Chapter 13

Metallic Hearts

Spending the last few days of their trips in Jinki's arms, Jonghyun couldn't help but think that this would be the last time he'd see his husband for at least a few months. Now that he'd had his fun, it was time to return to the hospital for his tests and treatment. For all that he wanted Jinki to remain by his side, he knew how his husband would react to him having tubes coming out of him. Taking out his phone, Jonghyun changed his wallpaper to a picture taken by the official photographer at the awards ceremony. It was the two of them, all dressed up, looking into each other's eyes as they smiled in pure pleasure. The picture that represented them at their best, was truly a treasure to be saved. Silent all through their flight back, Jonghyun clung on to Jinki like a baby monkey and it's mother. 

Though Jinki could read Jonghyun's mind this time, there was nothing he could say or do that would reassure the love of his life. All he could do for now was to just hold him close and show him how loved he was. Since they had to visit the hospital immediately after the flight, they used a nondescript car so that his fans wouldn't notice. The doctor was waiting for them and had a private room ready for Jonghyun. Ushering them inside, he instantly hooked Jonghyun to a very scary looking machine. The fact that he hadn't expected this day to come so soon, just floored him. Unable to see Jonghyun in this manner, Jinki kissed his forehead and made a hasty retreat to the waiting room while the doctors took new tests. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, the doctor called Jinki to give him the results. The frown on the doctor's face made Jinki's heart beat faster in anticipation.

"I'm afraid I have bad news for you, Mr Lee. Jonghyun's organs have started to fail, and he will now have to remain at the hospital permanently, to get his medication. You will soon begin to notice obvious changes in his body, as his organs have started to reject the medicines we have tried to inject. All we can do is try and slow down his body from completely shutting down, but we can't stop it from happening. I would advise you not to react or mention this to your husband, as this would only worry him even further. At this point, he needs a lot of willpower and positive thoughts. If he enters into depression, he wouldn't be able to last even for two weeks"

His face ashen, Jinki nodded solemnly as he took in everything that the doctor told him. Though this wasn't a complete shock to him, he felt as though someone was twisting his heart very badly. How could he have even considered going back to work, and leaving Jonghyun here? There was absolutely no way he could leave him alone, not anymore. Going to see Jonghyun, Jinki finally noticed how frail he had become, and how much smaller he looked in the hospital bed. 

"My Jinki, how are you doing? You look tired, why don't you get some rest?"

"Even now, you're only thinking of me. I definitely don't know what I did to deserve you in my life, Jonghyun"

"I'll ask the doctor to have a bed brought in here for you. I don't want you to be alone at home. The nurse already told me that I may have to stay here for a few days, so just stay by my side till then and we can go home together"

How could he tell Jonghyun that this would never happen? Unable to look him in the eyes, Jinki simply nodded in silence, as he watched an attendant bring a bed for him. After spending a few days merely observing how Jonghyun was being cared for, a thought started to creep inside his head. Why couldn't he take his husband home, and care for him? Jonghyun wasn't hooked on to any machine yet, and it should be possible for him to spend a few days at the home he knew. Crossing his fingers, he sat with the chief doctor to discuss this idea.

"Mr Lee, I honestly don't think it is a good idea for Jonghyun to be moved from here, even for a few days. He needs constant care and you may not be able to provide him that"

"I know I can. If not for a long time, please let me take him home for a few days, so we can spend time together. I'm afraid, doctor. I really am. I don't want to lose him. but at the same time, I'm afraid to let him go"

"Since you're so adamant, I will agree for you to take Jonghyun home for three days and will arrange for his medication to be provided to you"

"Thank you, I promise to take good care of him"

Being able to bring his husband far away from the hospital smells made Jinki feel so much happier. He had a lot planned for the two of them, starting with ice cream at the park, the way they used to, back when they were younger. It had to be said, those childhood pleasures would never really leave a person completely.

As they walked side by side in the park, stopping to admire the flowers that had bloomed, Jonghyun was instantly transported to the past, when his life had been much easier. Their day had been filled with laughter, fun and ice cream, and Jonghyun was especially thankful to Jinki for giving him a day all to himself. With no expectations of any kind, the day had been filled with indescribably sweet moments that made Jonghyun fall even more in love with his husband. When Jinki touched the edge of his lips to remove ice cream, Jonghyun felt his heart beat faster as his breath got caught in his chest. it truly felt as though this was their first date, and he loved every second of it. Could their time together even get any better than this? All this had to be a dream, there was no way that life could actually be better than his thoughts.

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Chapter 16: Wow!!! This is really great<3 You have describes the scenes very well.
Each chapter was getting better and better.
The title of the fic makes sesnse now; it's really fitting.
The relationship between the two was very beutiful to read. Love the ending<333
You have worked hard author-nim!
Chapter 15: OMG Jinki, I never thought it would be like this!
this is a great idea!
Chapter 13: oh no jonghyun!!!
Jinki really needs to be strong for him
Chapter 12: hot hot hot
I can see how deeply they love each other
Chapter 9: Poor jongyu:( they will be away from each other
But atleast Jonghyun will be cured
Chapter 16: The ending was super rough to read but I finished it. I saved it way way back to read and just got to it now. I love a great happy ending.
Chapter 16: This story is just super sweet! Different n refreshing!
Al-Qamar #8
Chapter 16: Thank you for writing this. I'm so happy for them both. Such a sweet ending. :)
Chapter 16: Though I know in real life Jonghyun would probably be dead, I'm so happy he didn't die. And I love how Jinki turned the focus to Jonghyun...
This was such a beautiful ending to this amazing story. Thank you for your hard work writing it!
Chapter 15: I'm on edge. Will the transplant work? and if it does, would it be enough? and what does it means for life span??? so many question. Can't wait for the next chapter and secretly hope there would be some more M rated chapters if Jonghyun would feel better enough~ haha