play a game. It was the pretty one's turn and she started to tell a scary story. Suddenly the lights turned off. It was real dark and they couldnt find their cell phones. One of the boys tried to find some candles. He walked around the kitchen. Then was a loud scream and a bang. The teenagers are scared and decide to check on the boy since they cant hear any sound. As they get closer to the kitchen the door suddenly opens an-"

We all scream when the front door suddenly opens.

"What the hell are you guys doing and why are you screaming? Did I come in at a bad time? AND WHY IS IT DARK?!" Emily, dongwoo's childhood friend says.

"We were telling scary stories and you suddenly entered and we didn't know who it was and your a scary person so-" Sungjong starts to say really fast.

"Shut up! I get it. Whatever. I bought snacks want some?"

"Its three in the morning Emily." Sungyeol says.

"So what? You can eat snacks anytime~"

"I'm going to bed. I've had enough for one day."

"Goodnight~" They all say.

*I wish I go with her but that would look weird* Sungyeol thinks to himself as he grabs a snack.

BLEH! im so tired. I've been testing non stop for like the last 2 weeks and I still have another test monday, so i decided to finally update and im updating in school right now and I'm so FREAKING tired...... but anyway enjoy (My friend is freaking out because of the bad grammar but im to freaking tired to care right now.)

p.s. I wrote this last night.

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baek-yeols #1
I likeeeeeeeeeeeeee itt! :D update soon!!^^
Heehee, I'm liking it so far! :D LOL the brother sounds so annoying >.< Typical sibling love.. xD
Can't wait til Infinite appears! <3
oh thats so cool! My favorite teacher when I was younger name was Mimi and I've been in love with the name ever since and sure I'll change the text :3
seoulbeats #4
I really like the name you picked! 'cause you know what? that's my real name xD so it feels more realistic when I read your story :^D but I have a favor to ask, can you please change the style of the text? It's quite hard for me to read..