Chapter 11

Metallic Hearts

Jonghyun was amazed at how many people knew of him. Within an hour of sitting down, he had met more people than he had ever imagined. Watching the way Jinki had morphed into a social butterfly had definitely boosted Jonghyun’s spirits. Unable to control the way his body was reacting to his husband, Jonghyun breathed deeply and focused on the big screen where the movies had started to play. The first movie to be screened was Jinki's, and Jonghyun felt an immense sense of pride as he heard the tremendous amount of applause as the introduction started. Enthralled, he sat squarely in his seat, enjoying the show. On the screen, Jinki was wielding a large katana and had ripped his shirt off, revealing his extremely toned body. Smiling at all the gasps around them, Jonghyun knew exactly what he wanted to do next. Why hadn't he ever wanted to see this? He had missed so many premiers and shows just because of his insecurity. Although he had never revealed this secret to his husband, Jonghyun knew how handsome all of Jinki's fellow actors were. Knowing that he had the world's most faithful husband, he couldn't help but be envious of those who saw Jinki in such events. He felt like a fool for preferring to stay hidden in the background, for all these years, and not supporting his husband as all the other spouses did. Now that he'd had his chance, there was no way he would ever miss anything again. In fact, Jinki's face seemed to glow each time Jonghyun squeezed his hand, and nothing filled him with more pleasure than seeing the man he loved, so happy. Along with his immense pride, Jonghyun felt a stirring in his body. It had been a while since they'd had some alone time, and he really wished that they had time before the event. Adjusting himself so that no one could see the uncomfortable position he was in, Jonghyun tried very hard to focus on all the movies being screened. 

Smiling at his husband's discomfort, Jinki whispered in his ear that they could leave early if he wanted to. Taking hold of Jonghyun's hand, Jinki kissed the back before touching the side of his face. As the camera focused on their little cute moment, the audience oohed and aahed, which made Jonghyun feel embarrassed. It was obvious that Jinki was making his point to the world, that Jonghyun was his one and only. Soon, Jinki was called onstage to accept the Best Actor award for his movie, and Jonghyun felt tears fall down his cheek from all the pride and love he felt. It had definitely been a dream of his, for Jinki to be presented with an award, and now reality was so much better than anything he had dreamed of. As the silver confetti dropped down from the ceiling, Jonghyun picked up a few pieces of the shiny paper so that he would always have a memory of this day. As Jinki stood on stage, the emcee announced that he would also be presented with the Best Male Lead award, from all the movies that had been screened. Smiling happily, Jinki looked extremely handsome standing there, and he took the microphone to convey his thanks.

"Thank you so much for presenting me with these two awards. The Best Male Lead has definitely come as a surprise to me. I would like to thank the director, producer and all my fellow actors for working hard with me to bring you all this production. I am honoured to announce that my better half, the love of my life, Jonghyun is here today to witness this. You may not know this, but I would have never pursued acting as a profession without his constant encouragement. He has always been right by my side, and I must say that I'm the luckiest man ever to be blessed with such a husband"

Smiling through his tears as Jinki joined him, holding the awards, Jonghyun whispered, "I'm so proud of you. I love you so much"

"I'm so glad that you're here with me, I couldn't imagine being on my own for this"

"I'll always be right here, with you"

After the end of the ceremony, Jinki and Jonghyun left for their hotel room. Since they were due to leave in a day, Jonghyun knew what was to come, once they landed in their country. Knowing that he would have to return to the hospital, Jonghyun seized his chance and whispered to Jinki that he wanted the last night to be theirs alone. Blushing like a tomato, Jonghyun started to remove his jacket, all the while smiling at his husband. He didn't have to wait long for Jinki to take the hint, as he soon found himself pressed against his husband's chest. That silk shirt felt incredible against his face, and Jonghyun crooned like a baby at the gentle touch. 

Jinki had noticed the anxious expression on Jonghyun's face and understood what he desired. A night to themselves sounded perfect and without any interruptions, they could take all the time they wanted. Though Jonghyun seemed the more innocent of the two of them, he had his own special kinks which Jinki now had more than enough time to explore. This was surely going to be a night for them to remember always. 

"Not so soon, my love. There's something I've always wanted to do. Go on, take off your shirt and pants and lie down with your eyes closed"

Silently obeying, Jonghyun stripped down to his underwear and lay facedown on their bed, as instructed. Hearing the sound of a match being lit, Jonghyun wondered what his husband was up to when the smell of lavender reached his nose. Scented candles around the room were making him feel relaxed and at ease. In a short while, Jonghyun felt Jinki's warm hands on his back and could smell massage oil.

"Masseur Jinki, reporting for duty"

Grinning to himself, Jonghyun sighed happily as Jinki started to use his hands and moved them upward, starting from the bottom of his back with the pressure being just right. Jonghyun felt his muscles relax as Jinki continued the exercise a few times, with varying levels of pressure, before moving to his neck and shoulders. Next, Jinki began to knead Jonghyun's waist by using his palm and fingertips in short, circular motions. Although it had only been about twenty minutes, Jonghyun felt all the stress he'd borne, magically disappear just by Jinki's touch. When Jinki swatted his playfully, Jonghyun sat up to reveal his hard , that had decided to make its presence known. 

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Chapter 16: Wow!!! This is really great<3 You have describes the scenes very well.
Each chapter was getting better and better.
The title of the fic makes sesnse now; it's really fitting.
The relationship between the two was very beutiful to read. Love the ending<333
You have worked hard author-nim!
Chapter 15: OMG Jinki, I never thought it would be like this!
this is a great idea!
Chapter 13: oh no jonghyun!!!
Jinki really needs to be strong for him
Chapter 12: hot hot hot
I can see how deeply they love each other
Chapter 9: Poor jongyu:( they will be away from each other
But atleast Jonghyun will be cured
Chapter 16: The ending was super rough to read but I finished it. I saved it way way back to read and just got to it now. I love a great happy ending.
Chapter 16: This story is just super sweet! Different n refreshing!
Al-Qamar #8
Chapter 16: Thank you for writing this. I'm so happy for them both. Such a sweet ending. :)
Chapter 16: Though I know in real life Jonghyun would probably be dead, I'm so happy he didn't die. And I love how Jinki turned the focus to Jonghyun...
This was such a beautiful ending to this amazing story. Thank you for your hard work writing it!
Chapter 15: I'm on edge. Will the transplant work? and if it does, would it be enough? and what does it means for life span??? so many question. Can't wait for the next chapter and secretly hope there would be some more M rated chapters if Jonghyun would feel better enough~ haha