Chapter 5

Metallic Hearts

Smiling to himself as he kneaded Jonghyun's tense muscles as the water ran over them, Jinki couldn't help but wonder why it had taken him so long to spare the time to have a little fun. Holding Jonghyun's hand as he started to lather soap on his hard chest, Jinki lifted Jonghyun's chin towards him and kissed him hard, pulling him closer. When they pulled away, Jinki had a small amount of lather on his chest as well. Touching Jonghyun’s nose and watching him blush at the contact, Jinki felt a rush of love for him; the water drops rolling down Jonghyun's collar bones added to his already heightened senses, exciting him further. Dipping his head slightly, Jinki away a drop on Jonghyun's neck and felt his heart start beating faster. Too bad the shower was too small for what he wanted to do next, instead, he focused all his attention on kissing Jonghyun, his hands slowly wandering south, gently caressing Jonghyun's back.

The little brush of fingers against his hip had Jonghyun coming out of the haze he was slowly falling in. Coming to his senses he realized where and in what condition he was. He leaned back, biting his lips, Jinki hadn't noticed yet, but it wouldn't even take him a second to glance down and realize what so terribly wrong. "No," Jonghyun said softly, biting his lips in worry, trying to keep Jinki's attention on his face.

"What is it, beautiful?" Jinki asked, caressing Jonghyun's lower lip, gently pulling it out from beneath Jonghyun's teeth. "What has got you so worried?" Jinki asked, his other hand tenderly moving the hair out of Jonghyun's eyes.

"It's a little too small, it's getting a bit uncomfortable." Jonghyun leaned in, kissing Jinki, "Can we continue this on our bed?"

"Whatever you want, my love" Jinki kissed Jonghyun's forehead and yanked out two towels from the rack behind him, no sooner he had handed Jonghyun a towel he was being ushered out of the bathroom. "Hey, I haven't dried myself properly," Jinki whined, "What if I catch a cold?"

"No you won't, you're my strong baby," Jonghyun said ushering Jinki out hastily, making Jinki chuckle.

Jonghyun hid behind the bathroom door, his head peeking out from the space of the ajar door. "Jinki?" Jonghyun called out.

"Yes, baby?" Jinki asked smiling, the towel from around his waist was now untied and around his shoulder.

Jonghyun cleared his throat, trying to keep his eyes upon Jinki's face. "We're out of lube in both, the bedroom and bathroom cupboards, can you bring the one from the other room please?"

"Yeah sure, baby." and Jinki promptly left to get the lube.

Jonghyun breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped out of the bathroom, trying to keep his steps as light as possible to reduce the noise of steel clanking against the floor. He quickly settled down, he had only a few minutes to fix things before Jinki returned. He unscrewed his prosthetic to wipe all the water and dust that had clung to the steel on the short journey to their bed. Once he had screwed the prosthetic back on, he pulled out the tube of polymer paint he had hidden in under the bed. 

"Baby, I was confused which lube you wanted so I brought-" Jinki stopped in his tracks, his mind racing miles per second, grasping the sight in front of him, the answer to all the questions and doubts he had had since that day, right in front of him.

Jonghyun froze in the awkward stance he was in his leg with the now half-painted prosthetic propped up on the bed, his back bent, fingers of one hand smeared with paint and the tube in his other hand. He could feel his heartbeat increase with each step Jinki took towards him.

Feeling as though he'd just been stabbed, Jinki felt all the air inside him escape with a whoosh as he stood gaping at the sight in front of him. Unable to utter a single word, he just stared at Jonghyun mutely, waiting for an answer. After waiting for more than five minutes, with absolutely no change in expression on Jonghyun's face, Jinki slowly felt an intense feeling of anger envelop him. Knowing that if he continued to stay there, he would surely do something regrettable, Jinki silently picked up the keys to his car and walked out of their house. What he still couldn't figure out was why his husband hadn't said anything even when he was right in front of him. Was Jinki so unapproachable that his husband of all these years couldn't confide in him? Not knowing where he wanted to go, Jinki just drove blindly until his car ran out of gas. Stepping outside to figure out where exactly he was, Jinki spotted a bar right across him. One drink would probably help clear his mind of all the frustration and stress, and so he stepped inside, hesitantly. Luckily for him, the bar was quite empty and there wasn't a chance for him to be recognized. Sitting at the bar, Jinki, who usually only drank wine, was filled with confusion over which drink would help him forget everything that had happened. Choosing to have a glass of whiskey, Jinki drank it all in one gulp, which caused his throat to feel as though it was on fire. Surely, even drinking gasoline would be better than this. However, the lightheaded feeling he had started to get, helped him feel a lot better. Breaking his previous promise to Jonghyun that he wouldn't drink, Jinki plied himself with alcohol in the form of vodka, tequila, rum, and even more whiskey. Slumped on the bar stool as his head started spinning, Jinki knew he was in no condition to get back home safely. In fact, he wasn't even sure if he wanted to go home. 

Jonghyun, who had thought Jinki had just taken a short walk to clear his mind, kept staring at the clock, wondering why it was taking him so long. He'd tried to call Jinki fifteen times, and each time, it said that the phone had been switched off. When they'd had their fights before, Jinki had always stormed off, but he had always returned home in an hour. Where on Earth could he have gone? It was already late, but Jonghyun couldn't sleep at all because of how worried he was. He stayed awake all night long, waiting for Jinki to return. Around 6 am, he'd started to worry if something terrible had happened, and soon started calling all the hospitals in the area to check if Jinki had been admitted. Relieved that Jinki hadn't got into an accident, but annoyed that he had been away all night, Jonghyun sat right by the front door. 

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Chapter 16: Wow!!! This is really great<3 You have describes the scenes very well.
Each chapter was getting better and better.
The title of the fic makes sesnse now; it's really fitting.
The relationship between the two was very beutiful to read. Love the ending<333
You have worked hard author-nim!
Chapter 15: OMG Jinki, I never thought it would be like this!
this is a great idea!
Chapter 13: oh no jonghyun!!!
Jinki really needs to be strong for him
Chapter 12: hot hot hot
I can see how deeply they love each other
Chapter 9: Poor jongyu:( they will be away from each other
But atleast Jonghyun will be cured
Chapter 16: The ending was super rough to read but I finished it. I saved it way way back to read and just got to it now. I love a great happy ending.
Chapter 16: This story is just super sweet! Different n refreshing!
Al-Qamar #8
Chapter 16: Thank you for writing this. I'm so happy for them both. Such a sweet ending. :)
Chapter 16: Though I know in real life Jonghyun would probably be dead, I'm so happy he didn't die. And I love how Jinki turned the focus to Jonghyun...
This was such a beautiful ending to this amazing story. Thank you for your hard work writing it!
Chapter 15: I'm on edge. Will the transplant work? and if it does, would it be enough? and what does it means for life span??? so many question. Can't wait for the next chapter and secretly hope there would be some more M rated chapters if Jonghyun would feel better enough~ haha